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Quasit last won the day on July 3 2022

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About Quasit

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    Summer Olympic Games
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    not interested in professional sports anymore

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  1. A very ignorant statement. Of course the UK is not exactly known for its winter sport but there are some ski resorts mainly in Scotland, like the Cairngorms or the Nevis Range.
  2. Ridiculous. Good thing I stopped watching sports.
  3. Yeah, England going back to mediocrity from now. Useless.
  4. Which is exactly my question (I'm not up to date with Paralympic sports). How can Sweden be so inexistent in it?
  5. Why so focused on Germany all the time? The question should be why is Sweden doing so bad? No medal at all.
  6. Are you aware Austria is a three-time world champion on the men's side, France won it once and Denmark lost 4 finals? On the women's side, France and Sweden also won the WC before, although yes, in recent years the US has been dominant in both genders.
  8. To add on that, Sweden is constantly improving the rankings from having no gold in Beijing, 1 in London, 2 in Rio, then 3 from Tokyo and now 4. They are back in the top 20, along with Norway. Another country not really on the radar is Belgium with double digit medals for the first time since 1924.
  9. Mixed events are perfect for sports where two separate team events are unwarranted, for example the mixed team judo or mixed triathlon. One team event is enough in those sports and mixed is a good compromise for that. In this sense, I wouldn't mind a mixed team diving, for example. However, in table tennis I would prefer mixed team and separate men's/women's doubles.
  10. Final poll for the 2024 games in Paris; what's your final verdict? Average after Day 4 - 6,71 Average after Day 6 - 6,04 Average after Day 8 - 6,52 Average after Day 10 - 5,24 Average after Day 12 - 5,74 Average after Day 14 - 6,71 Final verdict after Day 16 - ?? @Sindo
  11. Shi Zhiyong bottled his C&J after a comfortable snatch lead and also Su Weide's falls in the team all-around cost China.
  12. Very sad for Finland especially...
  13. Average after Day 4 - 6,71 Average after Day 6 - 6,04 Average after Day 8 - 6,52 Average after Day 10 - 5,24 Average after Day 12 - 5,74
  14. To be fair, we're on Day 13 and this poll is the way point for up until Day 12.
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