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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Bohemia

  1. An "oldie" : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wonder if I like Kodaline...
  2. A and A (but for the 2nd question option B seems good too so I don't really know)
  3. You're welcome That would be a great semifinal! But I'm not confident for my team either even if our opponent isn't like Germany XD Good luck against them!
  4. Congrats Iceland!!! Well deserved! It's funny but I was more confident about France winning against England than against Iceland XD This team has done an amazing job and it's not over!
  5. So sad for Croatia That match was never-ending... Congrats to Poland! And now I'm disappointed that I didn't make predictions on Totallympics, because I'm doing them on another website and my results are quite good
  6. Tonight a French channel broadcasted that unfamous match and I was ashamed... (once again) I wish the best of luck to your team, I'm sure they will play a great game, they can win! (no I don't care if we lose XD) And the Irish fans are awesome!
  7. I was out today so I missed a big part of the show Thank you to all the countries who voted for France (even if I wasn't the one to choose the song to represent us )
  8. I know only a few of their songs thanks to a TV show but I should definitely listen to their albums, I like the song you posted! ----------------------------------------------------------
  9. What a coincidence, I listened to this song for the first time two days ago and I loved it!
  10. I forgot to say that I'm really happy that France is 6th, it's so good to not be in the last places for once And I liked the song so I'm happy with this result.
  11. WTF are these results, Ukraine wasn't that good! Australia and Russia were ok but not the best, and the biggest WTF is Poland, sorry but it was the song I liked the least... And I don't really understand Germany being last because I quite enjoyed the song. This new system is very weird!
  12. I'm sorry, I think I will send my votes on Friday or Saturday, I've been very busy these past few weeks and this week I have exams until Friday so I don't really have a choice...
  13. Wow thank you for this video, that was very interesting ----------------- I like our song this year, which is a very, very rare thing (these past few years have been catastrophic for us ) It's also on TV and on the radio so that's a good sign. At least it shows that people like it here and that it's a modern song. The last time I enjoyed the song that represented my country was in 2010 XD
  14. Well you didn't even tell me anything. You could have sent me a message to talk about it. I'm quite busy right now. But I decided to give up and to not say anything because it's quite exhausting. I deleted the other part of my message because I hadn't read the thread in its entirety I just want to say that I don't like the French song, I'm not the one who chose it
  15. I love this song too Songs I'm listening to right now:
  16. Athletics and swimming are my favorites, and then I like basketball, judo, canoeing slalom, handball... (oops more than 5 ) I like almost all of them.
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