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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. Canada gets out of a major jam there.
  2. Well, Park is done. Maybe a chance at bronze later.
  3. Silver is amazing, but it's also great to see Oleksiak be so strong. Looking good for her other races.
  4. SILVER!!!! Oleksiak looked amazing!
  5. The ump seems to be inconsistent on calling strikes on that outside corner.
  6. Yeah, I figured she's leaving something in the tank for that.
  7. Not exactly a dominant swim by Maggie.
  8. I wouldn't say disappointment. Yeah, Woods was a medal contender but there's only three medals and half a dozen contenders. 5th ain't bad. Yes, the second beach volleyball team actually looked kind of bad in the last set tonight, but the actual medal favourites looked dominant in their match. Volleyball was a heartbreaker. Taking a 2-0 lead, and actually leading in the 3rd set. Then they completely fell apart. They needed that win to position themselves well for the quarters. But, a huge win in softball over Australia pretty much guarantees Canada will play for a medal, very likely gold/silver (and even if it is bronze, they look much better than the three possible adversaries). Soccer wasn't impressive, but they got the job done. They'll move on. Rowing was generally successful. W8 looked very good, almost going directly to the final. I'd say they're in the hunt for a medal now. Swimming transpired pretty much as expected, which is good. Exception being Pickrem opting out of the 400 IM which she probably wasn't going to medal in anyway (though who knows with so few entries). Tomorrow Swimming relay and diving offer hope for medals. Some Rowing semis. If Canada wins in softball it'll guarantee a medal.
  9. Canada was probably one bad base running call away from beating them.
  10. The way I see it, whichever team wins the Japan/Canada game tomorrow will play for gold. No disrespect to Italy, but they haven't even scored a run in 3 games so I assume Canada will beat them. If CAN wins and USA beats Japan then it'll be USA vs CAN for gold. If Japan pulls it off, all three will have 4-1 records while beating each other. It really seems like the USA would finish 3rd on runs for the tie breaker. As for the soccer girls, I've been unimpressed thus far. They definitely have individuals that look good but it seems like their system is letting them down. Way too hesitant, always looking to pass back instead of striking, trying to hold a lead instead of continuing to play hard. Actually reminds me of my Habs, during the regular season anyway. But look at what happened in the playoffs. Hopefully the ladies can figure it out like that. The road race still stings a bit because Woods was looking so good, breaking away twice. That whole following group was annoying me, it looked like no one wanted to win. Even at the end, they were all looking at each other for permission to sprint. Like, you're 200m away from the finish. I get strategy, but just go if you can.
  11. Oh, whoops. Thanks for the correction.
  12. Just hope this isn't the start of another 4th/5th heavy Canadian Olympics. Canada's favourite positions.
  13. Essentially tied for 4th. I could see that Woods was in a bad spot when the sprint started, boxed in. Too bad, I thought he was pulling away for the silver when they entered the stadium. Like I said, there's still the time trial.
  14. Sad finish, but very close. Woods has a good shot in the time trial.
  15. Damn. Left it way too late. Oh well, get em on the time trial, Michael.
  16. Woods in the mix for a medal in the road race!
  17. Canadian W8 looked great, unfortunately going down by a hair to the defending champs. I think they're definitely a medal threat. A dominating performance in softball. Whoever wins in their game against Japan tomorrow will likely fight the US for gold.
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