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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. is the show you are watching live ? why he is still not sleeping ? or he is thinking to do it again during the team meeting before the race tomorrow
  2. btw watch this video and btw the lovely t-shirts
  3. no, no one is saying that you have to bury your head in the sand ofc. You are absolutely free to think what you want. In fact I´m very happy to have another regular user addicted to sport and olympics here, wish you a lot of fun and great time here. about the posts I deleted, I´m sure you understand that there some rules here, trying to maintain a friendly atmosphere and we are (surely you already have noticed it) one of the very few forums to have I can say exeptional relationships among different users, so in order to trying to keep it, all offensive or accusations comments are removed. that´s all. I understand that sometimes peoples are getting nervous, it happen, we are humans after all but still it´s not a reason to accuse or insult members or their countries.
  4. Thanks, but you already posted them in the link, so I have them too ok so athletics quotas are more or less unveiled, so I´ll update the thread tomorrow.
  5. tak fakt je že teraz máme o 5 viac ako v Londýne, takže z nášho pohľadu to fakt nie je málo Hej hej to je to čo som si všimol najskôr, veľmi sľubný tím, viacero medailových nádejí. Ja myslím, že 10 je celkom reálne. Len v atletike máte solídne šance v oštepe M/Ž, Hejnová, pri troške šťastia aj v tyčke môže niečo zacinkať. Potom tenis, Rýchlostná Kanoistika, Vodný slalom hlavne C2, tan som presvedčený že Kašpar/Šindler budú na podiu. Veslárske skify to je istota a určite neskončíte bez medaily ani u Kulhavého. neviem ako sú na tom vaši päťbojári, ale minimálne Kuf vyzerá v celkom slušnej forme. akže jak počítam, tak počítam 10 je minimum Super tak to gratulujem a závidím, my nemáme žiadneho zástupcu v úpolových športoch prvý raz nebudeme štartovať v džude, a naša najväčšia nádej v zápasení skončil pre doping ... Dúfam, že sa dočkáme zlatej medaile, to je aj cieľ nášho výboru. bolo by to skvelé, šance sú, len my zvykneme vždy tak pekne mentálne zlyhať keď je najviac treba...tak uvidíme možno tá K4 to predsa len dokáže...
  6. so my counts was wery good then counting 395 France is one of those teams I wasn´t sure about my calculations. so 396. very impressive number. congrats
  7. no, vy budete určite mať ešte troch (Koukal, Melich aj Sasínek na beton), takže my tú polovicu neudržíme určite, doteraz neprišla žiadna info o pozvánke pre ďalšieho plavca. čo znamená, že už tá 52ka sa žiaľ zrejme už nerozšíri, veril som, že by FINA mohla pozvať aspoň mladú Andreu Podmaníkovú na 200 prsia, len tesne jej ušiel A limit, no zdá sa, že nič z toho nebude. nevadí pre nás je aj 52 fajn. a máme aj debut v lukostreľbe a dialkovom plávaní, takže celkom spokojnosť s kvaldou, ak nerátam Cyklistiku, len jedno miesto na ceste, to je strašne sklamanie.. škoda vášho tímu pravdupovediac očakával som aspoň o takých 30-40 viac miesteniek pre ČR, hlavne ten kolektívny šport chýba, to je naozaj škoda..ale zas na druhej strane máte kopu šancí na medaile. vďaka za podporu, tak snaď sa bude dariť obom naším tímom Nevieš aké ciele stanovil váš výbor pre českú výpravu?
  8. It would be the only second football player in olympic history to lights the flame if I´m not wrong, since Michel Platini in Albertville 1992
  9. Ahoj Česko ! Konečne miesto kde je možné fandiť ČR tímu. Veľa úspechov a radostných správ na týchto stránkach prajem
  10. I just found that in french and yes he moved to france with his father since his 15
  11. yes but to be fair he is more french than slovak, he live in Nice since his 15 I think..not sure right now though have to re-check it..but he is know here, also his father was a water polo player for SVK. Michal is speaking slovak very well, btw I remember one his interview for our TV during a SVK-FRA match here
  12. well your NOC is saying that
  13. unfotunately tomorrows stage is shortened, but logical and right because apparently there very bad wind conditions in Mont Ventoux expected tomorrow. the finish will be 6 km below of the Mont Ventoux at Chalet-Reynard. ofc such a pity, because Mont Ventoux is defiitely something special .
  14. well Froome attacked him in the finish, when he saw that Sagan wanted to give the stage win to Bodnar, Froome tried it, ofc it´s understandable because there bonifications seconds, but whe Sagan noticed Froomes attempt, he immediately brought him to his senses
  15. Tour de France 2016 Various Cities (FRA) - 02.07.2016 - 24.07.2016 Stage 11 Carcassonne - Montpellier Stage Result Peter SAGAN 3:26:23 Christopher FROOME +0 Maciej BODNAR +0 4. Alexander KRISTOFF +6 5. Christophe LAPORTE +6 6. Jasper STUYVEN +6 7. Edvald BOASSON HAGEN +6 8. Andre GREIPEL +6 9. Sondre Holst ENGER +6 10. Oliver NAESEN +6 General Standing After Stage 11/21 1. Christopher FROOME 52:34:37 2. Adam YATES +28 3. Daniel MARTIN +31 4. Nairo QUINTANA +35 5. Bauke MOLLEMA +56 6. Romain BARDET +56 7. Sergio Luis HENAO +56 8. Alejandro VALVERDE +1:13 9. Tejay VAN GARDEREN +1:13 10. Roman KREUZIGER +1:28 Jerseys After Stage 11/21 Yellow Jersey Christopher FROOME 52:34:37 2. Adam YATES +28 3. Daniel MARTIN +31 Green Jersey Peter SAGAN 309 2. Mark CAVENDISH 219 3. Marcel KITTEL 202 Polka Dot Jersey Thibaut PINOT 80 2. Rafal MAJKA 77 3. Tom DUMOULIN 58 White Jersey Adam YATES 52:35:05 2. Louis MEINTJES +1:42 3. Warren BARGUIL +2:35
  16. what there more need to say ? Maestro this is what it looks when you make Sagan angry still can´t believe what just happened in this 100% sprinters stage, Sagan destroying the green jersey competition and yellow and green jerseys both with 1 team mate winning ahead of a peloton. oh dear this is cycling.
  17. Guys, As you know the policy of the forum. keep in mind that any offensive or accusatory comments will be removed. Please, try to refrain from senseless accusations of the other country in your comments. Thanks
  18. Schedule Timetable in Opening Post updated
  20. TEAM CZECH REPUBLIC MEN´S Ondřej SYNEK (Single Scull) Lukáš HELEŠIC (Coxless Pair) Jakub PODRAZIL (Coxless Pair) Jiří KOPÁČ (Lightweight Coxless Four) Jan VETEŠNÍK (Lightweight Coxless Four) Ondřej VETEŠNÍK (Lightweight Coxless Four) Miroslav VRAŠTIL (Lightweight Coxless Four) WOMEN´S Miroslava TOPINKOVÁ KNAPKOVÁ (Single Scull) Lenka ANTOŠOVÁ (Double Scull) Kristýna FLEISSNEROVÁ (Double Scull)
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