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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. Jon Wertheim from Sports Illustrated picks Osaka for the win. Fiona Ferro must be the darkest horse ever since she withdrew from US Open over two weeks ago Elena Rybakina represents Kazakhstan even though she's Russian by birth but we've seen this stunt before.
  2. Osaka vs Azarenka in the final. Mertens' 3/21 break point conversion is hilariously bad even for WTA's standards
  3. Yeah, association football is played 12 months per year, even in Europe clubs play in December/January (except for Scandinavia where it gets really cold) and it's obviously on TV all the time. Winter season for me starts in December and ends at the end of February. These days winter seasons get extended until March but that's F1 time again. I wouldn't call soccer in USA mainstream (by European standards). That's for NFL and NBA being a distant second. MLB has a tradition but not much else and I can't really say if Americans are even interested in hockey these days anymore.
  4. Not me. Winter season officially starts after Formula 1 season is over The so-called "summer sports" isn't even a thing for someone who watches soccer like me (but of course that one remains a niche sport in USA so I can't blame you here).
  5. Yeah, that doesn't surprise me. For rich modern countries animal life is more important than human life after all.
  6. Naomi Osaka will actually play her semi-final tomorrow WTA 1 Politics 0
  7. Malaria remains a common unsolved problem for the entire continent and there hasn't been a 1% response to it compared to COVID but of course COVID has impacted the rich modern world countries so it can't be ignored like a third world disease.
  8. Not to mention most countries invest in their strong disciplines, not to ones where their presence is non-existent. Investing in winter sports in Africa is as feasible as investing in handball in USA
  9. @Olympian1010 90% of annual malaria deaths happen in Africa and that's counted in millions and you want support for building ice rinks there? In what kind of a world do you live in? Africa hasn't solved its health & water supply issues and you talk about ice rinks. Africa need fresh water to drink not to waste it for ice rinks. Man, you sure speak from a rich country's perspective that doesn't have a clue about poor countries' problems.
  10. I fight against hypocrisy & double standards all the time. If you allow Amazon earn all that money, what's the point of calling Bezos disgustingly rich? Your dollars are making him rich after all. Yours and like half of the modern world!
  11. David Mercer, a former umpire and long-time tennis commentator for EuroSport has passed away at the age of 70. I'm sure anyone who has watched tennis on ES in the last 20+ years recognizes his voice.
  12. I'm against all political boycotts so I actually support LeBron forcing the issue. As for LeBron's ego, it's obvious at age 35 he wants to go out as #1 no matter what Leonard, Giannis or Doncic do elsewhere
  13. Told ya, LeBron ain't gonna let this boycott shit fly. He wants Kareem's overall points record etc. Back to business.
  14. Especially when you consider Osaka was booed like crazy back in the USO final. Somehow the political crusade morons didn't consider that racist at all
  15. The more things change, the more they stay the same. And it will come down to money since owners will sue over all these guaranteed millions for sitting on the couch. That shit ain't gonna fly for long. Hell, it won't fly until next season whatsover IMO.
  16. Lukashenko claims Poland wants to annex Grodno Region Go, Tiger!'s-desire-to-annex-Grodno-region-329071
  17. Given how everything is getting boycotted in the last few hours I don't expect the logo to be unveiled anytime soon. Hell, I expect Los Angeles to cancel the Games alltogether to make a statement. That would be oh-so fitting in this politically-skewed era. Cancel Culture Rulezzzz
  18. Serena Williams is still on the Margaret Court GS record chase. Cancelling USO would make her extremely upset IMO Unlike MLB or NBA there is no guaranteed money in tennis. You make what you earn on the court (and you have to pay your trainers, medica staff etc.). That's why boycotting the season isn't really an option, it's an individual sport where you are truly on your own out there and let's face it, you can make a solid living if you're in the Top 100-150 and then it goes truly downhill if you are ranked outside 200. Then it's about earning every penny on the ITF 25k circuit. Making a political statement is cool but only if you can afford it. Otherwise reality bites you hard.
  19. Yeah, sooner or later owners will demand the money back if there is zero play or let's say next season is in danger of being boycotted/cancelled too. In what business you are getting paid hundreds of millions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing? Entertainment is a slippery ground, sports is one of the top branches there, you begin to feel the need for it once it's gone. Btw, how many Hollywood TV shows or movies are getting cancelled due to BLM boycotts? My guess is ZERO? Go and figure. These Hollwyood actors are oh-so liberal and progressive but not when it comes to their own job. You ain't gonna hear Tom Cruise boycotting the Mission Impossible franchise anytime soon. Or Ben Affleck quitting the Batman job!
  20. Tennis is a rich man's sport. No way they will cancel the whole tournament or US Open for that matter. It's one sport - especially for women - when there is a ton of money to be lost. Nobody profits from cancelling matches so this one day deal is only an excuse which is good.
  21. But Americans still think their way is the only right way and everyone else should listen to them
  22. So much for that social equality then, huh? Welcome to the real world where 1% of its population owns 80% of its wealth. I suppose you're not boycotting Amazon though?
  23. There's no need for any conversation. People will get killed by police over and over again all over thw world. Boycotting a baseball season won't change anything PS. I wonder if Bryce Harper or Mike Trout forfeit even an ounce of their 200 millon contracts because they're not playing games?
  24. LeBron's legacy is still on the line. He didn't come to Lakers to have seasons cancelled over political reasons. If there's one player furious over games being postponed, it's LeBron for sure.
  25. More people would have been angry if the season got cancelled One cancelled practice for Detroit Lions doesn't mean anything.
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