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Everything posted by Gianlu33

  1. Wow, Netherlands is amazing! What starts for The Giro, the square was FULL!
  2. The site doesn't work for smartphone I can't make a team
  3. @MHSN For you italian athletes have any chance (Timoncini and Caneva) ?
  4. Solo la Cicognini a Rio, un disastro per il badminton italiano che vede sfumare la qualificazione di Maddaloni
  5. Only 1 italian qualfied.. Our badminton is a drama, maybe it was our wrost sport (whit handball )
  6. For Italian television Kvyat was resend to Toro Rosso for the Vettel's accident and they must send to Red Bull Verstappen (If I understand correctly)
  7. Again Keep calm my serbian nationalist friend, Kosovo is indipendent for the sport.
  8. Potrebbe anche esse che un altra possibilitá va data ma trovo indecente convocare un atleta che non ha alcun tempo negli ultimi anni. È una completa mancanza di rispetto a tutti gli atleti (quelli veri, che il doping non lo usano) che in quest'anno hanno dato il massimo e hanno fatto sacrifici abnormi
  9. E dopo la notizia di Giorgetti che ha saltato 3 controlli per la geocalizzazione.. Vediamo che dirá il tribunale sportivo
  10. Our slogan is amazing Forza Azzurri (Go Azzurrri)
  11. Sinceramente provo ribrezzo a leggere Schwazer subito convocato.
  12. It's impossible and i think that @De_Gambassi is optimist too So, no chance for Italy for win a quota (maybe Timoncini and Caneva but it's very hard)
  13. I know, but in Italy We all thought a foregone relegation howower it's a good results considering that from next year italian title will absigned in Austrian Serie B
  14. Italy qualified in Top Divison for next year, it's a miracle It's crazy, we are in the most important internazional Championship and we from next year an italian legue
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