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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. St. Elizabeth Cathedral. (Dóm svätej Alžbety) From 1:15
  2. Cool, so now when you are warned, the first 2 minutes of the video should not hurt you then btw the nation´s chief hygienist is the guy speaking from 2:15. Enjoy.
  3. 14 New Confirmed cases yesterday (2301 Tests yesterday - New NR) So we have now 715 Confirmed cases in Slovakia (+14 Yesterday), 2301 Tests yesterday (23658 in Total) 2 Deaths (+0), 23 Healed (+0) 147 Hospitalized, 5 in serious condition (Ventilators), 2 in Very critical (ICU) Today is Good Friday and first total day-off in the special Easter curfew. All shops are closed (except pharmacies). And since thankfully the country closed also all churches in the country the streets and roads are empty Košice today
  4. TV News video about the Roma settlements quarantine (beginning of the video followed by the press conference of the PM and nations chief hygienist, @heywoodu for your own security and wish to avoid heart attack, cut the video before the next shot )
  5. Thanks, Let me know if you´ll have still some issue with the replays. Good watching.
  6. 19 new Confirmed Cases yesterday, 1671 Tests. By this we surpassed the 700 confirmed infected mark, 7 new fully recovered patients. The curfew continue with much less traffic problems today (since it is the last working day, Friday, Sunday and Monday all shops will be closed except pharmacies), So 701 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+19 Yesterday), 1671 Tests yesterday (21371 in total) 2 Deaths (+0), 23 Healed (+7 Yesterday) 157 Hospitalized, 5 in serious conditions (under ventilators), 2 in very critical (ICU) "Special Easter" Restrictons of movement continue the second day, less traffic troubles than during yesterdays total chaos 5 Roma slums quarantined meanwhile new Roma slums are tested gradually, yesterday in the peripheries of the cities of Humenne and Medzilaborce
  7. Better explanation in English
  8. Not the largest, but quite large yes. and yes, partially I can agree that it is true that many roma people are segregated in the country and have to live in enormous poverty in slums. yes, they are often discriminated, certainly, but in this case it has really nothing to do with that.
  9. Yes it is. they are not going to be placed in any reservation or someting like that. it is a precautionary measure. The guy who came from England with his wife and 8 children was already infected, since they came alone on their way by car they did not have to go to the state quarantine but were only asked to go to home quarantine. stupid, yes, I know. it was unreasonable. It has changed only since past week, everybody who comes from abroad, even on their own way, must have now to be placed in state quarantine facility. And they even did not respected the home quarantine but even apparently constantly moved around these 5 settlements and infected others, they went to shops in the city, etc ... (The authorities claimed they could meet around hundred of people...) The same man then returned to England once again last week (depite being in quarantine time) and brought with him more relatives and friend here, only when he returned at the borders it was discovered that he was supposed to be quarantined... tests have shown that we have a fucking big problem now, by the way yesterday, from one of those settlements has been transported by helicopter a 40-year-old man with high 40 fever and in severe condition. The only chance to solve the situation was to quarantine the settlements, they will be monitored daily and gradually solved as needed. There is no need to worry or do a racial problem from that, trust me, food, clean water, hygienical stuff and necessary medical assistance will be provided daily.
  10. Hi, They work well for me, which one is not working for you ? Maybe you should try to remove adblock on the olympic channel site, I had this issue before as well, once disabling my adblock all videos are working now
  11. what ? don´t try to make a race problem from this, this is a problem of national safety. the rate of infection among Roma in these settlements is 13 times faster than in the majority society. By the way, the decision was made by the Chief Public Health Officer and the Roma MEP representing the Roma community in Slovakia !. This is not for fun. This is a very important decision, those people there had a guy who arrived probably already infected from Sheffield 3 weeks ago, he met already hundreds of peoples in all these settlements.
  12. 5 Roma slums ? (ghettos ?) or however it is called are now in total quarantine ! The Roma slums in Žehra, Bystrany and 3 villages around the city of Krompachy are closed and guarded by the army "The quarantine will be provided by the army and police in cooperation with local governments. People in quarantine should be provided with health care and supplies... At the same time, the number of military teams that provide sampling in the villages with Roma minority will be expanded from four to eight. There more than 1000 Roma settlements in the country, all will be tested"
  13. Was announced that at 22:00 a extraordinary press conference is scheduled with the PM and minister of defence.... yep..time for some popcorn, gonna be interesting
  14. Speaking about WC in Germany there also some moments that will remains in history also from the 1974 tournament, Former didn´t even know the basic rules is already a legendary thing by itself The epic "water polo" between Poland and former West Germany and ofc the only german derby in the FIFA WC history with the "wrong" side winning
  15. Quite interesting day in Slovakia today... New NR in positive cases. Total collapse of the traffic resulting from first day of the curfew and one HUGE problem appeared... I even don´t know what to start with.. New NR in positive tests, 101 New confirmed Cases yesterday !!! (the majority of them are repatriated people staying in the nations quarantine facilities who returned from abroad) but also one huge problem that occured, 31 of the postive tests are people from 5 Roma Ghettos people who returned 3 weeks ago from Sheffield, Czech Republic and Morocco and since at that time people who returned from abroad individually by car they did not have to go to the national quarantine but could go to the voluntary quarantine at home. (in opposite of the repartriated people who had to go to the state quarantine) probably already seriously contamined many other persons !!! No need to explain the situation in our Roma minorities slums...and it´s only results of only returning people from 5 ghettos, in the country we have more than 1000 similar slums....Exact, Huge problem ! You can easily understand that The PM and complete crisis staff flew by helicopter there and are lready working on a plan, that will be revealed this evening soon...... That´s gonna be interesting... personally I would not be surprised if they will quarantine the whole place... So 682 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+101 Yesterday !!!) 2042 Tests yesterday (18999 in total) 2 Deaths (+0), 16 Healed (+3) 164 Hospitalized, 15 in serious conditions, 3 in Critical (under ventilation) 1 in very critical since yesterday and now back to the current situation in the country, as you know from last midnight started in the whole country a unprecedented "special Easter" curfew..and it started with enormous problem. Total traffic collapse, Police and the army stopped everyone in all road exits and entrances in the different districts and main cities Bratislava and Košice, to control ID cards, where and why they are going and everyone had to fill out a questionnaire...people stayed 3-4 hours for example in the controll checks... everyone who didn't go to or from work were sent back here some pics a guy showing to the officer his employement contract to confirm he is going to the work and a video
  16. I think you are not understanding the facts, we are not USA, we are a very small country with limited resources, let me explain to you why we are doing what we do and why we imposed radical measures and regulations from the beginning. We simply have to eliminate any eventual outbreaks in its beginning, so far we are hopefully still able to manage to avoid the spread among the populaton, meaning so far we were still able to quickly find all relatives, colleges and persons in contact with every positive patient and by immediate quarantining prevent the spread. BUT if by some unhappiness we´ll fails and someone will majorly spread the virus, we will be definitely lost and doomed, no one will help us. we just have to do only with what we have, we do not have much things, just the masks and discipline. Trust me no one is happy that our borders are closed, that foreigners (tourists) have not been able to enter the country for more than a month now, our kids will probably return into schools only from September, shops are closed, we can not gather or just go do or watch hockey or for instance any other sport and our economy is collapsing (we are losing 70 millions EUR per day) but we simply cannot open up ourselves and leave it as you and the other western european countries did, we are not so rich, no one in the west has even idea or even want to know that a country like Slovakia exist..we would all die within weeks.
  17. Yo do realize these are disposable gloves that have been thrown away immediately after the act, right ?
  18. yep big fan #Atahualpa-the-impregnable-fortress
  19. Great decision. at 1) Many athletes (that can actually have trainings) may have advantage over others and at 2) There no doping controls during the pandemic
  20. 47 New Confirmed Cases yesterday (24 of them are part of that 2nd wave results from that yesterday mentioned "convoy" of returning people from South Tirol.) 23 new cases from the normal daily testing in the country (1448 tests yesterday) - 17693 tests Overall so far Also new 5 patients are now fully healed So 581 Confirmed Cases in Slovakia (+47 yesterday) 2 Deaths (+1), 13 Healed (+5) 172 Hospitalized, 3 in serious conditions from which since this morning 1 new patient (79 years old female) in very critical condition had to be put under ventilators the 581 Confirmed cases by age distributions From 30 to 44 years – 181 From 15 to 29 years – 168 From 45 to 59 years – 123 + 60 years – 71 Under 14 years – 35 and a couple of pics from the country slowly preparing for the unprecedented situation, the curfew which is going to start from this midnight and last until the end of Easter Monday at 23:59 The President of the Republic Zuzana Čaputová praised the government and the crisis crew for the work done so far and is also satisfied with the decision to tighten up the measures during the Easter week with the curfew (again the majority of the populaton agreed and is satisfied with the decision!). @heywoodu will be certainly happy to see the social distancing finally applied among our authorities The mask machines will be refilled also during Easter even though on Friday, Sunday and Monday almost all shops (except pharmacies) will be closed
  21. 2010 Slovakia - Italy 3-2 obviously 2006 Ecuador - Costa Rica 3-0 1990 Czechoslovakia - USA 5-1 2006 Poland - Ecuador 0-2 1990 Czechoslovakia - Costa Rica 4-1
  22. Ofc, there will be no tanks or anything similar in the streets. Army and police will only control and maintain the situation in the cities. their main job will be to do checks on all highways and all major and minor state road exits where they will check whether people will move to other places (the only exception have paople going or returning from work (those people will have their employment contract with them to show it to the control checks)
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