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Totallympics Superstar
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by Майкл

  1. Women's LJ final is about to start and I'm beyond excited
  2. Mayer's gambling big time. I think it's too much of a risk.
  3. Muir's races were just insane. The pace she's able to produce while finishing the race is surreal. Well done!
  4. Ash won her first WTA title in Kuala Lumpur
  5. Maslak seems to be unbeatable at the Indoor Champs
  6. Men's long jump has really become a travesty gold with 8.08...
  7. Ne pljujemo mi nikoga Štaviše, kritikujemo ljudi koji su očekivali nerealno.
  8. Mi smo zemlja atletike, zaboravljaš?
  9. Also: Hungarian whose last name seems Vietnamese
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