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Everything posted by intoronto

  1. Really shocked and in Victoria!?! Of all places. I wonder how much $$ they spent getting it
  2. Rip
  3. I am surprised Bach hasn't gotten an interest in it. Its urban after all
  4. It was not the Canadian government that made the decision, it was the Provincial Quebec government. There seems to be a high insecurity there about French identity.
  5. Chile always seems to be in trouble when its about to host a major sporting event. Morale: Do not bid for sporting events :P
  6. Quebec is another animal in itself. The leadership there is definitely questionable. You cannot put the blame on Canada...
  7. This is 100% false information. All health care is state funded. Drugs are not funded, however.
  8. Canada didn't compete in the first two World Cups to focus on development. Again, Cycling Canada is by far the most dumbest sporting organization in this country. SMH.
  9. Field hockey was bottom 5 when wrestling was dropped, so it will likely be the team sport dropped if any. However with recent innvoations I do not think its going anywhere.
  10. Yea, you can't go without fruit of the season for each IOC member lol
  11. Considering that skating is arguably one of the more competitve events with 3/4 continents able to win medals and one about to emerge (South America with Colombia), it boggles the mind to cut quotas there. Though having ice dance and pairs equal (so minus 8 quotas) would not do much. Meaning speed skating is going to lose a sizeable chunk. The way short track is set up, I do not think you can cut quotas.
  12. THey cut quotas in some events so others could get higher women's quotas. Women's hockey for ex. Speed skating cutting quotas likely means equal men and women (before it was men more than women).
  13. Wow Deanna Lockett switched to represent @heywoodu Do you know if Sjinkie Knegt has retired?
  14. Their press release touting quotas for 2022 indicated this was done for gender equality...
  15. Have heard the ISU is considering reducing the size of the ice dance field for 2022 (it must cut quotas across all three disciplines). Speed skating would lose the rest (and I'd imagine the max team size would drop from 20 to 18 or 16)
  16. The women clearly would be better to focus on... they can hang with some of the world's best teams, while the men will likely win at most 1 game. Sad really, field hockey isn't as popular in Canada as ice hockey. If only the talent was there
  17. Ireland win on sort of controversy? to avenge their men. Now its all equal lol
  18. Wow that is interesting. There is no diversity in this sport this cycle...
  19. Tarania Clarke, only 20, was stabbed to death. Sad.
  20. If India hosts it, we will have an unprepared contest, like Delhi 2010, I kid ofc. Though I am not objected to the idea. However, shouldn't it be up to @Heywoodu?
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