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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. I was not, no worries (trust me, you are a lot nicer in your comments than I often see on Dutch socials )
  2. Of course splits mean super little, Richardson probably ran 90 meters at best, but still
  3. Thing is, she could super easily have made it if they were allowed to run with 3
  4. Nope. I like the angry reactions from people who never watch athletics, now watch and think "omg what a freak show!" (annoyingly seeing that a lot on Dutch socials for example)
  5. USA nearly throwing it away on the 2nd exchange there despite having an absolutely massive amount of extra speed compared to the rest
  6. Usually just the same old things I'd say. How was your race, are you confident for the semis, etc In rare cases something more personal if reporters did their jobs.
  7. Despite it usually being rather serious in terms of the stories behind it
  8. The joy of and tears of separated by 0,01 second
  9. I can't handle seeing that Getting injured is tragic enough, but seeing your dreams of even Olympic participation being shattered literally not 5 minutes before your start is just....ugh
  10. Ah no, Weissenberg misstepped in the warmup for her hurdles heat and has seemingly injured her acchiles minutes before her start
  11. Forecast at the ready, it's heptathlon time! Too bad the main forecasting site uses the PB series of everyone instead of sort of a weighed average of recent results, but it's still a lot better than nothing
  12. Cleaning up the bottles, because we can't let the Seine get dirty of course.
  13. What's the reasoning behind the repechage system here and in wrestling, compared to judo? You can, with all due respect of course, be the least strong athlete of the field, yet fight for bronze with a single win if you're lucky enough to have drawn a strong opponent? How is that more fair than at least needing to get to the quarter finals on your own merit before having a chance for bronze in case you lose? To be clear: I am well aware I'm probably overlooking something But hence the question
  14. Oh, I searched for 'open water' and didn't find it Why do they call open water swimming 'marathon swimming' in the Olympics when it's not marathon
  15. Imagine having bought tickets for this and then they all end up being forced to swim so close to the edge that you can't even see any swimmer
  16. Once again I am astonished how they can show this without proper graphics. If you're not watching live, so can't use the live scoreboard, it's horrible to have any sense at all of how the competition is going and what every individual lift means
  17. I just now realized Tunisia was in this race, thanks
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