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Everything posted by Federer91

  1. So, Rutte is (finally) out of the picture in the coming weeks and all of a sudden NED has no issues letting BG in Schengen Two-faced politicians, surely this hasn't happened before.
  2. He recovered 2 months ago from the operation he had in April. This was his first official competition. Things are not at all certain for the Olympics. In terms of winning i mean. The competition is very tough and also BG athletes have the tendency to panic at big events. He can fumble the snatch and then not be able to catch up.
  3. I propose to have the whole season in Bansko. There are no storms here and could even send some of the snow.
  4. We are doing many 1/2 and finals, which is unusual for our swimming history. Granted many big names are not here, but it's still a sign of the positive development of the sport.
  5. Kraft's streak ends, as Geiger jumps from the mist for the win. Really good start for Germany as old faces Geiger, Wellinger and Paschke are showing form from 5 years ago.
  6. A speed event has been completed, holy baby Yoda
  7. There goes our chances for quotas in wrestling and boxing
  8. 6 days for a 25 m Championships 10-15 years ago these were 4 days tops.
  9. We are going to see another cancelled start right... It's getting pretty hysterical at this point, if i wasn't crying inside.
  10. Felix and Szilagyi seem certain, but for the other 2 places are up for grabs. Let's hope it will be lesser known athletes and not Fox for example
  11. Also just pure coincidence that USA are being pushed for 2034, when we all know the NBC contract end with 2032. IOC salivating on the negotiations for the new rights already.
  12. France and USA having 2 Olympics in 6 years has a sour taste in my mouth. Especially when there are other options available. Like why don't France host the 38 or 42 ones.
  13. Looks like Germany have found their rhythm again, at least in biathlon and ski-jumping, at the start of this season. Very strong performance from their whole teams. On the other side, team Norge started a bit so-so. JTB with 2 misses would have easily won last season, while Laegreid and Christiansen would have been top 10. We shall see, if the new ski rules are being a factor. The women did better, given that most of them are newer names, with the exception of Tandrevold of course.
  14. A new season and "good" to see the old ski-jumping traditions still being present. As in continue to enforce dubious rules and DQ the little people, while the power nations jump with bed sheets and get high fives from the "officials"
  15. Westgaard with almost top 10 He has some Scandinavian in him i suppose
  16. Any particular reason why luge isn't using the tracks in La Plagne, Lillehammer, St. Moritz and Beijing, but bobsleigh / skeleton do?
  17. Jørgen Graabak be like: "Finally, i won't have to start half a lap after everyone"
  18. Not much expectations for team BG this season. Our best woman Milena Todorova is pregnant and will miss the season. The 20-year old Lora Hristova showed big potential, as she won 3 gold medals at the summer biathlon Junior Worlds in August, but as we know summer biathlon is very different from real biathlon. I'm hoping she can get some points here and there. As for the men, the situation isn't much brighter. The days of having a competitive relay and fighting for top 8-10 place is gone. Blagoi Todev, who was a junior prospect seems to be endlessly injured and it's not certain, if will even continue with his career. The veteran Vladimir Iliev will continue to push through, though his decline was seen last season. All in all, the ambitions should sadly be not to lose anymore quotas.
  19. Wintersport season is finally upon us in full force The Kuusamo festival is always a treat, combined with the biathlon opening and the expected snowfall here in Bulgaria, makes it a weekend of my desires.
  20. Italy doing very well on both sides Especially happy for one Stefania Constantini
  21. In the not so lovely Bulgarian sports picture lately, we had a gigantic proud moment yesterday. Our women's team won the European Team Chess Championships title. From 9 matches, we won 7 and had 2 draws. The feat is even more special for 2 reasons. One, our whole team, bar our captain, are around 20 years old. And two, this is the first time we are playing in the Team Chess Championships in 10 years, because you guessed it, we don't have a proper Federation and have a 7 year ban from ECU & FIDE. As a matter of fact we shouldn't have played here, but they gave our team a Wild Card, after the results our young girls are having this year. All other countries agreed to us participating as well. Captain Antoaneta Stefanova (2417) - former Women's World Champion; Nurgyul Salimova (2412)- Finalist at this years Chess World Cup and playing in the 2024 Women's Candidates Tournament; Gergana Peycheva (2287) - 2 Time BG Rapid Chess champion; Viktoria Radeva (2332) - 3 Time BG National champion; Beloslava Krasteva (2262) - Bronze medalist at the U20 Women's World Championships this year The team played the last 3 matches with a player down, as Radeva got sick with a fever and had to spend 2 days at the hospital. And all this without a single penny from the country. But today, those Ministers and whatnot were the first to congratulate them... Every chess player is financing their careers with personal finances, sponsors and crowdfunding. I'm ashamed my country doesn't give these brilliant people what they deserve. Maybe this would change now. Full Euro team summary: Serbia, Bulgaria Triumph; Carlsen Takes Gold On Board 1
  22. FIS are having a very bombastic start to the season...
  23. We still have an hour before they change their minds.
  24. Razzoli still going. Is he going to make a push for 2026
  25. I've seen some political protests in my lifetime, but the chaos that happens tonight is unparalleled... The dumb police threw down a journalist, who was recording the events and while down his camera was still on. One of the other journalist went towards him to "save" him and after 15 minutes the cops let him go. They mayor is also down and trying to blame the fans of course.. And if the shitshow wasn't enough, we are leading Hungary in a match, that no one is caring about and the pathetic players are celebrating like it's the World Cup..
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