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Everything posted by bestmen

  1. They show results of tests 28 years later
  2. Line 8 is tiring , you can't control the race in the begining , if you win that means you were doped ...they always put us in whatever the time is anyway Moula is young , he will perform laters far from western cheaters
  3. Kenya Gold Algeria Silver Sudan Bronze , do not say he is canadian, This podium is 100% African
  4. inexpected silver in 800 m for Sedjati , this race of shame they put the best one on line 8 because he didn't pay or because he is not pro-USA!!? Finished 5 with the worst personnal time ... USA shouldn't host anything
  5. prisonners into 1 french Train , they dont even have 1 door of emergency , welcome to eurpoe
  6. he won the semi , he did the best time and they put him on line 8 ....CHEATERSSSSS
  7. and they put our athlete in line 8 , cheaters and collectors of money
  8. America shouldn't host anything , you have to wait tomorrow to watch races of today
  9. They shoot like if they are drinking water
  10. LOL fake news , British go to USA without visa just like all western countries
  11. Games of scandales : Syrians have been kicked from the games just like Iran , some athletes from Kenya, and South Africans blocked in Italy cause they didn't got US visa no one critisize all that cause the host is usa
  12. The leaders of Russia and Belarus discussed possible joint measures against Lithuania over its “illegal” transit restrictions affecting Moscow’s exclave of Kaliningrad, the Kremlin said Monday.
  13. Shooting of Texas , police are coward , one of them even used this gel anti covid at 2:11 while people are deing
  14. LoL chicago in 2nd position , they have 1 crime per second
  15. the samething in argentina + brazil
  16. Incredible that militaries didn't shoot them
  17. LOL i was thinkin to post the video The president escaped , they swim in his pool
  18. rare countries host events for sport very rare ...and this one is not an excrption : The World Games 2022 Birmingham, which marks the 40th anniversary of the event, will take place from July 7-17, 2022 and will generate an estimated $256 million in economic impact
  19. look at the shop they did in this website : 1 Tshirt 30$ , this is a salary in some african countries*tchj6s*_ga*MTk3NTgxMTEwMy4xNjU3MDE2NTky*_ga_8R6VC6S4JG*MTY1NzM1MzY3NS4zLjEuMTY1NzM1NDk3OC4yMQ..
  20. This website ; only publicities of benefits : buy tickets... come to my hotel my restaurant , you will pay 100 $ for 1 beer ...
  21. even google posts medalists of western countries only
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