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Everything posted by Monzanator

  1. He hasn't exactly failed at taking advantage of how divided the USA is in the last decade. The same way Boris Johnson took advantage of the Brexit division in the UK society when it seemed like Labour is gonna win back power based on how chaotic Tories looked after the referendum. You don't have to be a leader to become a leader in the modern times. You just have to play the divided cards right and the whole progressive vs moderate campaign among the Democrats is making Trump's job a lot easier. If he wins the second term it won't show how strong he is but rather how weak the Democrats are. If Trump has failed miserably then I can't even say how pathetic Hilary Clinton looks like right now tbh.
  2. Trump is a businessman, first and foremost. He treats politics like business. USA has bankrolled Israel for the last 60 years, I suppose Trump wants the Jewish lobby in USA to give him some of that money back. Muslim countries are traditionally against USA, you've lost Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia isn't as US-friendly anymore either? No wonder Trump has picked the Jewish businesses over the Muslim. I'm shocked that after all those years you guys still judge Trump by political measures. He's not a politician and never will be - even though he was voted into a political office.
  3. .... aaaand she's can't! Vintage Linette who can't close it out in straight sets. Serving for the match but still lost it in the tie-break Off to set #3...
  4. You can't be a Nazi and pro-Jewish at the same time Trump is the most Jewish-friendly US President in history and setting up the embassy in Jerusalem proves that after all
  5. Linette takes first set vs Kovinic 6-1. Let's see if she can avoid the drama in the second
  6. Miguel Oliveira got engaged to his step-sister Apparently they were in a relationship for 11 years already (no prize for guessing to whom they lost virginity to?) This feels like 19th century, you're dating the girl the closest to home but Oliveira has taken this to another level indeed.
  7. She was supposed to retire at the end of the season anyway. Obviously a tough break.
  8. Germans say Navalny was poisoned by old buddy Novichok. This only underlines how much Russia is playing their own game while EU & everyone can bugger off (since this happened during the Belarus protests which for once shifted the focus from Putin to Lukashenko).
  9. I suppose in two years time people will "discover" that SOG 2028 actually has a logo already. Let's be honest, these logos are pretty forgettable once it's all said and done. I remember them best from when I was a kid and had these T-shirts with logos. But I don't remember any single logo from a period when I was an adult already
  10. Has Biden actually done anything in the last two months? Even at the convention they had some speeches by random people from home. Trump is all over the news as usual - good or bad - but Biden has gone invisible. That will be a curious way to win an election - by literally hiding away God knows where. I've come across more Nancy Pelosi news in the last two months I can understand Biden is afraid of COVID given his age but will he actually show up before November?
  11. Nuggets beat Jazz 80-78 in Game 7 of West 1st Round. Nuggets only scored 30 pts in the second half. That's a points score straight from the 90s right there
  12. Nancy Pelosi exposed as a total hypocrite. Hair salloons are closed but political bozos can always have a blow dry at any point they want to And of course she doesn't wear a mask despite accusing Trump of doing the same Pathetic.
  13. Trust me, I can do without Billie Eilish and Reese Witherspoon when it comes to Olympics
  14. This isn't exactly unique. I lost count how many times the Wallons and Flemish were at odds over political reasons in Belgium in the last decade alone. No wonder democracy is a hard sell these days if the backbone country of European Union can't find an agreement Ten years ago Belgium wasted "only" 541 days without a government–2011_Belgian_political_crisis
  15. I presume a lot of African Americans classify as the blue collars though and here's the Trump mystery addition. Democrats have lost the Deep South in last few elections anyway and I guess that's not entirely down to African-Americans moving to other states compared to 60s or 70s. Democrats are fielding an old white guy to compete vs another old white guy. And Biden is actually older than Trump. Post WWII Democrats have done well when they fielded a younger hansdome guy like Kennedy, Clinton or Obama.
  16. Over in the UK Labour started losing stonewall seats in the North East and even the Brexit shitshow couldn't let them back to power. Blue collars are conservative people by nature who will never vote for cheap labour seekers who are coming for their jobs. These people historically voted for the left-wing parties only because of the working rights' support not because of gav rights or stuff like that. Democrats have abandoned these people and focused on liberal ideology plus allowing more immigrants into States. Blue collars will never vote for a party that would happily hire thousands of Mexican immigrants in their place (for less salary).
  17. I suppose she can beat Kovinic tbh. As for Gauff, Sevastova was as tough R1 as it gets. I know the Americans and Anglo-Saxons don't give a damn about Latvia and it's all Gauff hype there but this result isn't a surprise by any means
  18. Democrats have lost the blue collar workers. It's as simple as that It's very unfashionable to look after those people in modern politics and social media trends and guess even four years of Trump hasn't learned them anything.
  19. Linette vs Inglis about to start. Even considering Linette's habits this should be a straight-forward match. I haven't seen Inglis play b4. I thought she's younger than 22yo tbh.
  20. Schwarztman was the highest seed in Hurkacz's quarter so R4 suddenly becomes very possible
  21. That's the price of taking up a sport which starts at such a young age. Everyone knows teenagers thrive for group approval among their peers, it's a case of psychology and ISU raising the minimum age ain't gonna solve any issues here. Alexandrovskaya was mentioned specifically here so so other "multiple skaters" don't really count at this stage. Speaking of suicides, what's up with the John Coughlin sexual harrassement case? Was anything done to make it clear whether he was guilty or not or was the case swept under the carpet after he killed himself?
  22. Maturity counts for little when it comes to soloists, it's obvious teenagers have a bigger chance of better results before they grow up into adult shape. What next? You will forbid skaters from doing quads before a certain age? What if someone commits suicide out of frustration of not being able to compete? Becoming a stripper at age 21 rather than 19 will solve the fake issue ISU is trying to create here (as related to Alexandrovskaya's "second life")? Like really?
  23. Yeah, Russia is one country that still reigns supreme in figure skating. Just look at all the naturalized Russians competing for other nations. USA has sure given up on the Cold War in figure skating in the last decade or so. Once Simone Biles retires the same probably happens in gymnastics especially in wake of the Nassar scandal.
  24. I read this on a Polish website. Now I found an explanation and it's linked to Ekaterina Alexandrovskaya's death. A total overreaction indeed. Like people at age 25 can't commit suicides because they only participated in senior champs two years later than they could have.
  25. I read some news that ISU considers upping the minimal age for international senior championships from 15 to 17. Sigh. Like that will make all these female soloists extend their careers all of the sudden. No offense but ladies is the only category that provides international competitors at age 15-16 so I wonder what's up other than trying to hamper the Russian teenagers. It feels like even USA doesn't bring up prodigies like Kwan or Lipinski anymore (dare I say the US teens discovered they can break through in other disciplines and figure skating isn't considered truly elite in USA anymore)?
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