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Everything posted by OlympicsFan

  1. Ok, so if you need to insult people, you are clearly out of arguments. Where did i say that top 3 in world cup have to win the medals? I just disagreed that someone who is the 4th most likely to medal (Brignonen, Tumulero) should be called "medal favorite" that is all, but apparently you think differently. I understand your confusion, i wanted to say that the only disappointments so far were "Visintin and Wierer in the individual", sorry about that. Calling Windisch a surprising medallist and then saying that him not winning a medal (in the individual) was a disappointment would have made no sense indeed ...
  2. Ok thanks, so Italy won tons of surprising medals still, but the medal count is the same, i guess we are both partly right. Any other websites! that predicted this?
  3. Very sad for Pelle, another shocking loss for Italy after Omar and Doro?
  4. The odds probably would have been 0.99, that's why ...
  5. First time i am sad that Russia lost. Their german coach seems to be doing a good job, must be difficult to tell the russians that they can't dope anymore ... you have to wonder why he isn't coaching Germany ...
  6. Thanks, so they predicted 2 golds, 1 silver and 5 bronze for the events so far? How many medals does Italy have now ... ?
  7. If this is not overperforming, then there must be some websites that predicted this result. Tumulero, Windisch, biathlon mixed relay, Brignone, shorttrack team relay all weren't favorites for the medals, so you won tons of surprising medals. The only big disappointments so far were Windisch and maybe Wierer in the individual. You are 1 gold medal away from overtaking South Korea and Austria in the medal table, no chance that anyone in Italy expected this.
  8. Haha, i knew that you would say that, you are really crazy. Noone predicted Italy to win so many medals and the part about Moioli is almost comical. You won pretty much every medal you were expected to win (except for Visintin) and even a couple more (shorttrack relay, Windisch, biathlon team relay, Tumulero), baffled to see someone not calling that overperforiming. Before the games you had 2-3 gold medal chances and now you have already 3, so no objective observer would say that you didn't have (almost) perfect results so far. If this really isn't overperforming, then there must be some websites out there that predicted this result.
  9. Ok, thanks that's probably true. I was very moved by her tears of joy at the end, you could really feel all the pressure coming off. She promised to win a medal for her grandfather and she did it, now she can retire in peace.
  10. Sadly i was right, Canada or France had to win the gold, unbelievable ...
  11. What do you mean? At this olympics alone Svindal was older by about 2 years ... ?
  12. Very sad that USA won, it is no coincidence that they are only competitive on the women's side. I hoped that Sweden would win gold, Norway was clearly missing Weng or Oestberg in top shape.
  13. Now i have to assume that you are doing it on purpose ... right? So his run was bound to end, because of Ridzik, Chapuis and Place, but then 2 of them don't even make the next round? Interesting ... Also: "Duncan had a surprisingly amazing run", so Duncan who had to be considered a bigger outsider than Eckert, makes the semifinal, but Eckert's run was bound to end in the quartefinal? Interesting ... again.
  14. Next sweep incoming? Very likely, just sad that Kim and Asada are gone, the top skaters don't seem very charismatic for me. Also a bit sad to see the state of american female figure skating.
  15. Good, always nice to lead a civilized discussion. It's just sad when people clearly refer to one of your comments without quoting you, it shows that they are clearly not interested in a discussion, so you have to ask yourself why they are even here. Probably my comment wasn't clear enough, so i am sorry for that. Hopefully we can lead some good discussions in the future, given that you seem to be a true expert about alpine skiing (probably other sports as well, but i think you are not as active in other parts of this forum, so hard to tell for now).
  16. Who is him? You seem confused ...
  17. Very hard to find someone to root for, hopefully no canadian or french victory here (although very unlikely). I think the slovakian guy winning gold would be the best thing, would be funny to see slovakia ahead of russia and china in the medal table at the end, but for that they need a gold and then they have to hope that russia and china won't win a gold medal in the next couple of days. Given the italian luck here, i wouldn't be surprised to see Kostner winning gold here as well, would be almost as funny as the whole story about Alex Schwazer ...
  18. Just for clarification: Are you talking about this: "Norway probably has won half a dozen surprising medals by now, while Germany didn't win any so far" This was Norway's 6th medal (= half a dozen) in alpine skiing, so what you are trying to say is that you think that i wanted to say that all of Norway's medals in alpine skiing were surprises? That would be the only logical explanation for your comment, but i think noone seriously would think that anyone would call Kristoffersen's medal or the medals for Jansrud/Svindal surprising (i predicted most of them actually), so i am really irritated how anyone could possibly think that i was talking about alpine skiing only, but ok ...
  19. Paul Eckert won the last world cup before the olympics, now he didn't even make it to the round of last 16. This perfectly sums up the olympics for Germany. Worst possible outcome in almost every event, surprised that some german athletes even managed to get to Pyeongchang, wouldn't have been surprised to hear that some forgot where the olympics take place and accidentally flew to Thailand or something like that ...
  20. Good, so now that we know that you are able to quote, why didn't you quote the person who said it, if you were interested in a discussion? Did i say they overperformed in alpine skiing? No. \end discussion
  21. What a ridiculous sport, after every second run someone has to be flown to the hospital ...
  22. Who said that they are overperforming?
  23. Thanks, now i know what to bet on.
  24. Another gold for Italy and another surprising medal for Norway, those 2 must be among the 3 most overperforming countries here, together with Czech Republic probably. The only logical explanation is that Italy traded football world cup for all those insane results here, no other explanation for why they are completely overperforming here. Norway probably has won half a dozen surprising medals by now, while Germany didn't win any so far, so not surprising that they lead the medal table. Surprises are what makes the olympics special, but so far there hasn't been any event where Germany surprisingly won a medal, so it's impossible to get very excited about the olympics as a german fan ...
  25. German commentator said that Canada has more active curlers than the rest of the world together. Can't be true right? Otherwise this would be one of the most embarrassing performances in the history of sport. Didn't anyone say before the start of the olympics that the canadian championships are more difficult to win than the olympics ... ? Thanks to the candian women, they destroyed my prediction ... no i wouldn't mind if their men would also fail to win gold.
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