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Everything posted by Orangehair43

  1. Is there really that many. Every country in Europe has had some level of international sport,
  2. Bound to be more but North Korea is I think the only country where no international athletes have competed in anything for a year.
  3. Brazil due to all the Brazilian’s of Japanese ethnicity who have moved there.
  4. Just been confirmed no international fans or volunteers. I still think some nations will pull out of the games even if they go ahead - especially countries that have eliminated the virus or by vaccination will have mostly eliminated it by July - because the difficulties in quarantining after they return might be too difficult.
  5. In the UK that hasn't been a political issue so far In Better news.
  6. Australia discussing if to ban their citizens from travelling abroad for work so I can see them withdrawing within the next two months.
  7. I can see that backfiring. No way will some countries even consider this.
  8. It won't happen - it be cancelled once a few countries withdraw their entire delegations.
  10. Early vaccination of Sportspeople incredibly unpopular in the UK. Bound to be the same everywhere - can only see those countries that vaccinate everyone in those age groups by July, are not democracies or where the virus rates are so low people are happy to wait a bit longer being able to get their entire delegation done.
  11. With how the EU is vaccinating I wouldn't bank on the EU being able to vaccinate many athletes by then. The countries most ahead atm include some fairly small delegations
  12. The BOA know how people won't support priority vaccination. 'They have written to all 206 national Olympic committees asking them to ‘actively engage with their respective governments’ on their vaccine roll-out schemes and ‘report back to the IOC in early February’.' The IOC is wasting time if they think that is saving the games.
  13. A summary of the options.
  14. Hotel Quarantine will shut down most Olympic sports this year except for domestic tournaments or long tournaments where people are in one country for several weeks or longer. The Olympics may be able to go ahead if Japan finds enough rooms for everyone and goverments find enough rooms for everyone to return.
  15. Loads of countries competed under the IOC Flag in 1980 so they must have been flag/flag events.
  16. I'm not sure if the European Indoors is going to go ahead in the current form - should they extend it so events are more spread out to reduce the amount on site at any one point. Plus of course for some European countries flight and quarantine restrictions might make attending impossible. I do hope it does as I really enjoy indoor athletics.
  17. The IOC must accept nations will withdraw if it even considers directly buying vaccines - the global public will revolt and then NOC's will be under domestic to reject it and pull out
  18. Could this dispute see Italy losing or pulling out of 2026.
  19. And the Paralympics is even more difficult because getting enough adapted rooms for quarantines is going to be tough - especially post return to countries like Australia which will make all returns quarantine until well into 2022. Some teams share care staff for those who need help but that is not going to be allowed this year.
  20. London and plenty of other places feel too wet for outdoor swimming especially as outdoor training pools don't exist in many countries so many swimmers won't get the practise of adapting to competing in the rain.
  21. All true but countries are becoming stricter with borders - Israel has banned all flights for at least a week with as far as I can tell no exceptions for sportspeople travelling abroad to compete. The UK is bringing in hotel quarantine and while team sports flying on private jets to competitors in a bubble might manage to get an exemption i'm not sure individuals or small entourages flying commercial will. When you have the risk of the vaccine failing due to varients sport will be far down the list.
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