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Bulgaria87 reacted to Biathlonfan in Athletics EAA Indoor European Championships 2025
nothing at all against Furlani but why is this just the best possible men's Long jump ending for me GOLD FOR . GO SARABOYUKOV,YOU ABSOLUTE LEGEND.
Bulgaria87 got a reaction from Federer91 in Български успехи и резултати - 2025 и напред
2025 година започна по великолепен начин за българският спорт.
Победа в старт за Световната купа на Алберт Попов. Първи от 45 години насам. Страхотни резултати на българският тим по сноуборд. Подиум за Радо Янков, както и постоянни резултати в световната купа. В този спорт имаме много млади надежди, което може само дани радва. Тервел Замфиров и сестра му Малена ще са следващите звезди, вярвам го. Победа в Световната купа по фехтовка за Йоана Илиева. Определено това момиче е една от големите ни световни звезди.
Много се радвам за успехите ни в ски дисциплините. Показва, че сме алпийска нация. Ски курортите ни са класа. Организацията на Световната купа по сноуборд в Банско, беше великолепна.
Ше се радвам да поддържаме темата и да коментираме резултатите на спортистите ни в тази тема.
Bulgaria87 reacted to Federer91 in Fencing FIE World Cup 2024 - 2025
So well deserved first World Cup victory for Yoana Ilieva First ever for a Bulgarian woman and first in fencing in 40 years. She is doing a very good season so far and already to number 5 in the rankings.
2025 starts fun for us, an alpine skiing WC win in 40 years and now a fencing WC win in 40 years
Bulgaria87 reacted to stefanbg in Потенциални български участници в Милано-Кортина 2026
Ето и моята прогноза след невероятните няколко дни тази седмица. Мисля, че медал (дори и два) са съвсем в рамките на възможното.
Alpine skiing - Алберт Попов и Калин Златков + Анина Цурбриген или Луиза Бертани
Biathlon- щафети при мъжете и жените
Cross-country skiing - Симоен Деянов и 1 квота при жените + евентуално още 1 квота при мъжете
Figure skating - Александра Фейгин
Short-track speed skating - с много късмет е възможна 1 квота при мъжете
Ski jumping - Владимир Зографски
Snowboarding - Радослав Янков + някой от Замфиров/Кръшняк/Георгиев и силно се надявам 1 квота при жените (Замфирова?)
Реалистичен брой участници: 16
Оптимистичен брой участници: 20
Bulgaria87 reacted to copravolley in Alpine Skiing FIS World Cup 2024 - 2025
Give us a link to the video with Bulgarian commentary of this competition.
Bulgaria87 reacted to Federer91 in Alpine Skiing FIS World Cup 2024 - 2025
Finally all the hard work for Albert pays off and he has his first WC victory at age 27
And he won in one of the most legendary slaloms in Madonna.
Also maybe a symbolic moment, because until now, the only WC victory for Bulgaria was Petar Popangelov's 1980 slalom win on .... January 8th.
And we are January 8th , 45 years later.
Bulgaria87 reacted to Gianlu33 in Biathlon IBU World Cup 2024 - 2025
3rd winter bulgarian athlete on the podium this year
Bulgaria87 reacted to Monzanator in Tennis ITF US Open 2024
Djokovic's defeat means for the first time since 2002 we'll have a calendar year without Federer, Nadal or Djokovic winning at least one of the Grand Slams on the men's side
Bulgaria87 reacted to Federer91 in Потенциални български участници за игрите в Лос Анджелис 2028
Катеренето е супер интересен спорт и там имаме сериозно име за бъдещето, но е жена - Александра Тоткова. Към ЛА очаквам да в топ 10 на света. В София нали отвориха нова модерна зала миналата година. Не знам как се ползва, ама това е спорт където имаме шанс за развитие на млади хора.
Изабела Янкова доколкото знам участва само в една дисциплина в планинското колоездене, която е не-Олимпийска. Според мен няма никакъв шанс да участва.
Стрелбата с лък също е много приятен спорт. И не ми изглежда много скъп, че да кажеш, че е непрактичен за България. Във всеки среден град може да се направи стрелбище, трябва ти само една поляна и отстояние с мишени. Да, професионален лък ще струва пари, ама не е като тенис ракета дето трябва да я сменяш постоянно. Колко често ще трябва да сменяш лъкът. Бих казал, че много по-лесно би накарал някое дете да отиде да стреля с лък, отколкото да се бъхти да гребе с лодката. Просто този спорт не е популярен тука и не знам федерацията каква дейност извърва въобще.
Bulgaria87 reacted to stefanbg in Българските спортисти в Париж - очаквания и представяне
Да, обратно в България и ежедневието. Преживяването беше неповторимо! Париж и Олимпийските игри бяха сляти в едно по един специален начин. От градините на Тюлери и Лувъра, през Айфеловата кула, та чак до Дефанс.
Посетих плажен волейбол под Айфеловата кула, борба в Шамп де Мар, атлетика на Стад де Франс, водна топка в Дефанс арена и колоезденето в центъра на града. Всяко състезание си имаше чара, трибуните бяха пълни, а "купонът" беше неповторим. Трудно се описва с думи атмосферата на съораженията. Ще изпратя снимки на лично съобщение за интересуващите се
Относно българското участие, купих билети за "грешните" сесии в борбата. Айк не стигна до битка за медал, но пък видях поредната и последна Олимпийска титла на Михайн Лопес.
За щастие пътувах в един полет с борците към Париж и имах честта да им пожелая успех лично, а и чрез националния превозвач Стюардесите след моя молба им пожелаха успех след кацане, а всички пътници аплодираха бурно.
Изживяването остава спомен за цял живот и очаквам ЛА с нетърпение. Пожелавам на всеки във форума да усети същата тръпка, която усетих аз.
Bulgaria87 reacted to Ros in Потенциални български участници за игрите в Лос Анджелис 2028
Още от сега предполагам, че в художествената гимнастика ще сме със 7 квоти, в плуването с 6, във фехтовката с 4, а в спортната гимнастикас 3. Надявам се на поне 10 квоти в борбата. Ако боксът е в програмата - 4 или 5 квоти. За атлетиката ми е трудно да предположа, но 7-8 човека ще е добре. И във вдигането на тежести ще сме с 3 мъжки квоти, като очаквам и една женска. В стрелбата предполагам още общо 2-3 квоти ще вземем. В "ракетните" спортове (бадминктон, тенис на маса и на корт) не повече от 3-4 общо. Не повече от тези бройки ще имаме в гребните спортове. И ако в останалите спортове вземем 4-5 това ще е. За волейболът ми е болка но ще пропуснем и тази олимпиада. Така като ги броя - при делегация от около 60 човека ще е супер.
Да видим колко ще съм близо
Bulgaria87 got a reaction from Ros in Потенциални български участници за игрите в Лос Анджелис 2028
Здравейте български любители на Олимпийските игри,
Тук предлагам да коментираме потенциалните български участници за Олимпийските игри след 4 години. Да все още е рано да правим прогнози, но ще е хубаво да видим какви са били настроенията ни през годините, като това ще стане като сме активни тук и описваме успехите в спортните събития с наши преставители през този период.
Bulgaria87 got a reaction from Ros in Post Games Analysis | How did your country perform at Paris Olympics 2024?
1. 8.5 - Paris Olympics were amazing for . We won 7 medals from which 3 gold, one silver and 3 bronze and took 26th place in overall ranking. Top sports are Wrestling, Weightlifting & Rhythmic Gymnastics. We managed to snatch good results in boxing, taekwondo from where we got bronze. Other good performances were women's single sculls, Women's vault as well in Badminton. We have a superb athlete in Karlos Nasar who made WR in weightlifting 89 category and is the star in the sport.
2. Surprise are the two golds in Wrestling which is traditional sport for the country, however in last Olympics we only managed to snatch bronze medals. Heartbreak was the Rhythmic gymnastics performance of our team which was favorite for the gold, however it made a huge error and finished 4th.
3. Yes, achieved.
4. There is for sure what can be improved. A lot of promises are given every year, let's see what happens this time. We are a sport country and expectations here are high. Sports that can be invested are swimming, where we have some positive results, women's fencing where we grow each year, taekwondo is something new for us but with good leader in the sport federation, volleyball is so famous here, however in a downfall in recent years, but now with efforts to be resurrected. Wrestling, weightlifting and Rhythmic gymnastics will continue the tradition and investment here should be guaranteed. Boxing also has a good sports federation president and we have very young stars. Hopefully it will remain in program for LA 28. However we need investment in sport infrastructure as currently is not well handled. Hopefully we will begin to work more thoroughly in this regard in next years. I also so hope for development in some untraditional sports for us like Archery and sport climbing
5. I so hope this will be women's fencing (sabre team). Weightlifting could also reach some new highs as our star Karlos Nasar might be inspiration for a lot of kids/teenagers. We also have good generation in Athletics, hopefully we could develop in there too as in the past we had so many good results, but now we had only 1 athlete in final.
Bulgaria87 got a reaction from Fer GUA in Post Games Analysis | How did your country perform at Paris Olympics 2024?
1. 8.5 - Paris Olympics were amazing for . We won 7 medals from which 3 gold, one silver and 3 bronze and took 26th place in overall ranking. Top sports are Wrestling, Weightlifting & Rhythmic Gymnastics. We managed to snatch good results in boxing, taekwondo from where we got bronze. Other good performances were women's single sculls, Women's vault as well in Badminton. We have a superb athlete in Karlos Nasar who made WR in weightlifting 89 category and is the star in the sport.
2. Surprise are the two golds in Wrestling which is traditional sport for the country, however in last Olympics we only managed to snatch bronze medals. Heartbreak was the Rhythmic gymnastics performance of our team which was favorite for the gold, however it made a huge error and finished 4th.
3. Yes, achieved.
4. There is for sure what can be improved. A lot of promises are given every year, let's see what happens this time. We are a sport country and expectations here are high. Sports that can be invested are swimming, where we have some positive results, women's fencing where we grow each year, taekwondo is something new for us but with good leader in the sport federation, volleyball is so famous here, however in a downfall in recent years, but now with efforts to be resurrected. Wrestling, weightlifting and Rhythmic gymnastics will continue the tradition and investment here should be guaranteed. Boxing also has a good sports federation president and we have very young stars. Hopefully it will remain in program for LA 28. However we need investment in sport infrastructure as currently is not well handled. Hopefully we will begin to work more thoroughly in this regard in next years. I also so hope for development in some untraditional sports for us like Archery and sport climbing
5. I so hope this will be women's fencing (sabre team). Weightlifting could also reach some new highs as our star Karlos Nasar might be inspiration for a lot of kids/teenagers. We also have good generation in Athletics, hopefully we could develop in there too as in the past we had so many good results, but now we had only 1 athlete in final.
Bulgaria87 reacted to Federer91 in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Ceremonies
Damn, Hassan is only 31, we won't get rid of her for another 2 Olympics probably
Bulgaria87 got a reaction from maestro in Artistic Gymnastics at the Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024
Congratulations for to their first medal.
Bulgaria87 reacted to rybak in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medal Count
In comprasion with Tokyo, besides earlier mentioned countries, those one are leaving Paris empty handed
Bulgaria87 reacted to Quasit in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medal Count
Very sad for Finland especially...
Bulgaria87 reacted to LDOG in Summer Olympic Games Paris 2024 Medal Count
Unexpectedly leaving without medals:
first time since 2012.
first time since 2000.
first time since 1996.
first time in all olympic history, counting both summer and winter games.
Bulgaria87 reacted to ChandlerMne in International Olympic Committee News
IOC reduced number of events and athletes in many great sports. Thats a huge issue that new P. must solve.
Breakdancing is a total mess, total fiasco.
Surfing is mostly boring to watch but i still liked it.
Skateboarding doesnt need both street and park, only one event is enough.
All mixed events are boring and should be excluded.
IOC must influence general public, not vice versa.
Bulgaria87 reacted to JoshMartini007 in International Olympic Committee News
The biggest hurdle for esports is creating a unifying sports federation. The scene is way too fragmented plus you have the issue of video game companies wanting a say on how their games are represented. It's just not worth the headache at this point.
We will also have to have a shift of acceptance towards "mind sports" like chess which is already a huge hurdle for some people.
Bulgaria87 reacted to pdr4332 in International Olympic Committee News
Well breaking was the only really controversial, and as far as I know it will not come back in LA.
Re Skateboarding I don't see if snowboarding can be at the winter Olympics why cannot be skateboarding in the summer one. So I am ok with this one (moreover I like to watch it haha)
Surfing and sport climbing are even more "legit" than skateboarding.
It will be more interesting what attitude will the eventual IOC president show towards a Saudi/Qatari/Emirati OG.
Hopefully at least for 2036 this bullet can be dodged.
On the other hand those hosts at least would build a decent olympic village with air conditioning 😁 😁 😁
Bulgaria87 reacted to konig in International Olympic Committee News
May be is a dream: but i really want to the next IOC president be somebody outside the western countrys, foe example a japanese, to at least be more dificult to have some bad olympics politics, one is what @ChandlerMne mention about the "teen sports" like breakdance.
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