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Totallympics Professional
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leli. last won the day on January 10 2018

leli. had the most liked content!

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  • Date of Birth
  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Volleyball, Tennis, Basketball, Athletics
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  • Living City
    near Milan
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leli.'s Achievements

  1. Luca - Brand New Daisy - Brand New Barbara Ann - Beach Boys Diana - Paul Anka Adrienne - The Calling Iris - Goo Goo Dolls Michael - Franz Ferdinand Hey Mike - Yellowcard Mickey - B*Witched Italian: Mamma Maria - Ricchi e Poveri Non è Francesca | Anna | Balla Linda - Lucio Battisti Sara - Antonello Venditti Luciano ti odio - Velvet Anna e Marco - Lucio Dalla Iris - Biagio Antonacci Alice - Francesco De Gregori Per Elisa - Alice Daisy - Daniele Groff Cara Maggie - Lunapop Susanna - Adriano Celentano Susan dei Marinai - Michele Gloria - Umberto Tozzi Marina - Rocco Granata Rosalina - Fabio Concato Margherita - Cocciante Mary - Gemelli DiVersi Deborah - Fausto Leali Lauretta mia - Enrico Lusiani more here
  2. Happy birthday @dezbee2008, have a great day!!
  3. Concordo con te. Trento è capace di tutto invece, un po' come le altre quattro squadre ritenute forse "un gradino sotto". Intanto Perugia ha vinto la prima. Dopo ieri, Novara è prima in classifica, Conegliano terza.. non mi sbilancio, prego in silenzio.
  4. Thanks for thinking about me but I'm not sure how much I could help or if I would be able to follow this properly tbh Yes, exactly. The fact that we are more likely to talk to others through social media than in person, as it was common until some years ago (even if it seems ages have passed since those days).
  5. Diciamo che ci sarà almeno una gara ogni settimana per quel che riguarda i quarti, che si giocano al meglio delle tre gare (le altre sono disponibili sulla piattaforma online a pagamento, come è successo per il campionato): domenica si inizia con Trento-Verona, la domenica successiva ci sarà Milano-Modena. L'eventuale terzo weekend potrebbe avere due programmazioni (uno al sabato e uno alla domenica). Per le due semifinali, al meglio delle cinque gare, non credo migliori la situazione salvo per il terzo weekend, o almeno mi sembra di capire così dal sito della Lega.
  6. Happy birthday @Gianlu33!! Tanti auguri!!!
  7. Mostly happy/love songs, sad songs only if are slow ones so that people can romantically dance with someone else (and the "organizers" like those songs too ofc). At least for what I noticed myself at parties/weddings I've been to
  8. Yep, I'm ready for everything (or almost haha)! I see Perugia so well right now, but who knows...
  9. Ah dai! Pensavo Perugia visto che sono carichi a pallettoni tanto in campionato quanto in Champions.. però sì, la lube è una delle papabili, e può succedere di tutto!
  10. Ciao! Come ho scritto anche nel Thread sulla Pallavolo, chiedo anche qui, visto che si tratta pur sempre ddi campionati nazionali italiani (spero di non sbagliare il senso del thread): tra un po' iniziano i Play Off della Superlega e della A1 femminile... avete seguito un po' le rispettive Regular Season? Secondo voi chi vince?
  11. This saturday will start the Playoff Scudetto Unipolsai (Men Volleyball), who do you think will win the Italian championship? I will ask the same for the girls when P.O. will start (17th/18th of March). BTW some new rules are going to happen in the Superlega in the next years: - in 2018/19 Superlega will have 15 teams and 3 relegations; in A2, 28 teams and 2 tournaments - in 2019/20 there will be 3 championship: Superlega (13 teams, 2 relegations); the serie A2 will be divided into Serie A and Serie A2 - in 2020/21 SUperlega will have 12 teams and 1 relegation; Serie A will have 12 teams and Serie A2 will have two tournaments of 10 teams each All the teams in the Superlega will have to have teams in Serie B (Junior League Over 17/Under 20); All the teams in serie A2 will have to have a team in Serie C with Under 18. source
  12. Happy birthday @dareza!! Hope you'll have a great day!!
  13. (it actually rains today) Btw the tallest tower is 121 meters and was built on a Church made by the architect Antonelli (the one who also made the more famous Mole Antonelliana in Turin). On its top, there's the Saviour's statue (almost 5 meters tall) but it's no more the original one (that now is inside the Church) that was realized in 1878, it is a new one and they put it up there using an helicopter in the '90s.
  14. The Volleyball Nation League (formerly World League) official calendar
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