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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. It's not a myth, it's an exception from the rule. Wilson Kipketer could have been his own pacemaker too but those are generational talents that don't grow on trees. There are more Johnny Grays than Kipketers and Rudishas in this world out there. Just ask Hicham El Guerrodj why he lost the 1,500 in Sydney So, is Jemma Rekkie a new Rudisha, a new Gray or none of the above? Nobody runs races like that anymore (not since Borzhakovskiy made his last-to-first work ONCE which proved to be the new Holy Graal of 800m running if your last name isn't Rudisha).
  2. Hey, IOC wanted to get rid of wrestling already, they are allowing pro boxers to fight at the Olympics given how amateur boxing has bottomed out and all the kids want money as pros, 50km race walking is on death row, it doesn't take a genius to figure out the 5,000 & 10,000 distances at speed skating will be removed as the sport moves into sprint-speciallist mode. 500m was one weak point for Netherlands for many years which maybe prevented the upheaval but once the Dutch lose the grip on the longer distances they will cut bait in 5 seconds IMO. Introduction of mass starts and relays into speed skating has signalled the change and it's only a matter of time the longest distances will be sacrificed and IOC will sell us the story "fans have demanded it"
  3. You are correct, I didn't watch The Crown and Last Kingdom either. Apart from Yellowstone I focused mostly on UK/Irish/Australian crime/mystery shows in the last 5 years. US shows are focused too much on fantasy/sci-fi stuff I never enjoyed to begin with. It's like everyone wants to cash in with the Lord of the Rings craze from the 00s. I just don't like that genre at all. I don't know if you're old enough to remember how the Polish "Witcher" was ridiculed back in the 2001 when it was first made. Fast forward 20 years and it's making noise on Netflix, I'd never see that coming but guess the demand for fantasy shows remains high (it will eventually go away when people become tired of it). I don't think Polish audience has so many issues with run time like the Americans do right now.
  4. 800m are won by tactics and the infamous 250-300m sprint. If she doesn't have that, she won't win anything (like Laura Muir who doesn't have the long finish and can only win timed races and you know Olympics and World Champs are never won on time unless someone is sacrificed as a pacemaker).
  5. My point is that in 10-15 years 60 minute TV episodes will be gone. I'm not even talking about 90 minute episodes because they're on the verge of extinction anyway. Feature-lenght TV shows are running on fumes, no matter whether it's TV or streaming platforms.
  6. Even with Marquez gone, it seems like MotoGP title battle will be a washout if Quartararo dominates the action like that. Jack Miller said he's in the title hunt now only to crash out from the race. Yeah, so much for that title buzz here.
  7. In Poland we didn't have the ad breaks on public TV though so it's not like we have the same experience as US audience. Plus the ad breaks on private channels have changed a lot over years, Now we have a 120 minute movie with like 2 ad breaks that last 10-12 minutes instead of 5 ad breaks that lasted 5 minutes in the early 00s IIRC.
  8. You are taken hostage for 65 minutes, sir! Short attention span will make those 10, 15 minute episodes mandatory in the next 15-20 years IMO. It's like replacing individual 20km with super sprints in biathlon! People can only watch biathlon for 15 minutes, not 90!
  9. I'm just waiting until the 10,000 will be cancelled and speed skating turns into sprint speed skating all around U know it's coming!
  10. But Netflix is also doing these 12, 15 minute episodes? Let's face it, this is the future dictated by the short attention span culture. The shows will be judged not by its content but the run time sooner rather than later. Days of 30 minute time slot with 8 minutes of ad breaks are over.
  11. According to this the short attention span generation has room to improve though. 10 minute episodes will render 10 hours of watching TV improbable The buzz is real, Brad Pitt received an Emmy nomination for 2 minutes of screen appearance
  12. SuperTennis coverage starts on Monday so I'll take a look what goes on there. Halep, Konta & Swiatek have pulled out of Palermo among others though.
  13. Jonathan Isaac refuses to kneel down during an anthem. If he was white, he'd be immediately dismissed as a racist but since he's black the BLM lobbyists don't know what to do with him
  14. Netflix releases so many shows that it feels like majority of them are simply lost in the crowd anyway For me personally the last decade in terms of movies was lost. I was never a fan of sci-fi/fantasy crap, never watched like 5 seconds of Game of Thrones and most certainly don't bother with all the Marvel comics nonsense either. The best TV series I watched in the last 5 years was probably 'Yellowstone' - probably because it escaped the usual political corectness bullshit and had an old school feel to it.
  15. Welcome to short attention span generation. The millenials are unwilling to wait a full week for a single new episode anymore. Those days are over
  16. Since when China are US friends? TikTok is Chinese-owned and that's more than enough to trigger a ban since Trump has declared a trade war on China many moons ago already. I mean USA has banned Huawei before so this is a logical step I don't suppose even the hardest progressives or liberals will become China supporters just to paint another bad picture of the President they hate so badly
  17. The question is why Obama couldn't swing the mid-term elections in Democrats' favor then?
  18. Makes you wonder why didn't Obama put those reforms in place when he was President?
  19. It was fairly innovative back in the 90s so maybe the millenials will re-discover it as something new - even if it's not Outside of Spain an UK this sport is totally obscure - just as speedway outside of Poland and Scandinavia
  20. It's motorcycle trials. Nothing too flamboyant, I remember EuroSport showing this back in the 90s already. I guess the engines are electric these days rather than gasoline hence the word "electric trials".
  21. Hmm.. I read other stuff. You have to remember if the big markets do well it's good for the league. Yankees, Dodgers, Cubs or Red Sox are all that matters. Nobody really cares about viewing numbers for Rays or Rockies
  22. They have to play 5 innings to get a decision though? Baseball isn't ready to abandon the W-L history like that
  23. It's not about one guy, I noticed the bullpens collapse more often but I'm not as qualified to talk about baseball so much. Pitching for speed only will devalue the pitching itself rather fast. And there's no way the league will help the pitchers like they did in the 60s anymore.
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