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Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2016


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Animated Spanish flag icon 



Spain Jury Scorecard:

Brazilian framed flag icons with box shadow  Brazil 12
Tunisian framed flag icons with box shadow  Tunisia 11


Dutch framed flag icons with box shadow  Netherlands 10
Moldovan framed flag icons with box shadow  Moldova 9
American framed flag icons with box shadow  United States 8
Maltese framed flag icons with box shadow  Malta 7
Greek framed flag icons with box shadow  Greece 6
Colombian framed flag icons with box shadow


slovakia-framed-flag.jpg  Slovakia 4
Serbian framed flag icons with box shadow  Serbia 3
Bulgarian framed flag icons with box shadow  Bulgaria 2
Kazakhstani framed flag icons with box shadow  Kazakhstan 1




This was the Spanish Votes.

Good luck to all in the remaining sessions of the contest


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Number of Juries Voted: 14/34  

New Zealand framed flag icons with box shadow  New Zealand       7  Danish framed flag icons with box shadow  Denmark                            24 
British framed flag icons with box shadow  Great Britain                         88  French framed flag icons with box shadow  France       54 
Lithuanian framed flag icons with box shadow  Lithuania        31  ireland-framed-flag.jpg  Ireland        47 
Greek framed flag icons with box shadow  Greece        40  Moldovan framed flag icons with box shadow  Moldova        14 
Polish framed flag icons with box shadow  Poland        17  Chilean framed flag icons with box shadow  Chile        38 
Indian framed flag icons with box shadow  India        18  Canadian framed flag icons with box shadow  Canada      48 
Kazakhstani framed flag icons with box shadow  Kazakhstan        1  Bulgarian framed flag icons with box shadow  Bulgaria        26 
Serbian framed flag icons with box shadow  Serbia        10  Maltese framed flag icons with box shadow  Malta        34 
Indonesian framed flag icons with box shadow  Indonesia        52  russia-framed-flag.jpg  Russia        33 
Portuguese framed flag icons with box shadow  Portugal        25  Argentine framed flag icons with box shadow  Argentina        30 
Tunisian framed flag icons with box shadow  Tunisia        38  Romanian framed flag icons with box shadow  Romania        14 
Algerian framed flag icons with box shadow  Algeria       57  American framed flag icons with box shadow  United States        33 
Brazilian framed flag icons with box shadow  Brazil        18  Italian framed flag icons with box shadow  Italy        37 
Spanish framed flag icons with box shadow  Spain       25  Dutch framed flag icons with box shadow  Netherlands        45 
slovakia-framed-flag.jpg  Slovakia        33  Mexican framed flag icons with box shadow  Mexico        30 
azerbaijan-framed-flag.jpg  Azerbaijan        39  Colombian framed flag icons with box shadow  Colombia        32 
Croatian framed flag icons with box shadow  Croatia        12  Slovenian framed flag icons with box shadow  Slovenia        42 





Current Top 5 Positions:

1st British framed flag icons with box shadow Great Britain 88
2nd Algerian framed flag icons with box shadow Algeria 57
3rd French framed flag icons with box shadow France 54
4th Indonesian framed flag icons with box shadow Indonesia 52
5th Canadian framed flag icons with box shadow Canada 48






No changes this time in the top parts of the table,


In other side, very first point for Kazakhstan, each entry will finish the contest with points.


Muchas Gracias Espana !


Now time for the host jury to revel the votes.



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Animated Slovak flag icon  



Ďakujeme Za vašu bohatú účasť!

Dobrý deň priatelia, je pre nás poctou a radosťou privítať vás všetkých, fanúšikov športu a dobrej hudby tu u nás v Košiciach na Slovensku.

Teraz pristúpme k hlasovaniu slovenskej poroty:


thank you for your participaion!
Hello Friends, We are honored and delighted to welcome all of you, fans of sport and good music here in Košice, Slovakia.
Now let´s proceed to the Slovak jury votes




Slovakia Jury Scorecard:

Canadian framed flag icons with box shadow  Canada 10
Kazakhstani framed flag icons with box shadow  Kazakhstan 9
Croatian framed flag icons with box shadow  Croatia 8
Indonesian framed flag icons with box shadow  Indonesia 7
American framed flag icons with box shadow  United States 6
russia-framed-flag.jpg  Russia 5
Mexican framed flag icons with box shadow  Mexico 4
French framed flag icons with box shadow  France 3
Polish framed flag icons with box shadow  Poland 2
Serbian framed flag icons with box shadow  Serbia 1


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