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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. I think Svitolina will be next to withdraw now Monfils has pulled out.
  2. They will probably be Players pulling out till literally the day before the first matches - Easy to see it being down to half of the top 50 playing at best by the time it actually begins.
  3. Also I do wonder how many participants will be caught breaking rules - over the Covid crisis a lot of sport stars have come across as pretty idiotic and unable to follow the rules even when breaking them has consequences for their dreams and ambitions.
  4. The six day rule might really mess up Tennis and Golf where the participants are less devoted to the games.
  5. I have a bad feeling GB could end up with no medals in Atheltics with KJT and DAS underperforming and none of the other decent chances succeeding. Even no gold medals would see funding becoming a big issue.
  6. How can she claim she has never heard of Nandrolone. Considering how long it’s been about you have to pretty stupid to take it. First evidence of a silent ban? It’s been six months since she tested positive and had she won her appeal we wouldn’t have heard a thing about it.
  7. British Gymnastics is falling apart so not that surprising to get no medals. It be a big funding cut through if it does which might wel, wipe out the last twenty years of progress and the legacy of Beth, Louis and Max and all the other medalists.
  8. I suspect the numbers will not be properly decided till a few days before the games start and might be amended as the Games go on if the situation improves or worsens.
  9. I presume it’s mostly the outdoor team sports that arrive in Japan a long time before so they can get used to the conditions
  10. And Japan is the oldest nation in the world meaning to get what the UK has classed as vunerable - all over 50’s plus those younger with health issues - they will need another five or six months.
  11. may not have local fans. In one way I think that’s good because it might ease concerns that a lot of Japanese people have about hosting the games if audiences are heavily limited or even banned.
  12. I wonder if individual sports could get cancelled. If Golf and Tennis have dreadful attendee rates will the events be called off to prevent them being seen as a joke - imagine if the Men’s tennis final is between world number 63 Alexei Popyrin and world number 86 Gianluca Mager
  13. With the latest lockdown in Melbourne are the Australian people really going to be happy seeing a lot of athletes and officials flying.To Japan and then having to quarantine on return . Wouldn’t be shocked to Australia talking about withdrawing soon.
  14. With the latest lockdown in Melbourne are the Australian people really going to be happy seeing a lot of athletes flying toJapan and then having to quarantine on return. Wouldn’t be shocked to Australia talking about withdrawing soon.
  15. Got to remember that Japan is a democracy. So it’s Government can’t just ignore the people like in China and most likely suffer no consequences.
  16. A major Japanese newspaper has called for the cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics, warning that the Games pose a threat to public health and will place additional strain on the country’s health service as it struggles to contain the latest wave of coronavirus. In an editorial on Wednesday, the liberal Asahi Shimbun – an official Olympic partner – urged the prime minister, Yoshihide Suga, “to calmly and objectively assess the situation and decide on the cancellation of the event this summer”.
  17. The Japanese are turning on the IOC
  18. It’s not impossible we will get riots outside the venues then.
  20. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) "must urgently guarantee world-class Covid-19 protections" if this year's Games are to be held safely, the World Players Association (WPA) says. IOC protocols "lack the same rigour and resources" seen in professional team sports, says the WPA, which represents athletes globally.
  21. And more high profile people in Japan are calling for the Games to be cancelled.
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