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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. škoda že nechytáme čt sport, zdá sa že budú mať široké vysielanie aj zo športov čo naša stv-ečka nemá ani tušenie, že je to vôbec olympijský šport ..a je fakt super, že Hradílek alebo Katka Emmons boli vybratí za spolukomentátorov. je to podstatne lepšie ak ma komentátor pri sebe aj fundovaného človeka ako sa vraví "od fachu" no nič ako vravím škoda že nechytám čt sport, budem si musieť vystačiť s našou stv 2..ale dnes som čítal, že vraj bude ich web vysielať aj 8 dodatočných streamov link , tak mohlo by to byť fajn.. a ked tak stále tu bude ešte nova sport (kým ju nestihnu ešte dovtedy zrušiť na svk) a čt 2.
  2. yes, but still nothing new about Tinkoff continuing also next far he put up only this pic
  3. 3rd win for the czech Sagan ...still better than Slovakia/Slovenia issue but this one
  4. and too much sun the morning, not good for sleep of a golfer
  5. Tour de France 2016 Various Cities (FRA) - 02.07.2016 - 24.07.2016 Stage 16 Moirans en Montagne - Bern Stage Result Peter SAGAN 4:26:02 Alexander KRISTOFF +0 Sondre Holst ENGER +0 4. John DEGENKOLB +0 5. Michael MATTHEWS +0 6. Fabian CANCELLARA +0 7. Sep VANMARCKE +25 8. Ariel Maximiliano RICHEZE +0 9. Edvald BOASSON HAAGEN +0 10. Greg VAN AVERMAET +0 General Standing After Stage 16/21 1. Christopher FROOME 72:40:38 2. Bauke MOLLEMA +1:47 3. Adam YATES +2:45 4. Nairo QUINTANA +2:59 5. Alejandro VALVERDE +3:17 6. Romain BARDET +4:04 7. Richie PORTE +4:27 8. Tejay VAN GARDEREN +4:47 9. Daniel MARTIN +5:03 10. Fabio ARU +5:16 Jerseys After Stage 16/21 Yellow Jersey Christopher FROOME 72:40:38 2. Bauke MOLLEMA +1:47 3. Adam YATES +2:45 Green Jersey Peter SAGAN 405 2. Mark CAVENDISH 291 3. Marcel KITTEL 228 Polka Dot Jersey Rafal MAJKA 127 2. Thomas DE GENDT 90 3. Daniel NAVARRO 69 White Jersey Adam YATES 72:43:23 2. Louis MEINTJES +3:03 3. Warren BARGUIL +16:30
  6. the battle for the green is over, isn´t ?
  7. this was the slowest sprint I´ve ever seen
  8. ok, I´ll for sure not read the all million pages, so can anyone kindly write me 2-3 sentences about what is there written. thanks
  9. I don´t know which countries already validated their teams, and sorry, but I really don´t have so much time to click in all 206 NOC websites and search there if they officialized the team. I has also some else things to do. try to wait 1-2 maybe 3 days dude, the confirmed teams will be announced. today is the deadline
  10. Thanks for the warn. I´ll re-check the different categories and update them
  11. 416 for China (160 M + 256 W) including 35 winners from previous games. China's youngest competitor is 14-year-old swimmer Ai Yanhan. Beijing 2008 Olympics shooting champion Chen Ying, 39, is the oldest and will be appearing at her fourth Olympic
  12. Tour de France 2016 Various Cities (FRA) - 02.07.2016 - 24.07.2016 Stage 16 Moirans en Montagne - Bern (209km - Lumpy)
  13. Congrats pitty that this team will miss Rio
  14. I think we should be confident in this case. Be sure that in Tennis we will have much more withdrawals untill ths start of the competition, so maybe there still a room for more athletes under the line
  15. yes, after 18th July is possible to replace a athlete, but only in case of serious injury. and there also still posibility to receive invitations after reallocations, by this way for example we received 2 times an invitation in MTB cycling in Beijing and London. In London 2012 Janka Števková received a reallocation even during the Olympic Games.
  16. wow it looks that we had a lot of home matches, more than I thought, well I had a feeling that we played more away, at least in the last 2-3 years, but now I see last time we played at home was march 2015. and what to say about this streak 2005 ah these times of Dominik Hrbatý ...
  17. Ah Benny ok send me the all alteady confirmed countries and I will color them for you tonight
  18. well, that´s your bad. I wanted to help you, but if you wont
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