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Totallympics Grand Master
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dcro

  1. Some interesting update from the Croatian representatives back at 2016 Annual. If anyone remembers, we were represented by a band called NORD, who performed a song "Play Restart". One of the members of NORD is my former highschool classmate. In any case, it's very much the least (nationally) popular entry that we ever had. I guess you'd have to ask like thousands and thousands of people before stumbling on someone who heard about them. However, last I heard they were touring in China where they got randomly popular. From what I understand, such stories are common in Asia. This is their Play Restart China Tour schedule.
  2. Well, they technically will enter the competition and get their ranking (17th onwards).
  3. Down to 28 songs. Next listen some stricter measures have to implemented I guess...
  4. Olympic qualification is over, but damn... 140 FIS points for completing 5km in 29 minutes...
  5. Marin Mogić broke Croatian record in 1500m freestyle by about 20 seconds. New record is 15:13.73, which is interestingly inside Rio 2016's OQT of 15:14.77.
  6. Wow, they call this a "secret".
  7. Indeed. Nobody has even broken 200 points barrier since 2015 Annual (!)...
  8. Delestre, WOW!! That was ridiculous.
  9. Live stream of the 5* Grand Prix in Saut Hermes.
  10. We have a new page thanks to @uk12points's suggestion. Continental Records
  11. For this edition I wrote my notes in a textbook, on 5 pages. Though in a single column so more like 2.5 pages. Not sure if they will be useful though.
  12. Yeah, as long as it's nothing serious is what I meant.
  13. Honestly I can't feel too bad for someone who intentionally crashed other cyclist in the Olympic omnium...
  14. Oh dear, that's just one hell of a rotten luck for Kuhner...
  15. It's Tops-Alexander/Allen and Paillot/Kuhner that are on 0 pens after the first round. Go go T-A/A
  16. For those interested, here's a live stream of the traditional mixed pairs show jumping competition, Saut Hermes in Paris. And the live scores.
  17. Aaah, it's the usual lovely Milan-Sanremo weather.
  18. Well, this Purdue delegation is cool.
  19. Were you ever at the Parade? I imagine it's quite a bit louder than on TV.
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