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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Bohemia

  1. Thank you Estonia and @Herki for giving us our first (hopefully not last) points!
  2. As for our team, only the US and Sweden scored points, France and Russia are still waiting
  3. Wow, I didn't expect that Now I understand @konig's post about the countries he believed would win
  4. The logo is so beautiful and colorful I love that it brings awareness to the bird being sadly endangered And the addition of the arrows for the provisional top 5 is a great idea!
  5. At the time the previous annual contest was held, I liked the song, but then French radio started to play it constantly... So listening to an acoustic version is really nice It makes me like the song again.
  6. Prepare to be disgusted 2 is my favorite, it's the only one that almost never disappoints me. And it contains different genres, action, adventure, romance, comedy, drama, so many things! Then, it really depends on the story itself more than the genre. I used to love romance but it's getting boring since they're not very original. I'm quite picky anyway so most of the time I don't like 80% of movies from any of the genres But I could watch some action movies (IF they're not too manly and all about muscles or something), adventure, comedy (as long as it's not just a succession of jokes, and the story is believable, it's ok), documentary (I like documentaries about animals and nature, not really about humans ), drama (as long as it has a happy ending. I'm sorry but if I watch a movie it's to relax and have a good time and feel good after), history The one thing I would NEVER watch is a horror movie. I'm not fond of thrillers either. As for SF and fantasy, I'm not a fan of these genres (I prefer watching realistic things if it's not animation), but sometimes I can like one of these movies. Sooo, yes, I'm complicated
  7. Perfect weather this week It finally feels like spring
  8. I'm totally for gender equality but at the Olympic Games it's useless to add, let's say for example, women's nordic combined, if there are almost no competitors. So yes, in this case, gender equality is kind of stupid. The idea is good, but it's undoable right now.
  9. Gabrielle - Johnny Hallyday Gabriel - Bear's Den Ella elle l'a - France Gall This is fun
  10. Angela: - by The Lumineers - by Saïan Supa Crew - by Yannick Noah Lucie - Pascal Obispo
  11. @FC Mezhgorye @dezbee2008 @Belle what should we name our team? I can't wait to see the Iguaçu Falls Thanks guys for the voting draw, it was really fun to watch from afar, even though it was probably the worst for you Dan, sorry I love that idea of the teams, that's awesome! And what better edition to bring this new thing than the 10th one. I think I've never been that excited for a TISC, except probably for the first one of course
  12. That's weird because I'm on my phone and it works
  13. I find this one very calming:
  14. I completely forgot about this thread Thank you so much
  15. Does anyone know where we could find the complete events?
  16. Well, when you put it that way... you're not wrong! Maybe it's better to not have this one It's just that sometimes I wanted to have an angry reaction for some posts, not because I disagreed with them, but, as you said, because I was angry about the thing they talked about, like for example if they talk about football supporters who started fighting the players of their own team after they lost a match.
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