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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by NikolaB

  1. Екстра је ово са овим центром за дивљеводаше. Увек сам маштао да у Србији имамо центар за кајак на дивљим водама, боб стазу и ски скакаоницу
  2. It's okish song bit for me Ifa Uda (or Ufa Ida), a girl with jungle instead of hair, was very interesting Estonian song is overrated, Icelandic one is bkring peace ballad and San Marino is trolepic lol. And song from Azerbaijan anounced today is cheap as Malta football team
  3. Drago mi je da se ispostavilo da je u prvoj utakmici ipak bio samo slab dan. Ovo je vec mnogo ozbiljniji rezultat
  4. Statemens is crap song and deservely failed in semi. Amen Mariette or Liamo for win And yes, Victor and Samir are o catchy - shafla, shafla
  5. Melfest this year is very bad. BTW Cypriot song is not my cup of tea, and Dutch one is really great
  6. Liderske kvalitete imate kod Vučića
  7. Pa meni je gotivna. Zena je jako obrazovana i veoma inteligentna. Slusao sam je neki dan na nekom samitu u Londonu i zaista je delovala sigurno i samouvereno. Takvi ljudi i treba da predstavljaju zenlju u inostranstvu
  8. Jeste sredjenija drzava, to niko ne spori. Ali da tamo tece med i mleko i da od jedne plate mozes d zivis ko bog, malo sutra. Meni je ovamo mnogo lepse i opustenije, bez obzira na to sto vise prezivljavamo nego sto zivimo. A politicari se generalno govna, tu smo svi jednoglasni. Iako mi je Brnabicka jako gotiva kao osoba
  9. Turkmenistan debuted on world stage on good way and I think they can win Bosnia tonight and qualify for third division next year
  10. Its not that bad here, typical winter
  11. Ja sam radio u Nemackoj godinu dana. Plata mi je bila oko 1700 €, a samo stan sa svim troskovima sam placao skoro 1000 evra. I radi se mnogo vise nego ovde. Hrana jeste jeftinija i pristupacnija, ali je zato sve ostalo da se useres. Da izadjes navece i pijes pivo i kiselu treba ti sto evra. Ne idealisite jer idealno nije nigde A kad mi neko pomene Boska Obradovica ladno dobijem vodene ospice. Ljudi kao sto je on su u normalnim zemljama na stubu srama
  12. Qami is great song but Sevak sucks live. In Armenia I cheer for Kamil Show cause we need some good joke entry
  13. @heywoodu New ice hockey fan is born. Welcome to our familly
  14. Finally Russia taka that gold olympic medal. Congratulation brothers and spasibo rebyata for all that great games you give to us. Congrats to Germany who wrote new page in ice hockey olympic history. Personaly i enjoyed entire tournament so much, so many great games
  15. I watched only Ukrainian final and Melodi semifinal. And in Ukraine my first fave were Tayanna, great song, great performance, but Melovin is great too. Ukraine can do well again Moldovan song is catchy, in Hungary my first favorite won, Slovenia is ok and Latvia is boring as usually For now i really like songs from Greece, Ukraine, Hungary, France and Czech Republic. And Serbian song is great too
  16. [hide] Men's Tournament Knockout Round February 20th - February 25th, 2018 Round of 16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Bronze Medal Match and Gold Medal Match Bronze Medal Match Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 24th 2018, h. 21:10 Canada 1 Czech Republic Gold Medal Match Date & Time (GMT +9) Nation 1 T1 T2 Nation 2 February 25th 2018, h. 13:10 Germany 2 Olympic Athletes from Russia [/hide]
  17. Yes you are right. I want to say first final, but ok. However congratulations, hope this time it will be gold
  18. In America everything is only about money Congrats to Germany. This is just a dream, what else to say. Amazing tournament for them
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