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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Werloc

  1. Well, I'll speak in code. Let's just say that I'm at that part where something fell I'm watching the playthrough from Jesse Cox, he's a really great youtuber and I have experienced quite a few games through him. He has the Scary Game Squad where he tackles horror games with his group of friends and went through the RE remakes, various detective games with Dodger and a lot of open world RPGs. Really an all around great guy with a great sense of humour and he's actually enjoying all of the cutscenes instead of blabbering over them aaaaaand he's a loot whore just like me. Anyway, one shameless plug later, no, I haven't played the original, nor did I see a playthrough of it, so I'm going in blind and this is my first FF experience. I grew up without a console, so yeah, pc gaming all the way for me.
  2. The FF7 Remake made me very sad that I don't own a PS4, that game is like a movie, watching a playthrough currently and salivating at the graphics.
  3. Anyways, as we're waiting for our next TISC competitions I thought that I'd throw in some TISC related content via my points report card. During my 14 participations in TISC, I had a 1092 points to shell out to many different countries, even though I was in a combined jury for 2014 A, I went through with using my own votes. Throughout these 14 contests, I've awarded points to 43 countries, Ukraine, Colombia, India, Vietnam and Romania didn't fit in the screenshot. Unfortunately, there are countries that have yet to get any points from me and those would be: Bulgaria: This one I'm surprised with, because I thought I definitely had given them points in the past, but found out that they were only on my reserve list a couple of times. China: Similarly to Bulgaria, their songs entered my top 20 numerous times, but didn't reach the points. Egypt Greece Hungary and Iran: Was really close to getting points from me on two different occasions. Hungary was 13th in 2020, for example. Israel: only participated once, so there's still time Lebanon Moldova Montenegro Russia Tunisia Uruguay Venezuela Somewhat didn't expect United States to take first place, but it seems that if I like their song, I like it that much, that they never score below 5th place and have scored the most medals. There are also other countries that never placed lower than 5th place when they got points and those are: Azerbaijan and Croatia, whilst Brazil has a good record of not going below 6th. Other countries with numerous medals include: Great Britain, Ireland, Netherlands, whilst Brazil is the only country to double up on my 12 points. Countries on the longest point streak: Great Britain (7 contests, 2014-2017), Brazil (6 contests, 2016-2019), New Zealand (6 contests, 2015-2017). The longest streak that is still alive is Denmark with 4 contests in a row, twice in 12th place Countries on the longest point break: Kazakhstan and Guyana since the first contest, Romania since the second contest, Spain, Slovakia and Serbia since the 5th contest Perfect attendance awards: Norway with 4/5 contests in points Great Britain with 11/13 contests in points Australia with 4/5 contests in points Estonia with 3/3 contests in points Countries on the rise: Slovenia (19 points in last 4 contests) Malta (21 points in last 4 contests) United States (29 points in last 4 contests) Brazil (28 points in last 4 contests) Netherlands (23 points in last 4 contests) Ireland (21 points in last 4 contests) First non-European winner? Not on my watch! 1st and 2nd spot in my all time points are not from European countries. 4 countries to get the coveted 1 point twice: Denmark, Portugal, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
  4. Well, it would be rather important to decide what we're actually doing (if we're doing anything) and who's going to be the person/people to work on the show.
  5. I think the fact that nobody touched this at all for over 9 days is a pretty good indication that we don't need to rush into another contest. It was just the annual post-contest hype.
  6. Perhaps random people determine being kicked from the A team at 31 yo is the end
  7. Yup, that's why I'm not particularly trusting Wikipedia, unless Stenersen himself updated that page
  8. Apparently, Wikipedia has him in the retired section, so perhaps that's why Although an article I've google translated from Swedish just said that he's kicked from the A team and nothing about his retirement.
  9. Would that mean that when registering you would have to contact the host of that particular event and tell them which country you want? And then they would also have to post the song for you, to not give away the country you're representing?
  10. I don't know if the Italian team are suffering from financial issues, though it would be hard to believe seeing their recent successes. But I was always angry that the teams had additional quotas to use and chose not to give their other athletes any chances. They didn't bring back Oberhofer and she retired, they didn't give a World Cup chance to Runggaldier and now she retired too. Next target is possibly Gontier, since the Italian team chose to run Sanfilippo + Carrara without using up their extra spots on the women's side.
  11. Honestly, they can fuck off with all of their relays
  12. I believe they just got lazy from all those easy victories and started feeling content. They'd step up if we get the Czech Republic back into the contest.
  13. Okay, crazy idea, not at all sure if it's actually even plausible, because most users are always late or leave their votes for the final day, but I'm going to try to set an example. So our special TISC spinoff edition could be sports related not in the term of theme, but in the way that the songs compete. Example: 36 songs in the competition are divided in six groups of six in these groups, every single song faces each other. Every user gets three points to distribute in every match, so the score can be 3:0 or 2:1 between the songs and they are all then tallied up to find out the winner of that specific match, points difference matters in case of ties. Different users could even be in charge for different groups to share the workload. Let's say that 3 songs from every group survive to form two groups of 9, the top 3 songs from Group A fight against B and C, the same for D, E, F and after that single round robin, 4 songs from each group advance and are seeded into the quarterfinals, semis and the final to find out the winner. For quarters, semi's and finals I think everyone should get 5 points to distribute, to add in some variety, 5-0, 4-1, 3-2 would be the options. PROBLEMS: This would have to be run a bit similarly as a prediction contest, people would need to vote actively and more frequently than just that single time that you do for TISC Multiple people running the show would mean more people have access to the results and that might be a worry in regards of fair play No guarantee that with this system the best song wins
  14. I honestly just don't want us getting sick of these lovely contests. And after we're done with the summer one, it will be nearly time for the Open in Autumn. Not to mention the fact that there would have to be somebody that organises and works on this contest, so it's easy to vote yes when you're probably not the one doing everything. It feels that we're all acting that covid killed the entertainment industry, but there is still plenty of stuff to do out there.
  15. Question 1: (b) no, in all honesty, I would like for the Summer to remain contest free Question 2: (b) no, themes restrict smaller country abilities in choosing an okay song Question 3: (a) I would like this spinoff to be as far away in similarity to TISC as possible, so the inability to represent your own country would probably be healthier for the contest's integrity.
  16. If we're actually holding another contest before the one in the Netherlands, I at least hope that we do an off-brand one with some weird rules. It can be something fun to kill time as long as it's not canon to the statistics and history of TISC.
  17. Are you giving me the green light on the 7 minute FOJE song that I shared yesterday?
  18. Honestly, there's a really cool way to cook them with some bellpeppers and chicken, cover with sweet & sour sauce and serve it with rice.
  19. Someone please say something about TISC, the Corona thread is alive again
  20. and here in Lithuania we're not too big on conspiracies, I guess, because the only stories that we have are the general updates of Covid in our country, updates of Covid from border countries, health specialists discussing the measures that should be taken to defuse the spread of the virus, a lot about economical repercussions and nothing about bats, labs, bio-weapons etc. The new Resident Evil remake is already released, don't need to hype it up more.
  21. Are we writing the script for the next big Netflix show now?
  22. Well, having 100mil plays on ONE song on Spotify already means that she is fucking famous between the teens. Can't imagine a lot of older people listening to her, but she is definitely at that place where she can coast with her career even as a digital artist. Unless of course she doesn't write her own music and has 0 writing credits. Then she's making a lot of money for other people
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