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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. Haha, Azerbaijan getting something of their own? Best joke of the evening
  2. This Estonian guy is giving me the fucking creeps man
  3. Now we're finally underway, Cyprus, this is awesome
  4. Well we've arrived at song #10 and finally I dare say I actually quite like what I hear Go
  5. Russia is pretty much the exact meaning of what I meant with "extremely cheesy songs" I hate these songs
  6. Exactly my feelings, including the part of not having heard any of these songs earlier. It was like the Dutch guy was trying to imitate Waylons 'wink' in the camera that was so anticipated when they finished 2nd behind Austria, but it failed and his face looked all messed up
  7. "I've got to say, I'm a dicktit" Maybe try practising the pronuncation a bit more
  8. The song is one of many contestants to finish last, but I definitely have no problems looking at Armenia's entry
  9. Bob was looking into the camera as if he was having an orgasm right at that moment
  10. I guess Hungary was somewhat acceptable, although it's a shame he came on stage with broken jeans and his shirt half in his pants and half out of it
  11. Ah, I thought it was "top-8" OR "sub-3:45"
  12. Didn't Matteo Giupponi finish 8th?
  13. Top-8 was only for the 20k? Well anyway I'd still hate him if I was one of the other Italians, because then finally you win an actual gold medal and what happens? 99% of the race walking community looks at your gold medal with hate because of Schwazer.
  14. Azerbaijan's video clip, wtf The playback we had to do at school when we were like 10 was better
  15. Time for the first evening of extremely cheesy songs with horrible pronunciation going through to the finals To save the embarassment in the final it'd be better if our guy just goes home after tonight....why did they send him? Meanwhile on TV here they're almost dying of laughing because of the Bosnian guy's polished head and San Marino's pirate
  16. Some small percentages in the women's race walking and men's marathon, a bit bigger percentages in the men's pole vault and a bigger percentage in women's pole vault...all in all I think Brazil should normally at least win one medal
  17. It's Africa, don't trust the documents and never give up hope someone suddenly magically appears for some lifts
  18. I think the chance of Brazil winning exactly 1 athletics medal in Rio and this coming from race walking is like 0,01%
  19. No, you forget the part where he asked his girlfriend Carolina Kostner to lie in order to not get tested while "hot" resulting in her receiving a ban as well. Such a gentleman, this Alex But indeed, when even his team "mates" hate him from the bottom of their hearts, it's clear enough. Even more so, one of them will actually miss the Olympics because his ticket is stolen by a proven and self-confessed EPO-cheat. It's a miracle he didn't attack Schwazer.
  20. I've written them down in this order, so SKN and GAB are still available if someone else wants them as first choice. Is that acceptable or do you prefer SKN or GAB as your 1st choice?
  21. Personally I'm not a fan of countries like Israel in this thread, and obviously I have nothing against Israel personally. A country like Iran is exotic for us Dutch people (as we never hear anything about them or their athletes), but we decided not to allow them on the Dutch forum since they're of course not an exotic sports nation. Of course if he wants to keep us updated about Israel and post all kinds of interesting news from Israeli media that's hard to find anywhere else, I won't ask Sindo to delete those posts and I'll read them with interest
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