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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by NikolaB

  1. As usual They always have a great start and than just stop to play. Russians But this is fucking one great game so far
  2. End he is only 20 yo Russia always had a great players but they don't act like team. Still don't know what to expect from Canada this year
  3. Canadian girl can compeete on male's competition and without ny problem win on some second division tournament
  4. I expected much more from Swedish girls but Japan is very good for now. Interesting game
  5. Ali kako generalno lupaju gluposti još je i korektan bio. Samo čekam Danilovićku i onu drugu kad krenu da se frljaju sa imenima sportista, to je tačno simfonija gluposti
  6. Pa dobro, bar je pogodio ime za Japan
  7. It was good opening ceremony, not great as I expected, but still good
  8. A mi sa 4 učesnika kao nismo egzuotični Za Istočni Timor je rekao da je polinežanska država
  9. Finally one great song for UK. Asanda would be awful choice, firstly that girl can't sing at all, and secondly, her song is crap. However, best song won and for me, it is not impossible to see UK in top 10 this year.
  10. I really like Maja Nikolić's Zemlja čuda Fucking catchy
  11. А ТСС је као некада обављао свој посао како треба? Ма хаос
  12. [hide] Women's Tournament Preliminary Round February 10th - February 15th, 2018 8 Nations, 2 Groups, the 1st and 2nd Nations from Group A will qualify for the Semifinals, the 3rd and 4th Nations from Group A and 1st and 2nd Nations from Group B will qualify for the Quarterfinals, the 3rd and 4th Nations from Group B will qualify for the 5th-8th Places Semifinals Group A Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 11th 2018, h. 16:40 Finland 2 United States February 11th 2018, h. 21:10 Canada 3 Olympic Athletes form Russia February 13th 2018, h. 16:40 Canada 2 Finland February 13th 2018, h. 21:10 United States 3 Olympic Athletes from Russia February 15th 2018, h. 12:10 United States 1 Canada February 15th 2018, h. 16:40 Olympic Athletes from Russia 2 Finland Group B Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 10th 2018, h. 16:40 Japan 2 Sweden February 10th 2018, h. 21:10 Switzerland 4 South Korea February 12th 2018, h. 16:40 Sweden 5 South Korea February 12th 2018, h. 21:10 Switzerland 1 Japan February 14th 2018, h. 12:10 Sweden 3 Switzerland February 14th 2018, h. 16:40 South Korea 2 Japan Men's Tournament Preliminary Round February 14th - February 18th, 2018 12 Nations, 3 Groups, the 1st Nations from each Group and the best 2nd ranked Nation between all Groups will qualify for the Quarterfinals, the other Nations will qualify for the Round of 16 Group A Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 15th 2018, h. 21:10 Czech Republic 3 South Korea February 15th 2018, h. 21:10 Switzerland 1 Canada February 17th 2018, h. 12:10 Canada 1 Czech Republic February 17th 2018, h. 16:40 South Korea 2 Switzerland February 18th 2018, h. 16:40 Czech Republic 1 Switzerland February 18th 2018, h. 21:10 Canada 2 South Korea Group B Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 14th 2018, h. 21:10 Slovakia 2 Olympic Athletes from Russia February 14th 2018, h. 21:10 United States 1 Slovenia February 16th 2018, h. 12:10 United States 1 Slovakia February 16th 2018, h. 16:40 Olympic Athletes from Russia 4 Slovenia February 17th 2018, h. 21:10 Olympic Athletes from Russia 2 United States February 17th 2018, h. 21:10 Slovenia 2 Slovakia Group C Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 15th 2018, h. 12:10 Finland 3 Germany February 15th 2018, h. 16:40 Norway 2 Sweden February 16th 2018, h. 21:10 Finland 2 Norway February 16th 2018, h. 21:10 Sweden 4 Germany February 18th 2018, h. 12:10 Germany 1 Norway February 18th 2018, h. 21:10 Sweden 1 Finland [/hide]
  13. It will be hard to play Brazil, I mean Kazakhstan in quarterfinal
  14. Ryan O'Shaughnessy - Tonight (some kid from UK talent show, song later) Alfred and Amaia - Tu Canción
  15. Miklos Josef - Lie to me great song Madam Monsieur - Mercy
  16. Па она након ових ЗОИ тешко да има амбицију да за четири године учествује у Пекингу и вероватно ће се фокусирати на светски куп. А да је паметна узела би словеначко држављанство и нормално радила са њима у том периоду
  17. Класично ебање у здрав мозак, да прости 'Челица
  18. What a second race for Vlhova. Bravo And 25th position for Ignjatović is great result. At last, our alpine skiing is not death
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