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Totallympics Superstar
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by DaniSRB

  1. I missed that thread, but well we have two now for everyone's taste
  2. Uvac river canyon, Serbia Plva lake, Plužine, Montenegro
  3. BEAUTIFUL WORLD - a place to share photos of beautiful places of the world Venice, Italy
  4. nije, ali ovo je valjda preteca lasera za decu
  5. Can you stop fighting? Not good wc so far for Jamaica and imo Kenya
  6. pa nije valjda da ocekujes nesto od Kolasinca? on jedva do 20,80 dobaci na nekom znacajnijem takmicenju............nije on kapacitet za nesto vise a Dragana PB nije bacila vec godinama
  7. Igra kad im je potrebno oni su ipak bolje procenili da je bolje Kina u SF
  8. ne mora da znaci da je Italija slaba, imaju jednu mladu novu igracicu......videcemo na EP
  9. it's obviously Bolt came unprepared and still medal sad thing is that Gatlin won
  10. haha zato i pitam, to stvarno nije za gledalje
  11. haos je bila utakmica, ali izvukli su se
  12. ocajan mec odbojkasica a Kina i Italija mislim da su u boljoj formi, tesko ce biti i za bronzu
  13. [hide] Knockout Round July 29th - August 6th, 2017 8 Nations, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Gold Medal Match Gold Medal Match Central European Time (GMT +2) Date and Venue Team 1 T1 T2 Team 2 August 6th 2017, h. 17:00, De Grolsch Veste, Enschede Netherlands 2 1 Denmark [/hide]
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