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Everything posted by rybak

  1. I would say 11 as surely there is at least few cases in but of course we will never know about it...
  2. Finally an good news (at least for me ) in these terrible days.
  3. Polish Prime Ministry just announced state of epidemic here, this means that all schools, cinemans, shopping centers etc. remains closed at least until Easter, punishment for breaking the quarantine is now sixs time bigger than previously (from 5000 PLN to 30 000 PLN) Atm we have 411 cases with expecting around 1000 in next week.
  4. I know that it will be sound terrible but maybe her death, at young age will finally help to understand everyone that not only elderly people die for corona and finally more people will stay in home and not leave until pandemic will be over as everyone is telling this since two weeks. I don't want have here second Italy
  5. I read that in some bodies virus can be even by 21 until first symptoms of illness, people might don't know that are infected and by leaving home can infected another people. If literally everyone would stay in home by three weeks then virus probably could spread less.
  6. 355 cases and 5 deaths in total in For now there is around 300 confirmed cases less than statistics and Ministry of Health expected few days ago.
  7. The Games should be definitely postponed to 2021. Even if Japan will be free from virus until July there is no reason to risk health and life of athletes and spectators for two weeks event, because surely in many countries virus won't be defeated until summer and athletes/fans can transfer the virus to Japan once again and infected thousands of people. For now athletes even can't qualify to these Games because everything everywhere is postponed/cancelled, many of them stays in home and can't prepare as they planned it, changing qualification system 4 months before Games is unfair even considering current situation. Let's everyone recover from this virus to next year, there is no need to be hurry, life is more important than a sport.
  8. I have been for a while in Salerno in last summer
  9. Highly probably OQT in men's basketball will be cancelled as well and last 4 free places will be awarded to the highest finished not qualified teams yet during World Champ, which means that Serbia, Czech Republic, Poland and Lithuania will qualify.
  10. Big number of recoveries, that's good.
  11. Well, it's not surprise at all but still i'm very sad, even this year songs quality was terrible... 64 years with contests in a row are gone For now Netherlands, Spain and Ukraine confirms that they will send the same artists in 2021 if contest will happen. Estonia and Sweden will change artists
  12. I'm not dcro but as I see "only" Australia, Malta and Serbia left to vote
  13. 238 cases and 5 deaths in Today was first confirmed case in Podlaskie Voivodeship which means that now in all Polish Voivodeships is at least one confirmed case...
  14. That is the cover of today's number of the most popular Polish sport newspaper.
  15. Kristofer Hivju aka Tormund from Game of Thrones is tested positive....
  16. Now 177 cases and 4 deaths in According our Ministry of Health we will reach the peak of cases and deaths in 2-3 weeks, then, if people will respect restrictions number of cases will slowly down. Hopefully he is right and sooner than later we will come back to normal life
  17. is going to be totally lock down from tomorrow for at least 15 days, accoridng media after Macron's speech.
  18. This event shouldn't start at all, but if they decided to hold this then it should be finished after all... What a dumb decision. I know that it's not important at all in this moment, but if the tournament will be continued in later date then the athletes might be in not their the best form and results will be unfair...
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