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Totallympics Grand Master
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Everything posted by dcro

  1. So thankful that important points races have max one per nation rule. Wales is destroying the race with their team tactics...
  2. Live Draw: Everything You Need To Know Btw, this would be the most cliche draw ever (participating nations sorted by their voting position average).
  3. Yeah, I noticed that too. Probably Werloc's grudge against the Committee president.
  4. He's like Karin Enke/Kania/Busch/Richter of TISC. Competed as Memo on previous edition, registered as Memin on this edition.
  5. This officially means that TISC finally broken the number of 35 participants, for the first time in 881 days (since 2015 Open). 2016 Annual - 34 2016 Open - 33 2017 Annual - 35 2017 Open - 35
  6. Dan surely has some surprise in store. The only explanation for this highly unusual behaviour..
  7. Wow, she really got her act together after that shameful 117 failure.
  8. @vinipereira's inbox must be like a Grand Central Station these days. Phew, I can only imagine.
  9. Yeah, I think it's best to send them anyway... I don't think this was ever applied, but you never know: "6. (f) If foul play is detected with respect to 6 (a), (b), (c) or (d) at any stage before, during or after the contest, the TISC organising committee reserves the right to place the participation or result of that nation under review.".
  10. You are weird today. Just like in the general chat thread I don't really get if you're being sarcastic or what.
  11. Vd Burgh has to be the bridesmaid even at the Commonwealth Games.
  12. Yeah, and where is Tuvalu? Should be 1st.
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