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Everything posted by ofan

  1. I would just ask you to consider how exactly 4 more years of Trump and unchecked conservative government moves you any closer to your goals?
  2. You Bernie Bros will just never get it will you. Enjoy four more years of Trump.
  3. Not to mention NBC may carry more weight than most. I know you're well versed in the subject and likely have some thoughts on what they're going through atm.
  4. And Canada is the first domino to fall. I expect others will follow suit in the coming days, and the IOC will have no choice to postpone. Silver lining is that the IOC is yet again being exposed as the cowardly, corrupt bastards that they are.
  5. Ok, this is the post. You're definitely trolling.
  6. This is funny since Donald Trump is the most easily triggered man in America. He freaked out just a week ago because a Canadian television channel cut his cameo from their broadcast of Home Alone 2.
  7. You can think that. But remember, 50 years from now, no one will care what level the stock market was at under Trump. All he will ever be remembered for is that he was impeached.
  8. @Maxim Fastovsky This is the type of man you choose to worship. I'm sure you're a wonderful guy though.
  9. What a historic moment. Even though he will likely be acquitted in the senate, finally this serial criminal and despicable man is facing the consequences of a lifetime of breaking the law and putting himself before others. I only hope that Americans will be smart enough to remove this monster from office in November. No matter how you try and spin it, Trump's legacy will forever be tarnished as he becomes one of just 3 presidents to ever be impeached. A very fitting legacy.
  10. For the record, I obviously don't dislike him either. I just don't think Trump supporters are worth discussing politics with, as they're too far gone of the deep end. That's why sports exist for friendlier debate instead
  11. Yeah, the truth being that he doesn't actually give a shit about Israel - it's purely for votes, as you mentioned. Look no further than his casual bigoted remarks a few days ago in front of the Israeli American Council that many saw as bigoted.
  12. This. Something I never understand about Americans is why you worship a document drafted by men who all had syphilis and owned slaves.
  13. @Olympian1010 I would just cut your losses. You're debating against someone speaking verbatim from a Fox News comment section. It's not worth it. As you yourself have admitted, you are left-wing and I don't totally agree with everything you say, but at least your side does not peddle in conspiracy theories and falsehoods like these Trumpists do. For that reason, like I said, you're talking to a brick wall by trying to debate with this guy.
  14. @George_D I hate that is must come to this, my friend
  15. I respectfully disagree. I still think this group will be a cakewalk for Canada.
  16. Excited to see Nick Nurse shut down Giannis again. Also, add RJ Barrett to the growing list of players committing to play for Canada.
  17. Absolutely, I was just thinking that myself. They truly have made complete fools of themselves in this cycle
  18. Haha true. Well, this one is particularly idiotic.
  19. Wait, so can someone please explain to me why the US and Japan are playing in the qualification tournaments? This makes absolutely no sense to me
  20. I don't buy this, as any player who doesn't make the NBA Finals will have around a month between the end of the playoffs and the qualification tournament. There only player who might face a quick turnaround is Chris Boucher.
  21. Or read into what that hat represents and what people who wear that hat think of people who look like Suzuki.
  22. I think most of the funding will go to the women. They're on the rise, and I remember Field Hockey Canada saying a few years back that the goal was to become a medal contender in women's by the 2020s.
  23. Sports are crazy sometimes. I feel for the Irish team and fans, a really tough way to lose. But, Canada off to Tokyo! This was our gold medal, as they'll almost surely be blown out of the water in the Olympics
  24. Nice win from Ireland - very disappointing for Canada
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