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Luge at the Winter Olympic Games Beijing 2022

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Men's Doubles Quotas:


2 quotas (4 athletes):


:AUT Austria

:GER Germany

:LAT Latvia



1 quota (2 athletes):


:CAN Canada

:CHN China

:CZE Czechia

:ITA Italy

:POL Poland

:ROU Romania

:SVK Slovakia

:KOR South Korea

:UKR Ukraine

:USA United States


Final standings below


  Athlete NOC Best 2nd 3rd 4th Points
1 Steu/Koller AUT 100 100 85 85 370
1 Eggert/Benecken GER 100 100 85 85 370
3 Sics/Sics LAT 100 85 85 70 340
4 Wendl/Arlt GER 100 70 70 60 300
5 Bogdanov/Prokhorov RUS 100 85 50 46 281
6 Bots/Plume LAT 70 60 55 55 240
7 Rieder/Kainzwaldner ITA 70 60 60 46 236
8 Mueller/Frauscher AUT 70 60 50 42 222
9 Denisev/Antonov RUS 55 55 46 42 198
10 Gatt/Schoepf AUT 55 50 46 19 170
11 Rieder/Rastner ITA 50 46 36 36 168
12 Geueke/Gamm GER 50 50 34 32 166
13 Nagler/Malleier ITA 50 39 36 34 159
14 Maltcev/Khalilov RUS 46 46 32 30 154
15 Chmielewski/Kowalewski POL 39 39 39 34 151
16 Walker/Snith CAN 42 34 30 28 134
17 Wardrope/Zajanski CAN 42 30 28 28 128
18 Mazdzer/Terdiman USA 34 30 30 26 120
19 Park/Cho KOR 32 30 28 25 115
20 Vavercak/Zmij SVK 28 24 23 22 97
20 Stakhiv/Lysetskyi UKR 26 24 24 23 97
20 Di Gregorio/Hollander USA 25 25 24 23 97
23 Gitlan/Serban ROU 26 26 22 22 96
24 Kellogg/Segger USA 32 22 18 17 89
25 Vejdelek/Pekny CZE 23 22 21 20 86
26 Hoi/Levkovych UKR 21 21 20 19 81
27 Mykyievych/Babura UKR 22 19 16 16 73
28 Siscanu/Oprea MDA 16 16 15 14 61
29 Huang/Peng CHN 15 15 14 14 58
30 Kashkin/Korshunov RUS 42       42


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and Olympic debut for the young guns and english speaking comentators favorites athletes Tomáš Vaverčák/Matej Zmij :yes


Will be the 6th consecutive SVK participation in the Luge doubles at the Olympics, with the NR being still the 9th place of Marx/Mick in Salt Lake 2002

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Women's Singles Quotas:


3 quotas:


:AUT Austria

:CAN Canada

:GER Germany

:ITA Italy

:LAT Latvia


:USA United States


2 quotas:


:UKR Ukraine


1 quota:


:ARG Argentina

:CHN China

:TPE Chinese Taipei

:CZE Czechia

:MDA Moldova

:NED Netherlands

:POL Poland

:ROU Romania

:SVK Slovakia

:KOR South Korea

:SWE Sweden

:SUI Switzerland


Which means that the relay should consist of: 


:AUT Austria

:CAN Canada

:CHN China

:CZE Czechia

:GER Germany

:ITA Italy

:LAT Latvia

:POL Poland

:ROU Romania


:SVK Slovakia

:KOR South Korea

:UKR Ukraine

:USA United States


Full women's standings below.


  Athlete NOC Best 2nd 3rd 4th Points
1 Julia Taubitz GER 100 100 100 85 385
1 Madeleine Egle AUT 100 100 100 85 385
3 Natalie Geisenberger GER 85 85 70 60 300
4 Anna Berreiter GER 100 70 60 60 290
5 Kendija Aparjode LAT 85 70 46 30 231
6 Eliza Tiruma LAT 60 55 50 50 215
7 Viktoriia Demchenko RUS 70 55 39 39 203
8 Dajana Eitberger GER 55 55 39 39 188
9 Lisa Schulte AUT 70 46 39 25 180
10 Ekaterina Katnikova RUS 50 42 39 34 165
11 Andrea Voetter ITA 46 46 42 30 164
11 Emily Sweeney USA 55 50 34 25 164
13 Summer Britcher USA 55 36 36 36 163
14 Hannah Prock AUT 50 36 34 30 150
15 Ashley Farquharson USA 42 32 32 30 136
16 Tatyana Ivanova RUS 70 50 6   126
17 Elina Ieva Vitola LAT 42 42 22 18 124
18 Nina Zoeggeler ITA 36 32 28 26 122
19 Marion Oberhofer ITA 34 28 28 28 118
19 Verena Hofer ITA 34 34 25 25 118
21 Diana Loginova RUS 32 32 25 21 110
22 Trinity Ellis CAN 36 26 24 23 109
23 Natalie Maag SUI 30 28 25 20 103
24 Sigita Berzina LAT 30 23 23 22 98
25 Brittney Arndt USA 32 24 22 19 97
26 Selina Egle AUT 30 21 16 12 79
27 Raluca Stramaturaru ROU 20 20 20 17 77
28 Olena Stetskiv UKR 19 19 17 10 65
29 Makena Hodgson CAN 18 16 15 12 61
30 Natalie Corless CAN 21 20 12 7 60
30 Yulianna Tunytska UKR 17 17 15 11 60
32 Aileen Christina Frisch KOR 16 16 14 12 58
33 Katarina Simonakova SVK 19 17 12 9 57
34 Olena Smaha UKR 21 13 9 8 51
35 Kailey Allan CAN 16 13 11 10 50
36 Tove Kohala SWE 15 11 10 10 46
37 Wang Peixuan CHN 16 11 10 8 45
37 Ulla Zirne LAT 28 17     45
39 Olesya Mikhaylenko RUS 42       42
40 Veronica Maria Ravenna ARG 14 12 7 6 39
41 Klaudia Domaradzka POL 11 10 9 8 38
42 Anna Cezikova CZE 12 7 6 5 30
42 Sandra Robatscher ITA 23 7     30
44 Natalia Jamroz POL 9 7 5 5 26
45 Gulijienaiti Adikeyoumu CHN 11 4 3 1 19
46 Hu Huilan CHN 5 5 4 4 18
47 Jung Hyesun KOR 14 1 1 1 17
47 Liu Xinyi CHN 8 5 3 1 17
49 Lin Sin-Rong TPE 6 3 1 1 11
50 You Dohee KOR 6 1 1 1 9
50 Daria Obratov NED 7 1 1   9
52 Doina Descalui MDA 3 1 1 1 6
53 Elsa Desmond IRL 1 1 1 1 4
53 Dania Obratov NED 1 1 1 1 4
53 Cezara Alexandra Curmei ROU 1 1 1 1 4
53 Detelina Marinova BUL 1 1 1 1 4
53 Ella Cox NZL 4       4
58 Mihaela-Carmen Manolescu ROU 1       1
59 Oh Jeongim KOR         0


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Katarína Šimoňáková qualified for her 2nd Olympics after 23rd place in  PyeongChang 2018


which means we managed to qualify one sled in all events and thus also the Team Relay :yes

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The final standings here are also indicative of the final (national) team rosters?

In other words, for example, in doubles we know :GER and :LAT both have 2 quotas, so based on the standings is it sure that Eggert/Benecken and Wendl/Artl, and Sics/Sics + Bots/Plume will go to the Olympics?

Or will national federations have any leeway with regards to how they use their quotas?

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  On 1/9/2022 at 12:53 PM, pdr4332 said:

The final standings here are also indicative of the final (national) team rosters?

In other words, for example, in doubles we know :GER and :LAT both have 2 quotas, so based on the standings is it sure that Eggert/Benecken and Wendl/Artl, and Sics/Sics + Bots/Plume will go to the Olympics?

Or will national federations have any leeway with regards to how they use their quotas?


I do believe local federations can select their representatives

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  On 1/8/2022 at 6:36 PM, Topicmaster1010 said:

Men's Doubles Quotas:


2 quotas (4 athletes):


:AUT Austria

:GER Germany

:LAT Latvia



1 quota (2 athletes):


:CAN Canada

:CHN China

:CZE Czechia

:ITA Italy

:POL Poland

:ROU Romania

:SVK Slovakia

:KOR South Korea

:UKR Ukraine

:USA United States


Final standings below


  Athlete NOC Best 2nd 3rd 4th Points
1 Steu/Koller AUT 100 100 85 85 370
1 Eggert/Benecken GER 100 100 85 85 370
3 Sics/Sics LAT 100 85 85 70 340
4 Wendl/Arlt GER 100 70 70 60 300
5 Bogdanov/Prokhorov RUS 100 85 50 46 281
6 Bots/Plume LAT 70 60 55 55 240
7 Rieder/Kainzwaldner ITA 70 60 60 46 236
8 Mueller/Frauscher AUT 70 60 50 42 222
9 Denisev/Antonov RUS 55 55 46 42 198
10 Gatt/Schoepf AUT 55 50 46 19 170
11 Rieder/Rastner ITA 50 46 36 36 168
12 Geueke/Gamm GER 50 50 34 32 166
13 Nagler/Malleier ITA 50 39 36 34 159
14 Maltcev/Khalilov RUS 46 46 32 30 154
15 Chmielewski/Kowalewski POL 39 39 39 34 151
16 Walker/Snith CAN 42 34 30 28 134
17 Wardrope/Zajanski CAN 42 30 28 28 128
18 Mazdzer/Terdiman USA 34 30 30 26 120
19 Park/Cho KOR 32 30 28 25 115
20 Vavercak/Zmij SVK 28 24 23 22 97
20 Stakhiv/Lysetskyi UKR 26 24 24 23 97
20 Di Gregorio/Hollander USA 25 25 24 23 97
23 Gitlan/Serban ROU 26 26 22 22 96
24 Kellogg/Segger USA 32 22 18 17 89
25 Vejdelek/Pekny CZE 23 22 21 20 86
26 Hoi/Levkovych UKR 21 21 20 19 81
27 Mykyievych/Babura UKR 22 19 16 16 73
28 Siscanu/Oprea MDA 16 16 15 14 61
29 Huang/Peng CHN 15 15 14 14 58
30 Kashkin/Korshunov RUS 42       42

ITA with three doubles among the TOP 13, but only allowed to send only 1 double. That qualification system is a shame.

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  On 1/9/2022 at 1:03 PM, hckošice said:

I do believe local federations can select their representatives


Correct. Germany already selected its squad:

Men's: Ludwig, Loch, Langenhan

Women's: Taubitz, Geisenberger, Berreiter

Doubles: Eggert/Benecken, Wendl/Arlt

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  On 1/9/2022 at 2:00 PM, LowerSaxony said:

Correct. Germany already selected its squad:

Men's: Ludwig, Loch, Langenhan

Women's: Taubitz, Geisenberger, Berreiter

Doubles: Eggert/Benecken, Wendl/Arlt


But in this case the selection is consistent with the rankings posted here. Would it be also possible for :GER for example to select Eitberger or any other competitor who is lower in the ranking list?

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