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Final Standing is available here


ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b.jpg.4a05d2852188ff96f934faa5edf1d813.jpg :wGRE: maestro
5a91983c5af54_ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b-Copy.jpg.034592cc412660cfe59ff1ce89ac476f.jpg  :wIRL: Ogreman 
ca93554dea4b2d60ed198230c1a12f4b - Copy (2).jpg  :wROU: ady48



Here is the presentation of the three medallists. Congratulation to all three medallists of this prediction contest. @maestro with the gold medal, @Ogreman with the silver medal and @ady48 with the bronze medal.


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Announcement for the 2024 Totallympics Prediction Contests


Towards the 2024 Totallympics Prediction Contests, there will be some slight changes to certain parts of the Totallympics Prediction Contests. 


Rule and format changes:

- "Double-the-points" for matches in Team Sports contests. Explained: Every user will have 5 "Double-the-points" during the Group stage, 3 for the Main Round stage, 3 for the Knockout stage (if the Knockout stage begins from the Quarterfinals or earlier. Only 2 if the Knockout-stage begins from the Semifinals).

The amount of "Double-the-points" for each stage in a contest will be written when the prediction design for each stage will be posted. 


- "Captain"-points for Individual Events contests. Explained: Each user can select 5 "captains" for the contest. Each "captain" will double its' points for his or her's event. Example: Athlete A wins its' event which normally gives 4 points in total. If User A has selected Athlete A as one of his/her captains, Athlete A will score 8 points for User A. Users can score a maximum of 14 points (Captain points + bonus point included). Notice! If Athlete A competes in more than one event, user A has to indicate which event Athlete A is "captain" in. "Captain"-points can only be used once for each of the 5 selected athletes.


- Able to see users' predictions. Explained: After the deadline for each stage in a prediction contest has passed, all users will be able to see each other's predictions. The contest thread will be locked during this stage until the prediction design for the next stage will be posted, or until the Prediction Contest Manager unlocks the thread. 


- Points distrubution changes for the overall standing. See below an example of the changes.




Before 2024:

Rank Olympic Games World Championships

Continental Ch. (& Others)

1st 1000 900 800
2nd 780 700 620
3rd 650 585 520
4th 575 510 460
5th 505 455 410
6th 450 405 370
7th 400 365 335
8th 360 335 310
9th 330 310 290
10th 310 290 275



From 2024 and forward:

Rank Olympic Games World Championships

Continental Ch. (& Others)

1st 1000 900 800
2nd 900 800 700
3rd 825 725 625
4th 775 675 575
5th 725 625 525
6th 700 600 500
7th 675 575 475
8th 650 550 450
9th 635 535 435
10th 625 525 425




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