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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by hckošice

  1. Gonna be the first time Slovakia will not win any single medal in TISC still I´m surprised I expected more from this entry, maybe it doesnt look like but it´s very a huge hit in the country, played all year million times by day in all radios
  2. @heywoodu Netherlands lost to Estonia and is relegated but it looks that it was a very close game, tough luck
  3. wow intoronto with a true panslavic vote maybe a chance for a slovak medal here
  4. I agree the video shouldn´t be a criterium, otherwise Slovakia would have won this contest by a 100 points margin
  5. so we have 4 or 5 points ? I know it´s not so important actually but still the joy might be bigger you know
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