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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. But still manually I think? Since the OS wouldn't start on the affected systems and updates/fixes that were pushed were not received, leaving the manual safe mode --> delete file route as the only option Slightly annoying if you've got 50 systems. Quite a different situation when, as I've seen plenty of people post, you've got (tens of) thousands Glad we don't use CrowdStrike, I like the data center, but wasn't looking forward to a trip there on this way too warm Friday.
  2. No idea about the frequency of this update, but the main thing is that it wasn't a Microsoft update, it was a CrowdStrike update in a piece of their software. Unlike usual Windows updates, updates like that can't reasonably be delayed by a week (or days), since otherwise one might as well not have any protection software at all. Gonna be quite a hassle, so far the main fix is to manually delete a certain file, so affected computers need to be accessed manually. VM's need a different kind of workaround, disconnecting disks, connecting them to a new VM, fixing it, disconnecting again, connecting them back to the original VM. Someone at CrowdStrike is having a bad day. Like thousands of IT personell in the world, who'll make massive overtime today and the next few days..
  3. But it wasn't a MS security update.
  4. Person in charge of the route has said they want to give attackers more chances and specifically said next year they don't want as many sprint stages anymore. Slowly some promising words
  5. Yeah, people prefer to simply make suggestions or insinuations, without using the actual words. "I'm not saying it's a cover-up, I am just asking questions!"
  6. There is no Microsoft IT failure, that's a BBC mistake then (it's a CrowdStrike failure, but also media here started off with wrongfully calling it a Microsoft/Windows failure). But yeah, that was and still is definitely bigger than stuff in Leeds, so very much without any doubt it makes sense to mention that bigger. Point is, BBC did report it, it's just a certain kind of people who yell things are 'being ignored' when they aren't given the amount of attention they think it should get.
  7. If my eyes didn't deceive me, I believe in the ski jumping footage there I saw a young Noriaki Kasai, fresh out of the junior ranks.
  8. Anyone interested in buying some CrowdStrike stocks? I'll give you 20% off, today only!
  9. Sky News, The Independent, BBC, etc, all are reporting on that. Just not in massively screaming letters all over the TV's and phones of certain right-wing minded people, so they think it's being 'ignored' or something.
  10. When it comes to basketball, my main challenge is finding out who are the strong and semi-strong and not so strong teams in the 5x5 and 3x3 for the Olympics, unfortunately no time for U20's But now I am curious to at least watch the final..
  11. If I'm not mistaken, the issue is generally when athletes from these nations have to compete head-to-head (as in, sports like tennis, combat sports and so on), not necessarily when they compete in the same 'group' (say, road cycling or athletics). Surely @MHSN can say that with more certainty, but I believe that's what I've understood on here If that's the case, this shouldn't be an issue I think, since they don't compete head-to-head here, but just happen to be in the same group. At least I sincerely hope they'll all compete.
  12. Strangely, the app can be cast to a Chromecast for example, but the stream in the app stops for a fraction of a second every 1-2 seconds It does have a button to go forwards or backwards 10 seconds though, a very basic functionality for almost any kind of video player, but's there.
  13. Based on what, besides 'that is what we are used to'? For the first time in forever, the opening ceremony with the original plans sounds like something I'm actually looking forward to, besides of course the Parade of Nations I always want to watch. Normally the rest of the show - at least for me - is a whole bunch of dances and so on that 'represent the unity and the history of *insert any nation*', but without actually telling a story This time it has the potential to be way more interesting..
  14. But the player they use is horrendous and even now after more than a half year doesn't even support super basic functionality like hotkeys to pause and move forwards or backwards. Two functions that make watching a full stream later on quite doable, because there's a lot of 'dead time' that one can easily skip with hotkeys, but it's a shitshow having to manually move the slider on the bottom of the player a few pixels at a time.
  15. Jeez, need to order some glasses I think. I thought that would link to that Totallympics page, but yeah, it's the one I was looking for...thanks
  16. Does this event have a similar page somewhere as we had for Rome? Searching the entire European Athletics website, but can't find the regular timetable + results + documents page anywhere..
  17. But the process is the same, no? Close the curtains so it's somewhat dark inside and sleep when LA sleeps. The only situations in which I think it's truly difficult is if there's children involved (can hardly force them to turn around their rhythm ) or if getting free from work isn't possible...
  18. I'm actually looking forward to those 2028 and 2032 time difference Olympics. Oddly, it was super chill to have Pyeongchang, Tokyo and Beijing especially all be in like the middle of the night for a significant part of the day. Basically nothing going on - at least in terms of non-Olympic sports or other distractions - so full focus entirely on the Olympics. And especially in summer, it was a lot more comfortable watching the Olympics at night with reasonable weather than during hot days (during Tokyo we had some hot days but for a majority of the day I was simply sleeping, so I managed to avoid that) Whether the Olympic day starts at 01:00 or 14:00 or 19:00 in my local time really makes no difference at all for me in terms of difficulty, I just change my daily routine accordingly for 2,5 weeks and it's all fine (but with the aforementioned preference for the night Olympics).
  19. Don't say we're being forced to that horrendous 2024 version of the Eurovision Sports website, again?
  20. At least I hope that main page won't have results automatically added to them
  21. Yep. One of the few cases where I am at least more open to believing it is in the case someone had sexual relations with a person who can prove they had a certain substance in their body. Not saying that would or should absolve the athlete of any punishment or something like that, I honestly don't know (and in the end the athlete is still the one responsible), but at the very least I am a little more inclined to believe a story like that (since it's a normal thing for people to do and one can quite easily imagine bodily fluids transmitting substances to some degree) than the cancer medicines that fell in the pasta sauce or grandpas making desserts on the same board they cut their medicines on and bringing it 200km to their grandchild and tadaaa, that explains the doping test.
  22. I would see whether or not that road would take illegal ways according to French law and so if theoretically she could use it, but I'm on my work laptop now and not feeling like risking that Google search
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