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Everything posted by Olympian1010

  1. @hckosice Huh, I didn’t think California would be #4 in terms of Slovak diaspora. That map definitely needs an update though. A LOT has changed since 1990 To be honest, I don’t know of a culture that isn’t represented in California. Maybe a smaller country like San Marino or Eswatini perhaps...
  2. In other news, tonight is the first US Presidential Debate. It will probably be a laughing stock.
  3. And now there’s three countries engaged in war... It’s important to remember that Turkey and Azerbaijan are extremely close allies. I remember Turkey getting home-like cheers and support during Baku 2015.
  4. By far the biggest problem with Coe, Bach, and other IF leaders right now.
  5. Personally, I just prefer lower placed athletes qualifying off time. It creates a fair amount of different scenarios, and it can change the tactics from race to race. It rewards runners who run a quick, even if they didn’t run the best race strategically. I think this rule change will just create slower races that constantly come down to a final sprint over the last 300-500m. That’s not inherently a bad thing, but it does pretty much take away all incentive for running a quick race. I think your criticism is valid (and absolutely correct) too. It will be interesting to see what athletes make of these rule changes, and how that changes the way they race.
  6. Yes, this absolutely what that rule change means.
  7. Interesting, I included that rule specifically because it upset me as a distance runner.
  8. Uh...some new changes to the World Athletics Technical Rulebook.
  9. Uh oh, someone found the tax returns...
  10. According to the quota allocation, only Sprint will be contested.
  11. So...the age categories vary by sport it seems. Sailing is U23, while Swimming is U22, while Modern Pentathlon is U21, while Fencing is U20, while Taekwondo is 20-17, while Artistic Swimming is 19-15, while Boxing is 18-16, and Rhythmic Gymnastics is 15-14. It seems like Panam Sports really isn’t sure about what they want this event to be.
  12. @intoronto @mrv86 We do have a separate thread for Cali 2021 by the way
  13. Shame, the Island Games are always a fun little side multi-sports games to follow.
  14. The issue is that Panam Sports is trying to use Cali 2021 as a replacement for Dakar 2022 as well. It’s a elite U23 competition that’s also trying to serve as an elite U18 competition. Cali 2021 has an identity crisis
  15. They’re riding a double-edged knife. They need the U.S. for protection from Russia, but they need Russia to finance their wars against Armenia.
  16. The only winner in this conflict is Russia. They’re financing both sides, and I’m sure Putin’s just waiting for the perfect to time to deploy his little green men.
  17. Not really. I haven’t really met anyone who has major issues with Catholics. Generally the only people who hate on Catholicism are people who were Catholic themselves, and are now Atheist or Agnostic. Like @NearPup said, it’s the Evangelicals and Mormons who get labeled as such. Yeah...definitely no. Yes, that is why I posted that article, but you don’t quite have the reasoning correct. The 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees religious freedom, so having a Supreme Court that’s two-thirds one religion seems like an issue to me. I wouldn’t want 6 Muslim judges on the Supreme Court either for the exact same reason.
  18. Some interesting drama surrounding the 2023 Pacific Games:
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