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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. It´s official ! IOC confirmed today that The Marathon and Race Walk events will be in However a small consolation for the fans of those sports from the Japanese capital is that all medals ceremonies will take place in Tokyo
  2. Henrieta Farkašová and the french Benjamin Daviet won the paralympic athlete of the year awards
  3. The only current arguably slovak combat sport world star Monika Chochlíková is again in the Gold Medal bout at the Kickboxing WCh. Video from her express fast KO against GRE in the quarterfinal
  4. but tomorrow we will say only 12 hours away from the Sunday M race
  5. Yes. No big expectations from Petra Vlhová tomorrow, she sadly had to interrupt her preparation in the middle of september due surgery. she had to undergo nasal cavity surgery and hadn't trained at all for nearly three weeks. Petra herself and Livio Magoni are saying being satisfied with a 5th-10th place. And immediately after Solden they are going for the last training camp they had originally planned before in order to be ready at 100% from Levi the 23rd Novemeber which will be the real start of the season for Petra. According their own words she is now prepared and ready at 70%
  6. First race of the season start list
  7. Well, yeah, that´s not so easy to say, nowadays basically half of the country inhabitants has Hungarian origin family name , remember among the most frequent names here you should find the likes of Kovač (Kovacs), Nagy or for example Varga but it doesn´t must automatically mean they are originally from Hungarian minority, It is just some "heritage" of the Personal Names Magyarization held in the area during the 18-19th centuries Also for the mentioned guys, after a brief look on their biographies, 3 of the guys are members of Banská Bystrica Ski Club and Siragi is from Ski Club Selce, cities in the middle of the country.
  8. and just won 3 medals in the W -76kg category. Nikola Seničová member of our special "Junior Olympic Hopes Project" won silver in total with 206kg, another silver in snatch 94kg and bronze in C&J 112kg
  9. The younger of the former twins hockey superstars Daniel Sedin just improved his Marathon PB, He finished the Amsterdam marathon (His second ever marathon after the one in Vancouver he ran with his brother Henrik last spring) under 3 hours ! 2:57:36 that´s some seriously impressive stuff
  10. Now I really wonder where they found them ?
  11. I think perhaps, we could send this one to Paja for Halloween
  12. 2nd medal Miroslav Úradník won Bronze in the M 20KM Race Walk today
  13. So what is new about our western neighbors slash beloved brothers virgule hockey arch-rivals ? can I introduce them to the festival of music like every other non-participating country ?
  14. 1st QUALIFYING ROUND Round-Robin November 7th - November 10th, 2019 8 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st Nation will qualify for the 2nd Qualifying Round Group 1 Central European Time (GMT +1) United Arab Emirates 4 - 9 Kyrgyzstan Period-by-Period: 2-1, 2-3, 0-5 November 8th 2019, h. 15:45, Patinoire de Kockelscheuer, Luxembourg Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 - 10 Luxembourg Period-by-Period: 0-4, 0-5, 1-1 November 8th 2019, h. 19:15, Patinoire de Kockelscheuer, Luxembourg United Arab Emirates 6 - 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina Period-by-Period: 3-1, 2-1, 1-1 November 9th 2019, h. 15:45, Patinoire de Kockelscheuer, Luxembourg Luxembourg 3 - 5 Kyrgyzstan Period-by-Period: 1-0, 0-4, 2-1 November 9th 2019, h. 19:15, Patinoire de Kockelscheuer, Luxembourg Kyrgyzstan 15 - 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina Period-by-Period: 5-2, 2-0, 8-1 November 10th 2019, h. 15:45, Patinoire de Kockelscheuer, Luxembourg Luxembourg 4 - 5 United Arab Emirates Period-by-Period: 2-2, 2-2, 0-1 November 10th 2019, h. 19:15, Patinoire de Kockelscheuer, Luxembourg Group 1 Final Standing Nation P W(OTW) L(OTW) GF GA +/- PTS Kyrgyzstan 3 3(0) 0(0) 29 10 +19 9 United Arab Emirates 3 2(0) 1(0) 15 16 -1 6 Luxembourg 3 1(0) 2(0) 17 11 +6 3 Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 0(0) 3(0) 7 31 -24 0 Group 2 China Standard Time (GMT +8) Chinese Taipei 5 - 3 Thailand Period-by-Period: 1-1, 0-0, 4-2 November 7th 2019, h. 13:00, TUS Ice and Snowpark Sanya, Sanya Kuwait 0 - 12 Hong Kong Period-by-Period: 0-4, 0-3, 0-5 November 7th 2019, h. 17:00, TUS Ice and Snowpark Sanya, Sanya Chinese Taipei 8 - 0 Kuwait Period-by-Period: 0-0, 5-0, 3-0 November 8th 2019, h. 13:00, TUS Ice and Snowpark Sanya, Sanya Hong Kong 2 - 7 Thailand Period-by-Period: 0-3, 1-1, 1-3 November 8th 2019, h. 17:00, TUS Ice and Snowpark Sanya, Sanya Thailand 11 - 1 Kuwait Period-by-Period: 2-0, 4-0, 5-1 November 10th 2019, h. 13:00, TUS Ice and Snowpark Sanya, Sanya Hong Kong 5 - 7 Chinese Taipei Period-by-Period: 1-2, 2-2, 2-3 November 10th 2019, h. 17:00, TUS Ice and Snowpark Sanya, Sanya Group 2 Final Standing Nation P W(OTW) L(OTW) GF GA +/- PTS Chinese Taipei 3 3(0) 0(0) 20 8 +12 9 Thailand 3 2(0) 1(0) 21 8 +13 6 Hong Kong 3 1(0) 2(0) 19 14 +5 3 Kuwait 3 0(0) 3(0) 1 32 -31 0 The following Nations have qualified for the 2nd Qualifying Round Chinese Taipei Kyrgyzstan
  15. Our junior Sebastian Cabala (apparently a talent) set two under 17 European records At the European Under 23 Championships in Bucharest. He finished 7th in total in the -73kg class but managed 160 kg in CJ 290 kg in total, + equalled the snatch record 130kg. Nice and unusual
  16. Nah, this is just some ultra nationalistic crap of some morons on both sides easily manipulated and stimulated by stupid politicians, normal peoples don´t give two shits about things that happened more than a freaking century ago anymore...
  17. First careers Giro d´Italia (including the first 3 stages few km from borders) confirmed he also said he´ll still also race the TdF and is envisaging the Olympics road race 6 days later (rumors saying both Sagan bros will form our 2 mans Tokyo squad)
  18. Do you know how much they ask for one training session in Zakopane ? No, jokes aside, the best, easiest option and more logical would be to just cross the river and ask for czech citizenship. He still has 3 years for that, the question is whether he will still want to continue doing this sport, because this will require maybe too much extreme effort and devotion from his parents in our current conditions around this sport
  19. I don´t see him competing until 2024 mate. If he´ll not switch nationality. You can hardly compete or even just train without funds or any other help, this section is dead here.
  20. SVK Male ski jumper yupiii still only 12 years old but apparently with some interesting potential, became the first ever to jump over 120m after Tomáš Zmoray 8 years ago anyway he is currently officially the only one and sole active slovak male ski jumper, hope he wont give up too soon
  21. SLOVAK ROAD TO TOKYO 2020 - SLOVENSKÁ CESTA DO TOKIA 2020 16th and 17th Qualified Athletes TBD - ROAD CYCLING (ROAD RACE, INDIVIDUAL TIME TRIAL) TBD - ROAD CYCLING (ROAD RACE) V Tokiu dvaja slovenskí cyklisti O štarte uvažuje aj Sagan. Preteky s hromadným štartom na OH v Tokiu však budú veľmi náročné Slovenská reprezentácia bude môcť postaviť na budúcoročných olympijských pretekoch s hromadným štartom dvoch cyklistov. Vyplýva to z kvalifikačných pravidiel Medzinárodnej cyklistickej únie (UCI) pre Tokio 2020. Na základe rebríčka krajín podľa UCI za obdobie od 22. októbra 2018 po 22. október 2019 figuruje Slovensko na 24. pozícii a štáty na 22. až 32. priečke budú disponovať práve dvojicou miesteniek. V časovke dostane príležitosť jeden jazdec. O účasti na OH 2020 v cestných pretekoch s hromadným štartom uvažuje aj trojnásobný majster sveta Peter Sagan. Dlhá trať a vysoké stúpania A to aj napriek tomu, že mužské preteky v Tokiu sa budú konať v sobotu 25. júla iba šesť dní po skončení Tour de France. Navyše organizátori pripravili pre cyklistov 234 km s náročným profilom a celkovým počtom 4865 výškových metrov. Rovnaký počet cyklistov ako Slováci môžu na OH využiť aj Eritrejčania, Američania, Ekvádorčania, Portugalčania, Novozélanďania, Estónci, Alžírčania, Luxemburčania, Lotyši a Turci. V štartovom poli pretekov bude figurovať dovedna 128 cyklistov, z toho 122 dostane možnosť prostredníctvom rebríčka krajín a zvyšní šiesti sa kvalifikujú na základe výsledkov kontinentálnych šampionátov v Afrike, Amerike a Ázii. Najväčšie, päťčlenné, zastúpenie budú mať krajiny na prvom až šiestom mieste rebríčka (Belgicko, Taliansko, Holandsko, Francúzsko, Kolumbia a Španielsko). Služby štyroch cyklistov využijú reprezentácie zo siedmej až trinástej priečky. Ženské cyklistky nebudú mať zastúpenie Troch budú mať k dispozícii národné tímy umiestnené na 14. až 21. pozícii. Dvoch jazdcov postavia krajiny na spomenutom 22. až 32. mieste. Štáty na 33. až 50. priečke budú môcť nominovať do olympijských pretekov jediného jazdca. V pretekoch s hromadným štartom žien Slovensko nebude mať zastúpenie, pretože miestenky dostane iba najlepších 22 krajín rebríčka. V časovke sa predstavia dokonca len cyklistky pochádzajúce z krajín v elitnej pätnástke. UCI definitívne potvrdí kvóty pre jednotlivé národné olympijské výbory 15. novembra 2019 a krajiny budú mať mesiac na to, aby potvrdili, či miestenky využijú. UCI bude následne od 1. januára do 30. júna 2020 prerozdeľovať nevyužité kvóty.
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