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Totallympics Medallist
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Totallympics International Song Contest

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Everything posted by dezbee2008

  1. My top 20 include songs from Austria, Albania, Sweden, Finland, San Marino, Spain, and Poland. My favorite, tho, is Malta
  2. Even I have too much going on, so even if this were to happen, I wouldn't be able to take part.
  3. Thanks for the North America continental award. I will say, tho, that I will share it with @Olympian1010 as he picked the song (there was a demo and a more complete version, which is the one we ended up going with)
  4. My anti-establishment voting stance is running low if my 12s keep winning... Congrats @Hipooo on your victory. Funny how the top three are the same three stuck in my head for days
  5. Looks like I'm here in time for the good stuff
  6. Hey, guys. Just here to observe, but thanks to everyone who voted for so far
  7. I was gonna join in, but if it's tonight, I'm afraid I won't be able to
  8. While we're waiting, let me casually drop the music from the two countries I mentioned earlier. I wasn't sure if Mongolia has ever been featured in a festival of music segment, but East Timor / Timor Leste never has, plus I've been watching their English-language TV stations lately, hence the choice for both countries Anyway, here's And I haven't decided on two other countries, but I'll get back to you on that
  9. Haven't done this in a while. Count me in, I'm game.
  10. I got and on lock, so I'll be posting what I can find from them
  11. I was also busy with life (work, hurricane, etc) so it took me a bit longer to send my votes
  12. I'll be able to send votes by early next week now that Hurricane Milton is out of my area
  13. Time for me to jump in on this fun for a couple of months
  14. I'm sure we'll get a clearer picture of what happened in the coming weeks, but this is just sad regardless
  15. Sooooooo he defended himself and that was a huge red flag for the EBU????? Anyone who's gotten in deep trouble for defending themselves know this all too well
  16. Even spokespersons. This is a mess!
  17. At this point in time, me too.
  18. The rest of the world vote was supposed to open at 00:00 CEST (6pm EDT) but...
  19. I was shocked at Serbia and Slovenia qualifying, I was sure both were NQs but it is what it is I'm hoping for Greece, Austria, Georgia, and Malta to qualify (and especially Malta since everyone's writing them off)
  20. It's been more than a week, but here is my personal 12 12 -- 11 -- 10 -- 9 -- 8 -- (for the record @Fer GUA I found out about Gaby Moreno more than a decade ago so I just have to give points) 7 -- 6 -- 5 -- 4 -- 3 -- 2 -- 1 -- R1 -- R2 -- I'm just happy that despite finishing 6th, Team USA 'won' the medal table, so thank you to everyone who gave points.
  21. I mean, did anyone really expect this? UNITED STATES Malta 12 Lithuania 11 Portugal 10 New Zealand 9 France 8 Romania 7 Hungary 6 China 5 Slovakia 4 Guatemala 3 Denmark 2 Germany 1 Bye, folks. Thanks for having us on here
  22. Yeah, USA voting as normal UNITED STATES Lithuania 11 Portugal 10 New Zealand 9 France 8 Romania 7 Hungary 6 China 5 Slovakia 4 Guatemala 3 Denmark 2 Germany 1
  23. Here we go UNITED STATES Portugal 10 New Zealand 9 France 8 Romania 7 Hungary 6 China 5 Slovakia 4 Guatemala 3 Denmark 2 Germany 1
  24. Close to having 3 golds here, but it's all good
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