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thiago_simoes last won the day on October 12 2022

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About thiago_simoes

  • Birthday 04/08/1984

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  • Favourite Olympic Games
    Summer Olympic Games
  • Favourite Sports
    Artistic and rhythmic gymnastics
  • Real Name
    Thiago Simões
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    Rio de Janeiro
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  1. Tough luck for Argentina. They were amazing but Brazil had the best goalkeeper.
  2. Yes, but definitely not "a lot of". Anyway, the rules are completely broken for allowing 7 girls from one single country to qualify for a final. If they keep doing this, this sport will become unwatchable.
  3. Every single Olympic medalist from 2020 and 2024 competed in this final.
  4. It looks like Sabrina Voinea challenged Barbosu's medal at the Swiss Federal Court. Here we go again...
  5. The thing is: FIG did nothing. The CAS is the entity responsible for changing the results and FIG merely had to accept their sheer incompetence being exposed. FIG was forced to change the results, and pushing for another change is just not wise at this point. There's nothing that can be done about Voinea's score since her coach did not challenge it when she had the opportunity after the score was displayed. Even the CAS final report released today mentioned this. If FIG had a choice, you can bet they would never have changed the results.
  6. So, it looks like the final appeal was denied and the US cannot challenge the results anymore. Now, Romanian officials, instead of keeping their mouths shut, are trying to push for a 3-way-tie which would give Chiles a bronze medal and, conveniently, would give Voinea a medal too. Let's be honest: Romania is very lucky to have this medal. I've never seen the FIG being held accountable for their own mistakes, so this is a big victory for Romania. Now, it's time to move on instead of trying to change the final result once again.
  7. 1. 8.0. Not actually that bad considering that prior to the Games we were not even sure about which athletes could bring home gold medals. There's nothing really unexpected here, even though the number of gold medals was way below what some people wanted. 20 medals is still a decent total number. I don't understand why most Brazilians are fuming. 2. Taekwondo was the only good surprise here. Boxing was the biggest disappointment. Our rhythmic gymnasts had an outside shot at a medal, but being denied the chance after a gymnast sustained an injury mid-routine will always be my biggest Olympic heartbreak. 3. No. Not even close when it comes to the total number of gold medals. 20 medals was not really a disaster, but I guess 22 medals was the goal all along. An unrealistic goal, but a goal, nevertheless. 4. Canoeing and table tennis. We came so close... 5. Rebeca Andrade. She will fight for 2 or 3 medals, but she is going to crush the competition.
  8. Not the way I wanted it to happen, but at least this situation shows how much of a mess the FIG actually is. Some people pointed out that Zhou did not receive a neutral penalty for overtime on the beam, which would put her in third and move Esposito to the silver medal position. Truly, no one should trust the FIG at this point anymore.
  9. This whole thing is, quite honestly, absurd. Two wrongs don't make a right, and this is exactly what happened in this situation. What I understand is: 1. Chiles filed an inquiry based on her difficulty score. One of her leaps was not validated (it was not completed), so she asked the judges to review the leap so she could gain 0.1 more in difficulty. Astonishingly, it's very clear that the leap wad NOT fully rotated, but judges somehow decided that it was complete and awarded her 0.1 more in difficulty, which put her ahead of Bărbosu. Now, questioning whether the leap was fully rotated or not would open a can of worms because it would come down to interpretations of the code of points, and this would not lead anywhere. It depends on the angles where the judges are sitting and the pressure of delivering a definitive verdict in less than a minute, so a medal would never be stripped based on this; 2. Voinea was penalized with a neutral deduction (-0.1) because judges thought she had stepped out of bounds. Her mother and coach could have challenged this penalty, but instead she challenged Voinea's difficulty score, which was clearly hit by Voinea's somewhat poor execution at some points. Not the most thoughtful move. Challenging the penalty after the competition would not lead anywhere because the rules allowed her to challenge the penalty during the competition and she didn't; 3. Bărbosu did not really have any reason to complain about her scores. She presented her routine and was scored accordingly. Given the technical procedures, I understand that Romania found a breach so the country could have a medal. Romania is not wrong at all. They have every right to contest the situation and the discovery of the inquiry being accepted 4 seconds too late is a genius move. Romania dodged a bullet by not accusing the execution judges of being biased (which they were, but it's nearly impossible to prove this objectively). Now, if we want justice, we have to understand that Voinea is the true winner of the bronze medal. She was penalized unfairly and had her mother challenged the penalty at the time, she would have had a medal for herself. Bărbosu has a medal now, and this is great for Romania, but the one who really deserved the medal is still empty-handed because the judges made a mistake. No matter how we look at it, there are no winners here.
  10. It's weird how these websites don't even care to translate what's said in Filipino, so if you're not bilingual, you're out of luck.
  11. Rebeca earned a gold medal in every single major competition in the last 4/5 years. I'm not sure why you associate 5 gold medals in 5 different major events with Susan Lucci.
  12. Her execution is still not great in some parts. Bent legs in a stretched double salto, for example. And her artistic performance is still not excellent, but much better than it was last year. She deserved, at least, the bronze medal. No question about it. She did the most with what she had. Chiles only got the bronze medal because she's American.
  13. I was so upset after beam that I watched Rebeca and then I turned off the TV. I still can't believe she beat Biles by 0.033.
  14. Barajas will get a medal! I'm so happy for him and for Colombia!!!!!!
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