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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by ofan

  1. Congrats Netherlands!
  2. Wow, Mekielsen sneaks into the final..
  3. Ironic that your user name is Triplecast
  4. Not a very diverse final for the 200 back: 2 Chinese, 2 Americans, 2 Australians and 2 Canadians
  5. Looked like a bad shoulder injury to me? Also hit his head right on the ground
  6. Yeah there is no chance he can ride
  7. ugh what an awful crash
  8. Lol, just 4 countries in the final of the women's 200 back
  9. Just taking the sport back to it's roots I guess
  10. Is Smulders not going to advance here? Such a shame, has to be so shaken up from that crash
  11. First loss for Pajon
  12. Yep, that was violent
  13. No no, not unless the miracle I just described happens
  14. So if my math is correct, we need the Kiwis to beat ROC by 34 points for the Canadian women's sevens team to advance..
  15. Absolutely, they are the most painful! Would love to see an analysis post-Games on which country had the most "close calls"
  16. Carnage in the second semifinal
  17. Oh believe me, it is Canada lol
  18. So damn close.... Women's BMX semi was going at the same time as the 100m final and I had the double screen up - solid 3rd place finish for Mechielsen in the first heat
  19. No history tonight for Oleksiak
  20. Very cool watching the women's eight medal ceremony - world feed announcer naming the hometown of most of the athletes as they get their medal.
  21. I jinxed Mason...
  22. WOW! What a race, that was awesome. I figured the Kiwis would surely catch them after they came out to such a hot start, but that strategy worked. Now onto Penny to try and make it 2. In other news, Mason and Lovett are both out to hot starts in the high jump..
  23. Let's goooo CBP! I thought that initial takedown may have been an ippon
  24. Franssen really getting fired up there lol
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