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Vic Liu

Totallympics Medallist
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  1. She’s still on the start list of 500m tomorrow. Hope she’s fine with the heat then she can keep training for next couple days.
  2. Rumor says China downgrade the standard of being Covid positive after complaints. I guess it’s consistent to Europe standard now. So we may see less cases in coming days.
  3. Data of Feb.3rd Upon Arrival Athletes and team staff: 7/737=0.95% Others: 7/607=1.15% Total: 14/1344=1.04% Inside the closed-loop Athletes and team staff: 2/6572=0.03% Others: 5/64509=0.01% Total: 7/71081=0.01%
  4. It seems USA and Russia share almost same possibility to win the gold now. The pairs and ice dancing will be the deciders. Sui/Han will be a huge barrier for Russia to win the gold, totally unexpected.
  5. The number is correct. The breakdown is as below Upon Arrival: Athletes and team staff:13 Others:16 Positive rate:29/753=3.85% Inside the closed-loop Athletes and team staff:13 Others:13 Positive rate:26/67137=0.04% The Beijing committee website updates the Covid numbers daily, usually at 11am Beijing time.
  6. Hahaha. #Curling is trending no.1 on Weibo now, after a big loss of football yesterday on the first day of Chinese new year, curling finally bring some holiday joy for leisure Chinese.
  7. Liu Shaoang is believed to take the flight today to Beijing. He was tested positive 10 days prior to the games so somehow luckily still had enough time to turn negative.
  8. I will cheer for figure skating Nathan Chen or Yuzuru Hanyu whoever shows the best form. And also Kamila Valieva, a total enjoyment seeing her skating.
  9. Every media has its own stance or interpretation which is much longer than the fact. Nothing surprise.
  10. She is the pioneer of Chinese figure skating. She may pass the torch inside the stadium but not the level to lit the cauldron. When it comes to figure skating, it occurs to me that there actually is one big rumor. Wiki Chinese page already "announce" the persons to lit the cauldron. They are Yang Yang, An Xiangyi (junior figure skater) and another 4 ordinary students. @rafalgorka奧林匹克運動會主火炬點燃者列表
  11. No rumors at all, the whole ceremony thing is very low key under covid atmosphere. My personal guess, first Chinese WOG gold medalist Yang Yang (Short Track 2002) or first Chinese WOG medalist Ye Qiaobo (Speed Skating 1992).
  12. The best show of last night's Chinese new year gala. A dance drama inspired by Chinese famous painting of Song Dynasty a panorama of rivers and mountains.
  13. Those who already arrived in Beijing but tested positive are somehow luckier, they just need to turn negative before the start. Those who are positive at home, they need another 4 days after turning negative before taking the flight.
  14. According to NOC website, Chinese Taipei decides to participate Beijing Olympics opening and closing ceremony after negotiations with IOC and claiming it will overcome the traffic difficulties and Covid-19 protocols concerns. Different from the enthusiasm to report its withdrawal, I didn’t see any English media report it yet. So you guys would be first batch of English users to know it.
  15. I post this before and you could check previous pages
  16. official Men: Gao Tingyu(Speed Skating) Women: Zhao Dan(Skeleton) Obviously my previous guess is all wrong.
  17. My Guess for Gu Ailing(Freestyle Skiing) and Ning Zhongyan(Speed Skating) Unfortunately Sui Wenjing/Han Cong(Figure Skating) and Wu Dajing(Short Track Speed Skating) are scheduled with matches on the ceremony day, otherwise I may change my guess.
  18. Kamila Valieva W Figure Skating Ailing Eillen Gu W Freestyle Skiing Halfpipe Nils van der Poel M 10k speed skating ROC Team Figure Skating Chloe Kim W Snowboarding Halfpipe
  19. I am pretty sure some other nations will send ministers or ambassador/consul in China but the list is not yet released by Chinese authority so I don't have the source now.
  20. Political leaders and Royal family members who will attend Beijing 2022 Olympics Asia: Cambodia King Sihamoni Singapore President Halimah Kazakhstan President Tokayev Kyrgyzstan President Japarov Tajikistan President Rahmon Turkmenistan President Berdymuhamedov Uzbekistan President Mirziyoyev Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman Qatar Emir Tamim UAE Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Zayed Mongolia Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan South Korea National Assembly Speaker Park Byeong-seug Thailand Princess Sirindhorn Europe: Russia President Putin Poland President Duda Serbia President Vucic Luxembourg Grand Duke Henri Monaco Prince Albert II Bosnia and Herzegovina Chairman of the Council of Minister Tegeltija Azerbaijan Deputy Prime Minister Ahmadov America: Argentina President Fernandez Ecuador President Lasso Africa: Egypt President Sisi Oceania: Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Marape International Organization: IOC President Bach (Germany, Olympic Champion 1976, Fencing) UN Secretary General Guterres (Portugal) UN General Assembly President Shahid (Maldives) WHO Director General Tedros (Ethiopia) World Intellectual Property Organization Director General Daren Tang (Singapore) New Development Bank President Troyjo (Brazil) Shanghai Cooperation Organization Secretary General Zhang Ming (China)
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