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FC Mezhgorye

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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by FC Mezhgorye

  1. may be. but for the IOC 6 events is too much
  2. I don't like numbers 2 and 3. I would just give a medal to both athletes
  3. Ties are broken by: 1. In case of ties after the Final, ties are broken by the ranking in each discipline (e.g. if athlete A has beaten athlete B in two of the three disciplines, athlete A will be ranked first) 2. If any athletes remain tied, ties are broken by the combined ranking after Qualification 3. If they remain tied, the athlete with the lower bib number will be ranked first.
  4. Nothing personal, it's just business medals
  5. We have Kliment Kolesnikov. I don't understand why he should participate here. Apparently for the number of medals.
  6. At one time it was a big problem when athletes (especially football or hockey players) left for other countries and couldn't say anything. Because of what broke career and returned home. And now, before leaving for the USA or Canada, our young hockey players speak English well. Also when there is facebook and instagram communication of athletes who have participated in competitions since childhood, has reached a new level.
  7. In Russia now, very often, children since childhood have been learning English, both in schools and from private teachers
  8. A small Bumblebee grew up and won another battle
  9. [hide] Second Round October 7th - October 11th, 2018 16 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for the Third Round Group E Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 October 7th 2018, h. 10:40 Mexico 0 3 Serbia October 7th 2018, h. 13:25 Germany 0 3 Brazil October 7th 2018, h. 16:10 Netherlands 3 0 Puerto Rico October 7th 2018, h. 19:20 Japan 3 0 Dominican Republic October 8th 2018, h. 10:40 Germany 0 3 Serbia October 8th 2018, h. 13:25 Mexico 0 3 Brazil October 8th 2018, h. 16:10 Netherlands 3 0 Dominican Republic October 8th 2018, h. 19:20 Japan 3 1 Puerto Rico October 10th 2018, h. 10:40 Mexico 0 3 Dominican Republic October 10th 2018, h. 13:25 Netherlands 0 3 Brazil October 10th 2018, h. 16:10 Germany 3 0 Puerto Rico October 10th 2018, h. 19:20 Japan 1 3 Serbia October 11th 2018, h. 10:40 Mexico 0 3 Puerto Rico October 11th 2018, h. 13:25 Germany 3 2 Dominican Republic October 11th 2018, h. 16:10 Netherlands 0 3 Serbia October 11th 2018, h. 19:20 Japan 1 3 Brazil Group F Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 October 7th 2018, h. 10:40 Turkey 0 3 Russia October 7th 2018, h. 13:25 Bulgaria 0 3 United States October 7th 2018, h. 16:10 Italy 3 0 Azerbaijan October 7th 2018, h. 19:20 China 3 0 Thailand October 8th 2018, h. 10:40 Bulgaria 0 3 Russia October 8th 2018, h. 13:25 Turkey 1 3 United States October 8th 2018, h. 16:10 China 3 0 Azerbaijan October 8th 2018, h. 19:20 Italy 3 0 Thailand October 10th 2018, h. 10:40 Turkey 3 0 Azerbaijan October 10th 2018, h. 13:25 Bulgaria 1 3 Thailand October 10th 2018, h. 16:10 Italy 0 3 Russia October 10th 2018, h. 19:20 China 3 2 United States October 11th 2018, h. 10:40 Bulgaria 1 3 Azerbaijan October 11th 2018, h. 13:25 Turkey 3 1 Thailand October 11th 2018, h. 16:10 Italy 3 1 United States October 11th 2018, h. 19:20 China 0 3 Russia [/hide]
  10. Miracle in Moscow. In the summer, we lost 9 (!!!) important players in the main squad and buy noname players and loan Vlasic - Everton's reserve player. Half the team are kids. Before the start of the season, all the experts said that CSKA would be in the middle of the national championship table and the chances of points in the matches with Plzen. And against them are world champions and champions league winners (Navas, Kroos, Modric, Asensio etc) Our team today: Akinfeev (32, Russia national football team) Mario Fernandes (28, Russia national football team) Becao (22, no team) Chernov (22, Russia U-21) Nababkin (32, no team) Dzagoev(28, Russia national football team) Bijol (19, Slovenia U-21) Akhmetov (20, Russia U-21) Oblyakov (20, Russia U-21) Vlasic (20, Croatia U-21) Chalov (20. Russia U-21) Substitute: Kyrnats (20, no team) Efremov (23, no team) Sigurdsson (19, Iceland U-21) And now we are 4th in the championship and 1st in the Champions League.
  11. RUSSIA Victor Tsoi is one of the most famous singers in the history of Russia. He lived only 28 years, but wrote several cult songs. Most of the songs are associated with changes in society, the perestroika and protest of the youth against the system. His last concert in Luzhniki was attended by 70 thousand people. In Moscow on the famous Arbat Street there is a wall of memory of Tsoi. And until now throughout the country on the walls write the inscription "Tsoi is alive". Хочу перемен Вместо тепла зелень стекла, Вместо огня дым, Из сетки календаря выхвачен день. Красное солнце сгорает дотла, День догорает с ним, На пылающий город падает тень. Перемен требуют наши сердца, Перемен требуют наши глаза. В нашем смехе и в наших слезах, И в пульсации вен Перемен мы ждём, перемен. Электрический свет продолжает наш день, И коробка спичек пуста, Но на кухне синим цветком горит газ. Сигареты в руках, чай на столе, Эта схема проста И больше нет ничего, всё находится в нас. Перемен требуют наши сердца, Перемен требуют наши глаза. В нашем смехе и в наших слезах, И в пульсации вен Перемен мы ждём, перемен. Мы не можем похвастаться мудростью глаз И умелыми жестами рук, Нам не нужно всё это, Чтобы друг друга понять. Сигареты в руках, чай на столе, Так замыкается круг, И вдруг нам становится страшно что-то менять. Перемен требуют наши сердца, Перемен требуют наши глаза. В нашем смехе и в наших слезах, И в пульсации вен Перемен мы ждём, перемен. Перемен требуют наши сердца, Перемен требуют наши глаза. В нашем смехе и в наших слезах, И в пульсации вен Перемен мы ждём, перемен. Change! Instead of warmth, grenth of the glass, Instead of fire, smoke, One selected day from the calendar, Our sun is burning to ashes, The day's burning with it. Shadows are falling on the burning city. Our hearts, are begging for change, Our eyes, are begging for change, In our eyes and in our tears, And in the pulsation of the veins. Change! We are waiting for Change. Electric light is continuing our day, And the mach box is all empty. In the kitchen, like a blue flower gas is burning. Cigarettes in my hands, tea on the table, This scheme is easy. And there is no more, everything is in us. Our hearts, are begging for change, Our eyes, are begging for change, In our eyes and in our tears, And in the pulsation of the veins. Change! We are waiting for Change. We ca'not brag with the wissenes of our eyes And the smart gestaculation of our hands, We don't need all that to communicate with each other. Cigarettes in my hands, tea on the table, Thats is the cycle. And suddenly it gets scary to change something . Our hearts, are begging for change, Our eyes, are begging for change, In our eyes and in our tears, And in the pulsation of the veins. Change! We are waiting for Change. Du changement! À la place de la chaleur, le vert du verre, À place du feu, la fumée. Le jour est sélectionné sur le calendrier. Le soleil rouge se réduit en cendres, Et le jour s'éteint avec lui. L'ombre tombe sur la ville en flammes. Nos coeurs réclament du changement, Nos yeux réclament du changement, Dans notre rire et dans nos yeux, Et dans la pulsation des veines Du changement! Nous attendons du changement. La lumière électrique prolonge notre journée Et la boîte d'allumettes est vide. Mais, dans la cuisine, le gaz brûle d'une lueur bleue. Cigarette à la main, le thé sur la table, Ce schéma est simple. Et il n'y a plus rien, tout est en nous. Nos coeurs réclament du changement, Nos yeux réclament du changement, Dans notre rire et dans nos yeux, Et dans la pulsation des veines Du changement! Nous attendons du changement. Nous ne pouvons pas nous vanter de la sagesse de nos yeux Et des gestes habiles de nos mains, Nous n'avons pas besoin de tout cela pour se comprendre l'un l'autre. Cigarette à la main, le thé sur la table, C'est ainsi que le cercle se referme. Et soudain nous avons peur de changer quelque chose. Nos coeurs réclament du changement, Nos yeux réclament du changement, Dans notre rire et dans nos yeux, Et dans la pulsation des veines Du changement! Nous attendons du changement.
  12. [hide] Bronze Medal Match Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 30th 2018, h. 17:00 Serbia 3 1 United States Gold Medal Match Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 30th 2018, h. 20:30 Brazil 3 0 Poland [/hide]
  13. [hide] Knockout Round September 26th - September 30th, 2018 12 Nations, Quarterfinal Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Bronze Medal Match Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 30th 2018, h. 17:30 Belgium 6 Spain Gold Medal Match Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 30th 2018, h. 20:00 Australia 10 United States [/hide]
  14. [hide] Semifinals Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 29th 2018, h. 17:00 Brazil 0 3 Serbia September 29th 2018, h. 20:30 Poland 0 3 United States [/hide]
  15. [hide] Knockout Round September 26th - September 30th, 2018 12 Nations, Quarterfinal Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Semifinals Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 29th 2018, h. 17:30 Belgium 35 United States September 29th 2018, h. 20:00 Spain 18 Australia [/hide]
  16. [hide] Knockout Round September 26th - September 30th, 2018 12 Nations, Quarterfinal Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Quarterfinals Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 28th 2018, h. 11:30 United States 23 Nigeria September 28th 2018, h. 14:00 Australia 15 China September 28th 2018, h. 17:30 Belgium 7 France September 28th 2018, h. 20:00 Canada 6 Spain [/hide]
  17. [hide] Knockout Round September 26th - September 30th, 2018 12 Nations, Quarterfinal Play-Offs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Quarterfinal Play-Offs Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 26th 2018, h. 11:30 Spain 14 Senegal September 26th 2018, h. 14:00 China 5 Japan September 26th 2018, h. 17:30 Nigeria 8 Greece September 26th 2018, h. 20:00 France 12 Turkey [/hide]
  18. very funny draw especially the Italian man on the left 7:15-7:45. so focused
  19. [hide] Third Round September 26th - September 28th, 2018 6 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from each Group will qualify for Semifinals Group I Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 26th 2018, h. 17:00 Brazil 0 3 Russia September 27th 2018, h. 17:00 United States 0 3 Russia September 28th 2018, h. 17:00 Brazil 3 2 United States Group J Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 26th 2018, h. 21:15 Italy 1 3 Serbia September 27th 2018, h. 20:30 Poland 0 3 Serbia September 28th 2018, h. 21:15 Italy 3 0 Poland [/hide]
  20. [hide] Second Round September 21st - September 23rd, 2018 16 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st Nation from each Group and 2 best 2nd placed Nations between all Groups will qualify for the Third Round Group E Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 21st 2018, h. 17:00 Netherlands 0 3 Russia September 21st 2018, h. 21:15 Italy 3 0 Finland September 22nd 2018, h. 17:00 Netherlands 3 1 Finland September 22nd 2018, h. 21:15 Russia 3 0 Italy September 23rd 2018, h. 17:00 Russia 3 0 Finland September 23rd 2018, h. 21:15 Italy 3 0 Netherlands Group F Date & Time (GMT +2) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 21st 2018, h. 17:00 Brazil 3 0 Australia September 21st 2018, h. 20:30 Belgium 1 3 Slovenia September 22nd 2018, h. 17:00 Australia 3 1 Belgium September 22nd 2018, h. 20:30 Slovenia 0 3 Brazil September 23rd 2018, h. 17:00 Slovenia 3 2 Australia September 23rd 2018, h. 20:30 Belgium 0 3 Brazil Group G Date & Time (GMT +3) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 21st 2018, h. 17:00 United States 3 0 Canada September 21st 2018, h. 20:40 Bulgaria 3 1 Iran September 22nd 2018, h. 17:00 Iran 0 3 Canada September 22nd 2018, h. 20:40 Bulgaria 0 3 United States September 23rd 2018, h. 17:00 United States 3 0 Iran September 23rd 2018, h. 20:40 Bulgaria 3 1 Canada Group H Date & Time (GMT +3) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 21st 2018, h. 17:00 Serbia 3 1 France September 21st 2018, h. 20:40 Poland 3 0 Argentina September 22nd 2018, h. 17:00 Serbia 3 0 Argentina September 22nd 2018, h. 20:40 Poland 3 2 France September 23rd 2018, h. 17:00 France 3 0 Argentina September 23rd 2018, h. 20:40 Poland 1 3 Serbia [/hide]
  21. [hide] Preliminary Round September 22nd - September 25th, 2018 16 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st Nation from each Group will qualify for the Quarterfinals, the 2nd and the 3rd Nations from each Group will qualify for Quarterfinals Play-Offs Group A Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 22nd 2018, h. 13:30 South Korea 26 France September 22nd 2018, h. 17:30 Greece 3 Canada September 23rd 2018, h. 11:30 Canada 15 South Korea September 23rd 2018, h. 17:30 France 16 Greece September 25th 2018, h. 13:30 South Korea 11 Greece September 25th 2018, h. 20:30 Canada 8 France Group B Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 22nd 2018, h. 11:30 Australia 29 Nigeria September 22nd 2018, h. 14:00 Turkey 18 Argentina September 23rd 2018, h. 11:00 Argentina 24 Australia September 23rd 2018, h. 20:30 Nigeria 15 Turkey September 25th 2018, h. 11:30 Australia 12 Turkey September 25th 2018, h. 17:30 Argentina 8 Nigeria Group C Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 22nd 2018, h. 20:00 Japan 18 Spain September 22nd 2018, h. 20:30 Puerto Rico 14 Belgium September 23rd 2018, h. 13:30 Belgium 6 Japan September 23rd 2018, h. 20:00 Spain 25 Puerto Rico September 25th 2018, h. 11:00 Japan 11 Puerto Rico September 25th 2018, h. 20:00 Belgium 12 Spain Group D Date & Time (GMT +1) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 22nd 2018, h. 11:00 Latvia 8 China September 22nd 2018, h. 18:00 United States 42 Senegal September 23rd 2018, h. 14:00 Senegal 14 Latvia September 23rd 2018, h. 18:00 China 25 United States September 25th 2018, h. 14:00 Senegal 18 China September 25th 2018, h. 18:00 Latvia 22 United States [/hide]
  22. [hide] First Round September 29th - October 4th, 2018 24 Nations, 4 Groups, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Nations from each Group will qualify for the Second Round Group A Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 29th 2018, h. 13:10 Mexico 1 3 Cameroon September 29th 2018, h. 15:40 Germany 3 0 Netherlands September 29th 2018, h. 19:20 Argentina 0 3 Japan September 30th 2018, h. 13:40 Cameroon 0 3 Germany September 30th 2018, h. 16:10 Argentina 3 0 Mexico September 30th 2018, h. 19:20 Japan 1 3 Netherlands October 1st 2018, h. 13:40 Germany 3 0 Argentina October 1st 2018, h. 16:10 Netherlands 3 0 Cameroon October 1st 2018, h. 19:20 Mexico 0 3 Japan October 3rd 2018, h. 13:40 Argentina 0 3 Netherlands October 3rd 2018, h. 16:10 Mexico 0 3 Germany October 3rd 2018, h. 19:20 Japan 3 0 Cameroon October 4th 2018, h. 13:40 Netherlands 3 0 Mexico October 4th 2018, h. 16:10 Cameroon 0 3 Argentina October 4th 2018, h. 19:20 Germany 1 3 Japan Group B Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 29th 2018, h. 13:40 Bulgaria 0 3 Italy September 29th 2018, h. 16:10 Turkey 3 0 Canada September 29th 2018, h. 19:20 China 3 0 Cuba September 30th 2018, h. 13:40 Canada 0 3 Italy September 30th 2018, h. 16:10 Cuba 0 3 Bulgaria September 30th 2018, h. 19:20 Turkey 0 3 China October 2nd 2018, h. 13:40 Italy 3 0 Cuba October 2nd 2018, h. 16:10 Bulgaria 1 3 Turkey October 2nd 2018, h. 19:20 China 3 0 Canada October 3rd 2018, h. 13:40 Turkey 1 3 Italy October 3rd 2018, h. 16:10 Canada 3 2 Cuba October 3rd 2018, h. 19:20 China 3 0 Bulgaria October 4th 2018, h. 13:40 Bulgaria 3 1 Canada October 4th 2018, h. 16:10 Cuba 0 3 Turkey October 4th 2018, h. 19:20 Italy 3 2 China Group C Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 29th 2018, h. 13:40 Russia 3 0 Trinidad and Tobago September 29th 2018, h. 16:10 Azerbaijan 0 3 United States September 29th 2018, h. 19:20 South Korea 1 3 Thailand September 30th 2018, h. 13:40 United States 3 0 Trinidad and Tobago September 30th 2018, h. 16:10 Azerbaijan 0 3 South Korea September 30th 2018, h. 19:20 Thailand 0 3 Russia October 2nd 2018, h. 13:40 Russia 3 0 Azerbaijan October 2nd 2018, h. 16:10 Trinidad and Tobago 0 3 Thailand October 2nd 2018, h. 19:20 United States 3 0 South Korea October 3rd 2018, h. 13:40 Azerbaijan 3 1 Trinidad and Tobago October 3rd 2018, h. 16:10 South Korea 0 3 Russia October 3rd 2018, h. 19:20 Thailand 0 3 United States October 4th 2018, h. 13:40 Trinidad and Tobago 0 3 South Korea October 4th 2018, h. 16:10 Thailand 3 0 Azerbaijan October 4th 2018, h. 19:20 Russia 3 0 United States Group D Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 September 29th 2018, h. 13:40 Puerto Rico 0 3 Brazil September 29th 2018, h. 16:10 Dominican Republic 0 3 Serbia September 29th 2018, h. 19:20 Kazakhstan 3 0 Kenya September 30th 2018, h. 13:40 Brazil 3 0 Dominican Republic September 30th 2018, h. 16:10 Kazakhstan 1 3 Puerto Rico September 30th 2018, h. 19:20 Kenya 0 3 Serbia October 1st 2018, h. 13:40 Dominican Republic 3 0 Kazakhstan October 1st 2018, h. 16:10 Puerto Rico 3 0 Kenya October 1st 2018, h. 19:20 Serbia 3 1 Brazil October 3rd 2018, h. 13:40 Puerto Rico 0 3 Dominican Republic October 3rd 2018, h. 16:10 Kazakhstan 0 3 Serbia October 3rd 2018, h. 19:20 Kenya 0 3 Brazil October 4th 2018, h. 13:40 Serbia 3 0 Puerto Rico October 4th 2018, h. 16:10 Dominican Republic 3 0 Kenya October 4th 2018, h. 19:20 Brazil 3 0 Kazakhstan [/hide]
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