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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Twenty minutes after Bernal's finish and only 46 guys reached the line so far. Good thing/too bad there's no real time limit today (there is one, but most likely most decent amateurs would make it)
  2. Evenepoel passed the top of the Giau a mere 21 minutes behind Bernal. All is not lost!
  3. Bernal must be getting close, there's the 'beginning of the race' car!
  4. Martinez in trouble in the descent, apparently. Meanwhile on the climb, basically it's all just 1 or 2 riders at a time, with dozens of seconds in between them. It's been an absolute massacre..
  5. Bernal Caruso Bardet Carthy, Ciccone, Almeida Vlasov, Martinez Yates, Pedrero, Formolo, Foss That's the order in which they passed the top of the Giau.
  6. Random dude on Instagram standing near the top in between the snow walls brings a perfectly stable live stream, it's truly excellent. RAI has shown maybe 20 kilometers of the 155 of today and can't show anything of the past 25km or so.
  7. Watching live from the top on some dude's Instagram now @igortavella
  8. Rumours: Caruso and Carthy 45 seconds behind Bernal at the top, Carthy at 1:13. It could also be that Caruso is 1:50 behind, nobody really knows. Vlasov and Martinez just over two minutes behind, Yates nearly three minutes.
  9. Bernal is apparently on the descent already. So yeah, no pictures of that neither...
  10. I wonder if they'll at least have a camera at the top of the climb or if even that is too much to ask...
  11. Probably the next 23 second live shot will be Bernal suddenly behind Evenepoel and, say, Jan Hirt in the solo lead.
  12. Fantastic, missed the possibly deciding move of the Giro thanks to whoever is responsible for this being done so much worse than for example in the Tour de France (again, and again, and again, every year the same).
  13. And rain breaking off the live images again. As is tradition (in the Giro).
  14. Current top-10: Vlasov is behind due to some jacket troubles, Evenepoel is gone and Foss is gone as well (but no idea how far), so 7 out of the top-10 guys are left. Plus Carr.
  15. Yates in big trouble thanks to the work of Simon Carr of all people.
  16. What an absolute massacre on this climb already, holy crap.
  17. Gorka nearly crashed straight into a car, what a way to avoid it
  18. It would be good if they use one of those camera bikes near the peloton to, you know, show who's actually still in the peloton...
  19. Evenepoel has been dropped, already two minutes behind. Oh well, considering it was his first race after months of recovering from a fall which could have ended up much worse, he has been doing an excellent job.
  20. But that's possible (if unlikely). What I want to know is if it's still theoretically possible and if so, what he has to do in terms of weights.
  21. Is it correct that Enzo Kuworge has a (small) chance left to qualify in the +109kg via the junior worlds? And if so, what exactly does he need to do there? Or, you know, as 'exactly' as possible
  22. We would have had three of those big climbs though, where cold, altitude and everything would have been a factor.
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