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Totallympics Medallist
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  1. Like
    Finnator123 got a reaction from Josh in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    I think i'll do a comeback to totallymics, after being away for so long! Let's go!
  2. Like
    Finnator123 reacted to Grassmarket in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    Start winning stuff so you come back_. 
    No, the more the better.  
  3. Thanks
    Finnator123 got a reaction from Grassmarket in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    I think i'll do a comeback to totallymics, after being away for so long! Let's go!
  4. Like
    Finnator123 got a reaction from Olympian1010 in [OFF TOPIC] General Chat   
    I think i'll do a comeback to totallymics, after being away for so long! Let's go!
  5. Like
    Finnator123 got a reaction from konig in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    Maybe i should participate more with songs sang in finnish...
  6. Haha
    Finnator123 reacted to heywoodu in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    And with such a catchy tune as this one has, it's still stuck in my head  
  7. Like
    Finnator123 got a reaction from Henry_Leon in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
  8. Like
    Finnator123 reacted to Cobi in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    It is only the fourth time in 20 editions that a non-English song wins the Totallympics International Song Contest! Therefore, Italian becomes the second most succesful language with 2 victories ( A2018 & A2023), while German ( A2014) and Galician ( A2022) remains tied in the third place.
    However, this is the first time ever that 1st and 2nd place are obtained by non-English songs. The silver medal for  is also the best result so far for a song in a Scandinavian/Nordic language.
    Fun fact: English songs have a 60% win rate in Annual editions, but are undefeated in Open editions.
  9. Like
    Finnator123 reacted to Belle in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    So happy for @Finnator123 and . Such a great song. 
    About  well I hope for a little better placement. But I still will pick songs in Swedish sometimes.
    Absolutely fantastic hosting @Cobi. Thank you 
  10. Like
    Finnator123 got a reaction from Hipooo in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
  11. Like
    Finnator123 got a reaction from konig in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
  12. Like
    Finnator123 reacted to Illya in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    *Доброго вечора, ми з України! Вас вітає національне журі України та я, як єдиний та неповторний його очільник зараз поступово оголошу вам бали від 1 до 12*  
      FINLAND   10          SPAIN   9    USA   8    GERMANY   7    LITHUANIA   6    GREECE   5    MOLDOVA   4    POLAND   3    NORWAY   2    SWEDEN   1 
  13. Wow!
    Finnator123 reacted to Cobi in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
      FINLAND   11    IRELAND   10          GERMANY   9    SLOVENIA   8    MOLDOVA   7    SPAIN   6    ITALY   5    UKRAINE   4    INDIA   3    FRANCE   2    SERBIA   1 
  14. Like
    Finnator123 reacted to mrv86 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    First of all:  Amazing organization @Cobi  You've been an excellent and efficient host, plus that walktrough Spanish music at the Opening was amazing. A big round of applause for you 
    Now, after a good St Patrick's party last night at a local pub owned and attended by actual Irish people, I find that my entry didn't had the best of starts, but has made some ground, so I want to acknowledge
    Grazie mille  !  @SteveParker @Pablita @Henry_Leon
    Tak  ! @Wumo @Agger
    תודה @Dnl  !
    Kiitos @Finnator123  ! (I can finally say it, after binge watching 3 seasons of Karppi)
    شكرا جزيلا @amen09
    Hvala vam @dcro  !
  15. Like
    Finnator123 got a reaction from Hipooo in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
  16. Thanks
    Finnator123 reacted to Vektor in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   

      UKRAINE   12    DENMARK   11    LITHUANIA   10          NEW ZEALAND   9    SERBIA   8    FINLAND   7    GREECE   6    NORWAY   5    NETHERLANDS   4    FRANCE   3    ROMANIA   2    KAZAKHSTAN   1   
    Good luck to everyone!
    And see ya at the next Open contest!
  17. Thanks
  18. Haha
    Finnator123 got a reaction from Olympian1010 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    Did NOT expect a NATO reference here... 
  19. Haha
    Finnator123 got a reaction from maestro in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    God damn it... I completely forgot to look at my voting time... 
  20. Like
    Finnator123 reacted to Olympian1010 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    Yep, the Finns still like a good dance track 
  21. Like
    Finnator123 reacted to Olympian1010 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    absolutely getting 12 points here…
  22. Haha
    Finnator123 got a reaction from konig in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    God damn it... I completely forgot to look at my voting time... 
  23. Haha
    Finnator123 reacted to Olympian1010 in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    really smiping for that NATO inclusion with these votes…
  24. Haha
    Finnator123 got a reaction from Hipooo in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    God damn it... I completely forgot to look at my voting time... 
  25. Like
    Finnator123 got a reaction from konig in Totallympics Annual International Song Contest 2023   
    I need to write this, but those songs need to be in alphabetical order next time. Makes voting easier, at least for me 
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