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Everything posted by Dimast

  1. RUSSIA THE BEST !!!! Great Where are WADA, Seppelt Beckie Scott?! Tokyo will soon, don't slip
  2. Nastia Voinova!!! Great
  3. Ok thanks!
  4. the Russian archery girls are...……
  5. Hello! Where is Live streaming?
  6. Iconic Weightlifter, Olympic gold medalist-1980, the hero of Moscow Olympics Yurik Vardanyan died at the age of 62, RIP
  7. Am I right, Olympian1010? I see that you are very upset. Well, nothing, think of something else against Russia. Don't worry be happy
  8. Russia doesnt have a place in sports. All Russians should be banned. All of Russia is shameful cheaters. Russia should always be banned, and humiliated. Until Putin leaves. No politics, only concern for clear athletes The fact that the Russian sport is the cleanest in the world for 4 years and only it is checked, it doesnt matter. We want to see Russia always banned
  9. The great Olympic moment ever
  10. Alexei Paramonov, one of the best Soviet football players ever, Olympic champion Melbourne-1956, died today at the age of 93. RIP
  11. The women's all-around gold medalist at the 1988 Seoul Olympics Elena Shushunova has died in St. Petersburg. She was 49 RIP
  12. OMG You are a typical anti-Russian propagandist. Russians always and everywhere are to blame. Give another link to the New York Times
  13. These were the weakest Olympics in the last 30 years .. Empty arenas, bad schedule and weather, lack of excitement and passion, hockey without NHL, the transformation in x-games, and most importantly - a very nervous and difficult atmosphere. Too much negativity. Such this Olympics will remain in history.
  14. Beckie Scott is the cheater who at the Olympics in Nagano took 60th place, and in 4 years suddenly began to take medals? What a progress And when did Dick Pound Russia take a moment of glory? Maybe at the IOC session in 2001 in Moscow, when he voted for Jacques Rogge. not for him? scoundrels
  15. Sorry Czechs, they are more worthy of a medal. Canada was afraid to be humiliated in the final
  16. Come on, dont disgrace, Canada. Each goal is asked by the review. You are still in WADA contact, to Beckie Scott and Richard Pound
  17. what a cheerful third period
  18. Dirty politics. This is not a sport. Very sad
  19. 4 medals and no gold? I dont think he will be very happy. In sports is only one place - the first. He was very upset after the finish
  20. Okey man, everything's fine
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