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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. It's past 1am, I still have a 3 hour IndyCar race to watch and I desperately wanna sleep because at 8am the day of sports kicks off again, but alright, hckosice is hosting the contest so I'll stay up and make a start with the playlist
  2. To be honest I don't know a lot of Grönemeyer, mostly "Der Weg" which sounded amazing when I heard him sing it live at a major festival, the story behind it only makes it even more fantastic. One of my favourite songs of all time Apart from that, my favourite German artist is, without any form of doubt, Rammstein
  3. (Just let me lighten up my mood, bitte)
  4. It's like Germany had the same thing the Dutch had until a couple of years ago: "let's dress her up as 'strange' as possible, maybe it'll score", it doesn't. I have nothing against Germany clearly, but I really found this song to be boring. Then again, that's what I thought of 80% of the songs of tonight.
  5. Well it's over and I'm really disappointed. Apart from that, I don't even have the courage to look at my bets yet because I think it's gone quite horrible
  6. 1. Ukraine --> Meh.....bad song, bad voice, bad show, lot of screaming 2. Australia --> Pretty good song, great voice 3. Russia --> Typical standard popsong, not bad (way better than Ukraine obviously), but absolutely nothing special 4. Bulgaria --> Don't really remember the song to be honest, but I remember thinking it was pretty ok 5. Sweden --> What the hell? Did they ever teach this boy to sing? He was singing "dance!" and all he did was slightly move to the right 6. France --> It was quite good I guess 7. Armenia --> Mostly male voters I suppose, easy song, but good looks 8. Poland --> After Ukraine winning, Poland ending 3rd in the televoting is the biggest joke of the night 9. Lithuania --> It didn't impress me enough to remember it 10. Belgium --> We were mostly wondering how they could end up so high 11. Netherlands --> Basically as expected, in fact, exactly what the bookmakers had expected Germany being in last is pretty much expected with that "interesting" performance, Czech Republic 25th as well although I quite liked the Czech song More drama for UK, but I guess that won't ever end anytime soon.
  7. I don't know if it's coincidence, but my tv stopped when the Ukrainian started singing her song again Even the superstandard and extremely cheesy Russian song was better...damn, I wish Australia would have won.
  8. Wtf, one of the worst songs in my opinion won.
  9. Poland 3rd in televoting Long live the Polish workforce all over Europe.
  10. At least Australia would be a way more deserved winner than pretty much everyone else in the top-10.
  11. I have no idea, at all Same for the barely singing Swedish boy.
  12. Like it would have been different otherwise It's one side vs the other side
  13. Honestly, what are that Swedish boy and Ukraine woman doing so high in the rankings?!
  14. A little bit wrong song for Lordi though, they prefer songs about cannibals and demonic dolls, not peace and love hippie crap
  15. Couldn't resist putting 10 Euro on the Netherlands on odds of 580 (the other 75 is a bet on Latvia I placed some weeks ago, big mistake, I know)
  16. With the exception of Cyprus of course
  17. With the exception of Cyprus of course
  18. Why is Ukraine one of the three only serious candidates according to all experts? It's not really good if you ask me
  19. Yeah, it's quite decent and that'll probably be enough to make the standard nations vote for them
  20. I really hope this standard Russian song won't win...
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