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Everything posted by Agger

  1. Seeing plenty of stories that Wembley is packed with people without tickets. How has this match been played if aisles are packed and stairs blocked?
  2. 30.000? That's laughable! Guess English fans will shut up about anti-England disciplinary actions now!
  3. If not, wouldn't that be the spot for Tauson?
  4. Earlier during the Tour I read that Cav had said that a 36-year-old with a 36-year-old lead-out shouldn't be able to win (back in the Petacchi days). Guess he feels otherwise now
  5. Earlier during the Tour I read that Cav had said that a 36-year-old with a 36-year-old lead-out shouldn't be able to win (back in the Petacchi days). Guess he feels otherwise now
  6. There's still about a week for athletes to become injured
  7. My one experience with wrestling would say otherwise. The Asian fans were pretty damn loud (and a small group of Swedish fans). But then again. It was the days of Saori Yoshida and the quite exceptional Games in London, spectatorwise!
  8. Sadly it does seem more and more like only a few countries will reach satisfying numbers. More and more countries are starting to struggle finding unvaccinated people willing to get it. I do have high hopes for Denmark where it does seem likely that we'll get to 90 % of the eligible people (maybe not among the 12-15 year olds). Numbers are climbing again now that we have the Pfizer shots from Romania. Covid numbers are increasing right now with the Delta variant starting to dominate. Spontaneous football celebrations may be to blame for parts of it, but of course a generally more open society will mean slightly more as well. However only very few hospitalizations and barely any deaths any longer (the last was reported 5 days ago)
  9. Some Danish fans had a pretty tough evening as well with English "fans" spitting at them and some pretty rough shouting, also towards children. Apparently some English fool managed to get a ticket for the Danish section and tried starting a fight as well. And Social Media is packed with people defending the behaviour and comments about how it's just getting attention because it's England. Some people just want to show their "fan" culture from the very worst side. Sadly we have fools as well here in Denmark, especially when we start discussing beer throwing in the stands. Apparently you shouldn't come to a football game if you don't want your clothes to smell like beer! And also some fools booing the Russian anthem (didn't notice that where I was watching the game)
  10. Where the heck do you see schedules 2 weeks in advance?
  11. WD could be an all asian affair from the quarters.
  12. Horrible draws for the Danish XD and WD
  13. With those winds and several open roads on the course it is in no way unrealistic that some people will try something. We'll have to see!
  14. What would you have him do? Just rewatched the moment. There's no way that could have been a penalty. "Impeding the progress of an opponent means moving into the opponent’s path to obstruct, block, slow down or force a change of direction when the ball is not within playing distance of either player." The ball was right where they played!
  15. Stage delayed slightly due to strong winds. We could be in for a very interesting stage!
  16. England was the better team but losing on that penalty was damn frustrating! Felt like it should have been stopped with the 2 balls just by eachother on the pitch, but the penalty call was terrible! Penalty in the 2nd half? No. Kane made a free kick before the situation. If it wasn't for that, sure it should have been a penalty! Can't talk about the situation before the penalty. I simply don't remember it! Now we'll have more or less the 2 most overacting teams in the final. Some promising actors on both teams. The booing fans, diving players and the the laser pen using fool (hope that person won't set foot on a stadium for many years!) and a much more interesting Italian team makes it easy for me to pick my winners! Today I'll be frustrated. We were so damn close to going to penalties where we would have a fine chance. But starting tomorrow it'll be all about pride. This team has done amazing and we (oh well, Christian Eriksen) won the most important match of all. Just too bad that I won't be watching the next tournament where we can once again be a challenger!
  17. When all big screen events got sold out before I could get anything, what do you do? I went to the local cinema to watch the match. That's a first!
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