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Everything posted by heywoodu

  1. The western conspiracy thing again? Ok, I'm just gonna wait for the football to start then The Russian behaviour inside the stadium (not the fans, but the criminals....the fans behave normal) was quite obviously worse than that of any other nation so far. Horrible that Russia will host the next world cup. Especially when there's idiotic politicians saying what those criminals did is good.
  2. Because they were the ones starting fights, shooting fireworks etc inside the stadium.
  3. Good decision, though the professional fighters/criminals on the streets were even way worse.
  4. Well FIFA rankings are the most useless and meaningless on earth
  5. Belgium has to start making some goals or else they're sure to be eliminated as well as Sweden and Ireland.
  6. Thing is they apparently have way better players than they had in quite a long time, so many people are expecting a lot. Also, before WC2014 it seems they played fun, attractive and attacking football so people here in the Netherlands started to like them and "adopt" them as favourite team. Nowadays when I see press conferences or interviews they're all just the same as the arrogant smugs like Ronaldo or Ibrahimovic, sitting there answering questions like "I am so bored and I hate being a footballer and this is so boring".
  7. I'm guessing it's a matter of English not being most people's native language here and he actually means that Sweden is the first that "can't qualify" (in his opinion), therefore is "disqualified"
  8. I'm getting kind of tired of all the hype around Belgium here in the past weeks Even more than before the 2014 World Cup
  9. There's still 2 matches to go and it's not like Belgium and Italy are so amazing nowadays.
  10. Oooh yeah, NOW Larsson makes a goal Edit: Own goal, no problem
  11. So far I think the bookmakers are pretty much right about his chances again: he has around 50-60% chance to win and all the others combined have like 40-50% chance
  12. In that case I'll be half ok with a Swedish win but still mainly hoping for Ireland I'll pay the first round of drinks if Larsson makes the opening goal of the match though.
  13. Let's wait and see how he does when he has some opposition
  14. Who says I'm not secretly a top weightlifter? And I'm not jealous, Kostova being caught for doping is just too predictable
  15. Sorry, but I'm not gonna cheer for Sweden only because a Danish guy likes them If only you were Swedish... (or are you and did I miss that?)
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