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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Good 1st session. Thank you once again @dcro@Glen@Wumo@Agger@dezbee2008@Olympian1010 for the points for entry. We really appreciated it.
  2. woohoo the score of the day for us, thanks you u.s. @dezbee2008 @Olympian1010 Texas forever
  3. I know this feeling, too much beers last worries it will be fine
  4. I can not believe we are dead last in the pan-slavic contest....that must be the first time ever
  5. sadly this time apparently also on Bestmen too at least assuming according his reverse tactic this time
  6. 6 points from the first 6 juries, not bad average 1 point per jury, the sad truth is it is more an average of 0 points per last 5 juries
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