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Everything posted by orangeman

  1. Baber fails again. Not looking good.
  2. WTF is going on with the pole vault thingy? Did they buy it at a garage sale?
  3. Canada finished ahead of the USA. So whatever happens in the other match, they'll face either Poland or Russia in the next game. EDIT: Wait, sorry, I misunderstood your post.
  4. WooT! I don't care how it was done.
  5. 2-0 Canada over Italy. Gets them a point for the standings. Looking good. But a win will seal the deal.
  6. Y'know, it would be smart for the Italians to just let Canada win. Then they'd get rid of either France or Brazil from the playoffs. Just a suggestion.....
  7. They are now, and Canada takes the first set!
  8. Great. This might stop the streak of at least one medal each day.
  9. Gagne qualifies for the 3m semis in 12th place. One of the Chinese did not make the cut.
  10. Friggin' German girl takes out our Canadian in cycling.
  11. Which is sad, considering how strong we were in the 90s in both (esp. rowing). Totally mismanaged.
  12. Not medal favourites, but very able to get into the final. And then who knows. I thought at least one of them would make it to the final. It's not a huge upset, just with the schedule it happened so fast.
  13. Well, the canoe/kayak was a huge let down this morning. Just like that, Canada is left with only one medal chance in the whole event.
  14. As for volleyball, Canada's in a tough position. They're tied with France, Brazil and USA, with only three of them going forward. USA is playing Mexico, so we can pretty much assume they're through. France and Brazil play, so the winner of that game will go through. So, it'll come down to Canada or the loser of the FRA-BRA game. So, it'll basically come down to who does better in their game today. Hopefully, Canada can at least win 2 sets from Italy and get a point. The good news is that Italy has clinched first, so maybe they'll rest their players and not take it very seriously. It's just insane that Canada could go 3-3 in this stacked pool, beating USA and Italy, and still barely squeak into the quarters. Meanwhile Iran has already clinched the quarters with 2 wins over in pool B. The pool draws are ridiculous (and the way the games worked out, too). There's a chance Brazil won't even make it to the quarters.
  15. Thought he had it, but faded badly over the last 100m.
  16. I do not follow gymnastics very much at all, so excuse my ignorance. And I think Chusovitina is awesome. But I don't understand how you can land on your ass and still finish ahead of others who do not. It's not just this one time, either. It just seems in gymnastics only the degree of difficulty matters, with little attention to actual execution. Again, I'm not an expert, but to me if you fall you fail. This is nothing about Chusovitina (because the Indian girl did it, too), it's just a general statement about this sport, and why I can't get into it. It just seems like, "Oh, s/he's doing a higher degree of difficulty than that other girl. Therefore, she will finish ahead of her." Seems silly to me. Obviously it doesn't always happen that way, but enough to turn me off.
  17. And also, Drouin qualifies for the high jump final.
  18. Hahahahaha. Just playing. I'm in a good mood, for some reason.
  19. In Rio. Other guys have won medals for Canada in the past.
  20. Really? I think it was faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaantastic!
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